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It's The Least Wooooondeful Time Of The Year

What was once a warm, loving, spiritual, selfless and giving season has degenerated into what is possibly the saddest and most discouraging time of the year, and I think that we need to stop denying it. What my religion calls Christmas once was a time of peace on earth, goodwill to humankind, and a time of O. Henry's "The Gift of the Magii," a short story where a truly loving wife and husband each sacrifice their most prized possession (she, her luxurious tresses, he, his pocket watch) to raise the money to give her/his beloved the perfect gift (combs for her hair, a watchdfob for his watch). I wish that this magic were still in the world, and I think that it can be, again; but not while we are in denial. The aspirations of Christmas exceed human grasp. We stress ourselves out to make everything perfect for our loved ones and ourselves, but humans are imperfect, and that is okay all year around, including Christmas. We need to give ourselves permission to be imperfect. We need to remind ourselves that those whom we love KNOW that we love them, because we let them know every day, not just the day that we give them the iPhone X or the World Cruise. We need to start feeling with our hearts and stop being driven by what the commercial world puts into our heads. We need to step out of the mindless, consuming stampede that retail creates at this time of year, and march to what Henry David Thoreau called "the beat of a different drummer." We need to take care of ourselves at this time of year, and truly love ourselves, and only then can we make those whom we love feel loved, and cared for, and, for those of us who have a God, only then can we make that God feel loved, and cared for.

Please stop the insanity of the season. Love yourself and everything, I promise you, will fall into place. Happy REAL Holidays!


Lovely sentiments R_Kane


What was once a warm, loving, spiritual, selfless and giving season has degenerated into what is possibly the saddest and most discouraging time of the year, and I think that we need to stop denying it. ...snip... I wish that this magic were still in the world, and I think that it can be, again; but not while we are in denial.

I totally agree. My wife and I were just talking about that the other day. Even the term "Black Friday" galls me no end. Does anything describe commercialism of a holiday like Black Friday? What has any of this have to do with Christmastime as we've known it for the last few hundred years or Christmas in general?

I don't think this trend will ever be reversed as you hope. Ever. I do believe we are truly approaching the end of days. Sure there are small pockets of true Christian charity (and no, you don't need to be Christian to achieve this) in the world, but by and large the decay of the world morality is easy to track and it's on a downward spiral.

Something truly evil entered the world sometime after WWII and it's been eroding society and our morality like a cancer.

Sorry to be a gloomy Gus.


This is a great post, very well written, heartfelt and extremely informative,
It's just about 70 years too late, however, every now and then we have to be reminded
of the degeneration that has taken it's toll on the holidays and to bring the teens and 20 somethings
into the fold and make them understand how big business has taken over the world,
one of the biggest and most vicious countries in the world, China, would never think of threatening the USA, not because they're scared of us but because they make trillions shipping goods to this country, especially Christmas time, it's big business,,,,, again I say "great post" and spot on.


Agreed yawkee24...
R_Kane only posts quality...he simply cant post any other way!


Thank you, Shogun, yawkee, et al. I will have more to say in a bit.


Christmas hasn't changed, only you and your perception.


I agree RK.

I'm posting this again because I think it's important for people to remember what it's all about.

I adopt a family for Christmas .
On Christmas Eve I go to the shelter and serve food.
On Christmas day I have a big dinner for any of the college kids who don't have family
or can't get home for the holidays.

Giving is always better than receiving.


God bless you and keep you and your wife, Dewey.


Appreciate the kind words RK.

My wife is in a far better place then I ever hope to be.
You can thank her for anything that I do now.
