MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Lorena Bobbitt.

Lorena Bobbitt.

Hi folks.

Briefly wondering, this may indeed have been discussed before here, there and everywhere (even though I do admit that until the end of last year, I never even heard of her or what she's done until I stumbled upon it by sheer accident but anyways) but I was wondering.

What do you personally think of Lorena Bobbitt and in your opinion, why DID she manage to do what she did and was she right or wrong?

To those of you who have absolutely no idea who we're talking about, in 1993, I believe, she basically castrated and in that sense murdered her husband (I doubt most men would survive THAT), who is believed to have been quite an abusive figure in her life as well, but she became well known and famous for it whilst causing a great deal of controversy, and it was rumoured that some feminists even endorsed her actions.

But is everything in the story as it seems, was she justified in doing the deed or was she a little like that woman called Abe Sada which, based on a true story, was featured in the movie "In the Realm of the Senses" ("Ai no Corrida") (1976), a controversial Japanese 70s acclaimed movie?

And why, SORRY if it IS "disturbing" and "inappropriate", did she REALLY choose to sever his penis like that, as in, why couldn't she kill him in a more "humane" and "civilized" manner? Does she assume or did she assume that all male sex organs, the penis, are symbols of threating power and that severing them off is the right course of action, of men of course, like that or?

And was her male victim really guilty of some or other forms of inhumane treatment towards her like that? And even so, did he DESERVE it?

I wouldn't of course mention ANYTHING about any kinds of role reversal "scenarios" here and not JUST for reasons related to political correctness (Ah, we don't want to over complicate our minds TOO much, now do we?) so I will leave any of those other parts off.

But anyways, Lorenna Bobbitt and her actions, justified or wrong and inhuman acts of vicious torture resulting in also death and thus murder, what do you think, thanks.


How is this even debatable?

If Lorena Bobbitt put a knife into his chest while he was attacking her, that might be self defense. The fact that she cut off his penis while he slept proved that it was clearly a personal and vindictive vendetta; one that took some thought and some planning to carry out. You don't cut off a guy's junk because you're afraid of him.

But in case anyone is still unconvinced, let us indeed reverse the scenario (yes this *is* fair game): a guy thinks his woman is abusive to him or otherwise feels damaged by her or her actions. He takes a knife and does a female genital mutilation on her (and he's not Muslim, which is really a sport for them...). Would you say his actions were debatable?


But even WITHOUT reversing any scenarios here OR there, could we STILL judge the incident on its own merits and come to the conclusion around it? Unless of course, we believe that only men are capable of evil and women are mostly innocent or victims - and at the hands of men to boot? (Keep in mind also that women can get pregnant and are generally by nature far less physically strong than men - I think this is partially why men commit MOST crimes. For example.)

Also, did he really, well OK, he didn't die, but seriously. How on Earth can a man survive THIS? I mean, the blood loss for one would be ENORMOUS and he would go usually into terrible shock and whatnot, I don't think I would survive something like this and live.

Did she put something to stop the blood loss after the deed to keep him from dying? (For the record, in the movie "Ai no Corrida" (1976) ("In Realm of the Senses"), after the lady cuts off the man's pecker at the end (SORRY fo the spoiler), besides the fact that apparently the man is innocent who didn't violate her, sexually or otherwise, in the movie, the man actually DOES die - and that movie was ALSO based on a true story.

Seriously, how on Earth did he survive?


And also strntz, did those types of "fair game reversal scenarios" even CROSS her mind when doing such a deed, or did she simply not CARE about it?

Or did women and other people in general prior to our digital age including but not limited to 1993 simply not KNOW about those whole "ah, but what if a man who was abused by the woman decided to level with her by analogically doing the similar thing as part of vengeful retribution?" types of role reversal thinking, hence why she went ahead anyways without thinking in hypocritical "what if scenario" case terms?

As in, maybe a potential thought of that type simply NEVER even REMOTELY crossed her mind, and minds of most other people because apparently being a man and having a PENIS in itself is something seriously, well, wrong, and it gives men privileges to be abusive in the worst sense and whatnot, that's why if need be its OK to sever it, but no one even of any type of Alex De Large from "A Clockwork Orange" or Adolf Hitler would ever think anything remotely similar about, well, you get the picture.


even thinking about this case makes me queasy


Things you say in your post seem to suggest you think he died from his injuries? As far as I know, he survived -- I think they even managed to re-attach it.

Just saying, for the record, the guy isn't dead.

As for your question, no of course not, nobody is "justified" in causing that kind of harm to someone, but some people might understand the anger behind such an act of violence. WHich still doesn't make it RIGHT


He even did a porno afterward with his reattached penis.


Ew! Didn't know that!


How did I miss this thread.

Yes it was called Frankenweenie.


