This board... fucking hilarious.

You all must be some of the most hateful, bitter people I've ever seen posts from.

This movie was excellent, but it's fine if you didn't like it, whatever, everyone has opinions. What the movie is NOT is, uh, "propaganda, woke garbage, PC, libtard, femeNAZI," whatever other terms everyone here is using. What the fuck? It's somehow "woke" for women not to want to be raped?!?! Take a look in the mirror, Jesus guys.

(I'm a straight white male by the way, so my opinion is valid)


you're blind to the whole "let's beat up and blame all white males" currently going on. that's fine. to each their own interests.


I'm not, at all. And while I do get defensive about it myself sometimes, I also admit that I have it pretty fucking easy in society, which is pretty bullshit, seeing what women and other races have to deal with.

Again, though--NONE of that has anything to do with this movie. Girls get date-raped and just plain raped all the fucking time, and it's pretty awesome that people are making movies about it. Especially really good ones like this.


I'm one of this other races you speak of...please tell me how I don't have it as good as you, benevolent white man.

Go fuck yourself.



Haha, whaaaaaat. I obviously don't know you personally, but I don't have to deal with racism or sexism. That's pretty obvious.


No shit, you're just the one who dishes it out.


I'm saying you're a fucking racist.




Alright David a white person, what right do you have that I don't?


I would answer that question if I honestly for a second believed you weren't a white dude trolling


Answer then


You missed the point--I don't believe that.


So negative racist are like David Duke...they hate other races .. look down upon them...see them as a distant class...

You on the other hand are a positive racist... You respect minorities (and women) because they face adversity that you, as a straight white guy, will never understand...

Just like the negative racist, you see a distant chasm between you and them...never the same... Same thoughts, same STRUGGLES, etc...


Hey, as long as I'm positive, I'll take it :)


Who's the troll now?


Not trolling, just not getting anywhere with you, if you're serious. You're just trying to be a jerk.


You think you're better than him because you're white? That's crazy dude.


You respect minorities (and women) because they face adversity that you, as a straight white guy, will never understand...

and thats what has set you off on this tirade??

You're pissed off because Ant acknowledges that racism exists?


Would you believe as I minority I have more rights than you as a white guy?

Check this out: as a minority I have a card that gets me free medical, dental, a house, a car... Can you do that as a white guy?

Who is the oppressed one?


I'll humor you for a second I guess--can you point to where I said that I have more rights than anyone, you fucking weirdo?


Ok any difference
... I listed a list myself a couple messages ago..


Ok, you said "pretty easy" easy how?


Back up a second, there's a card that gets you a free house and a car?! That's pretty sick. I take back everything.


Thank you... Extra point question: what race am I?


Clearly Indonesian


Clearly he’s a white guy trolling. He uses all the tropes that racist whites believe. That because he’s a minority he gets “free medical, dental, a house, car” That just because there is not a law that explicitly targets a certain race doesn’t mean there are systemic problems minorities face.


(I'm a straight white male by the way, so my opinion is valid)

no, your opinion is as useless as the others, why are you such a racist?


That was clearly a joke. *eye roll*




It is not just this board, it is literally any movie mainly featuring any race or sexuality or gender identity other than straight white cismale. I actually didn't realize how many white males, that would be interested in a movie message board (not solely, but a good majority here) are emotionally and intellectually stunted to the level of prepubescent children.


we used to just go see movies. now, the internet gives everyone a voice to jump on the trigger de jour.
after business financial analytics research on who spends how and when, goes out the window as we speedily diversify every race and sex into all future media, effectively repelling half on BOTH sides, the numbers will drop, profits evaporate, and they will call everyone RACIST for not support films people just are not interested in.

I'm white, never saw one Tyler Perry movie. Am I racist? No, they simply haven't interested me. That said, I love both of Jordan Peele's films - and he says he is making films for black people... because it is what he knows. BOTH his films were INTERESTING to me. It's not about diversity, it's about making a GOOD movie. Will he be stuffing asians, gays, hispanics, and trans into his films? Time will tell.