John Wayne Bobbitt survived. After the world's most drastic bris, Lorena jumped in the car, took a drive and tossed the penis out the window. Fortunately for John Wayne (whose namesake was certainly rolling over in his grave), they recovered the penis, doctors reattached it, and it worked--well enough that JW was able to perform in an explicate adult movie.


Yes, I recall now -- I'm not sure why the OP thinks he died! :/


He didn't do any research, Prelude, he just jumped to a conclusion.


Able to perform is a very generous assessment.


Sentient, I didn't see the film, I just went by reports. I may be a guiltily of lack of due diligence as the OP, but I think you can understand my lack of
interest. I also know that you have never seen me create a topic out of ignorance, unlike this OP.


It's a glass half empty/half full situation... On one hand, it's amazing that they were able to reconstruct some semblance of a penis, but it seemed no longer to function as a normal healthy one would.

I do understand your lack of interest and I'm guessing few have seen it, however anyone who went to video stores in the nineties may have watched it out of curiosity. I'm not even sure what the OP was saying... most of these threads are troll threads and I only check once in awhile to see how the board is doing. I'm glad it's getting more traffic but still sadly it's mostly low quality posts that have little to do with serious film discussion.


I am totally with you that we are in Troll City and the OP has severe mental health issues.


Why really jump to such conclusions Kane? And its not as if the internet itself is full of such similar discussions. My mental health issues aren't anymore serious than that of an average depressed teenager or a dementia suffering elderly patient.

And I am sure as hell not the only reminder to you that you don't live in a free, peaceful and innocent world out there.

Oh and oh yeah - no one's perfect either.


In 2018 and onwards, I might as well not appear on internet and "discuss" anything at all - would that make me more or less "ignorant" than I am today at (Yeah, this is kind of off-topic but still...) And no, I am too full of myself to take any even deserved criticisms here or there (nah, just kidding, its alright, folks.)


I like her style...never heard of it before about this case.


You like that she cut off her sleeping, helpless husband's cock? Explain yourself, and, please, without elepses. You are not editing out content from a quotation. If you need to pause to think, then PAUSE, and then WRITE. I want your answer to consist of whole sentences that are not interrupted by any elipsis ( . . .), because it is not only annoying, it is manipulative. ("Oh, this is so hard for me. Not my native language.") I don't buy it. It's typing and thinking. Stop. Think. Type without dots. Can't do that? I don't take you and your games seriously. We shall see.



Also, how come when she was invited onto some American talk show, she was like normal, happy and sweet and feeling absolutely no conscience, remorse or even - if she feels justified, worried that many people would (and justifiably so) look down on her, almost as if she did absolutely nothing wrong much less castrated a man?

Wouldn't most women or people in general after doing such a deed be too afraid to go on public television and feeling as normal as if they are ordinary people on some kind of game show or a wedding celebration?

I mean - come on now.


On "Eurotrash", there was this one episode with the presenter back in 1999 that said "Cut my balls off and give me the vagina", I wonder - was this case ever in mind of the presenter or anyone else working on that episode then?

P.S. What does this say about men and women if some say or think it isn't that much of a horrible sin to cut off a man's pecker like that?

P.S.S. I wasn't in any way suggesting it was acceptable but I *kinda* wanted to delve deeper into the mind of Bobbitt as to what she may have been thinking to even remotely do something like this. You know, psychology 101.


She should write a book about it all one day.

Also, it would be kind of interesting to hear her opinions on certain issues here and there including film-wise and film scenes wise in some or other places.


Tonnes of willies get cut off in Thailand, they've even got pamphlets on what to do should your willy be cut off (In Thai and English).

Go and find a Thai expats forum and ask around there.


If there were going to be a book, publishers would have approached her while it was still a current event; and she was not a popular, sympathetic celebrity, so a book's market potential was low. At the time, her English was very bad, one of the reasons why she was socially isolated and it was easy for her husband to hold her captive. Her mind was dull and uninspired, so a book, a post, an opinion from her would not be interesting.

PS Why all the cock-cutting in Thailand? Is there a hot dog famine?


Hot dog famine, LOL. :)


I ain't eating YOUR shish KA BALLS, lol. :)


As a female I cannot understand her actions. When it first happened I couldn't help but think of the act itself in gruesome detail in my head and my stomach churned. If you despise a bloke that much just get the fuck away from him.


What about as a human being sunny?

P.S. I know of course it WOULDN'T be appropriate to ask, but I kinda wondered, OK, its not alright either and it is wrong too, but what if instead of castrating him, she would've... OK, I'll stop there.


Good point but there seems to be a lot of fellas on this board that cry out for the female perspective. Again, you're right though, it comes from the human perspective.

Is your PS alluding killing? In some cases of extreme domestic abuse I believe a woman sometimes doesn't have any other choice if she knows he'll track her down and kill her.