That's the thing--having "asians, gays, hispanics, and trans" in his films wouldn't even be "stuffing." It would be portraying the world like it is, whether intolerant people like it or not. I had no idea five years ago that literally over 20 people I know identify as trans. This is all very new to me, and I'm not going to debate the validity of it, but they are here in our society, in magnitudes. Even more gays. Even more Asians and hispanics, obviously. Reflecting these people on film is only natural.

But again, this doesn't have anything to do with this movie. It's a movie about a chick fighting back against rapists. How the fuck could that ever upset anyone?!?!


it's only, all, has been, and ever will be about the numbers: how much money do things make? Lets say a place is 80 percent caucasian, 20 everything else.... would you make sure ALL your movies there were 50/50 all races and creeds and sexual orientations? FINANCIALLY, no, this makes no sense. End of the day, and every day, movies are a BUSINESS FIRST, always.

PERSONALLY, I never mind other races, sexes, etc in the lead as long as the STORY is interesting, and acting is good - not acting shoved in to meet a diversity quota... I ONLY care if the overall movie is good, and NEVER question the leads, unless it is NOT good. I've recently seen many a film with diversity SHOVED in, where the film was not good - not due to diveristy, but due to bad directing a dull story.... do they expect the DIVERSE audience to ramp up the numbers, even when the movie sucks??

THIS movie seems to pick on the white male rapists. (maybe there are others, I'm going to watch it) Thus, KICKING the audience it wants money from. Thanks to "woke", thanks to "diversity" and on and on, it's going to piss a lot of people off.


I know it's going to piss a lot of people off. I have seen that it has pissed a lot of people off. That is literally what this post is about. Those people are stupid. That is the point. Your responses, especially having not seen the movie, are trite and useless.


and you WERE welcome to ignore them :)


Why would I ignore a response to my post? I'm not rude.


There is nothing racist about not seeing a Tyler Perry movie, I havent either. It IS racist to be mad they exist. That is the issue.


I wouldn’t go that far, you could be elitist and be mad they exist cause he makes terrible movies, but if you aren’t mad at the Fast and Furious franchise too... then maybe it’s racism


I agree with that....I only used Tyler as the example because that is what the above poster used.
I am talking that group that are all fake outraged every time a black person makes a hit movie. A lot of these message boards are riddled with it.


White grievers are about all you see on these boards nowadays. The mods don't care about it, so moviechat has become a haven for it.


White grievers
I like that one .
like theyre grieving for the good old days when a man could come home from work , give his wife a beating , then head out to the kkk meeting for some communal racism


I thought being a straight white male makes your opinion 'invalid'?

This film is not for you remember.

Your woke points have been revoked, nice try though.


Yeah, that was the joke. :-\


It was the best joke in this thread.


Yeah this movie was amazing. I'm sure these scummy guys hating haven't even seen the movie. If they have and they're still like "woe is me, the white man," they're pretty much advertising their desire to abuse women without consequence.


they're pretty much advertising their desire to abuse women without consequence.

spot on


You all must be some of the most hateful, bitter people I've ever seen posts from.

This movie was excellent, but it's fine if you didn't like it, whatever, everyone has opinions. What the movie is NOT is, uh, "propaganda, woke garbage, PC, libtard, femeNAZI," whatever other terms everyone here is using. What the fuck? It's somehow "woke" for women not to want to be raped?!?! Take a look in the mirror, Jesus guys.


Well said sir!
But as i'm sure you've noticed this board has a high proportion of militant white women hating racists who really lose thier shit when a woman or a colored gets some sort of screen time
...and if there isnt any of that occurring for them to bitch about they'll start whining because "the bad guy is white"
It's comical to watch really .
the depressing thing is its probably a microcosm of real life society views , just that here (and presumably the internet in general) they mouth off about it more


I don't even know what movies they like. They seem to hate everything, except maybe a Christopher Nolan movie. Well, except for Tenet that is.

I'm all for discussion and differing opinions (I don't even mind it if you hated this movie as it does have a tone and style you either like or hate), but you can't discuss anything when they start from a place of "Not another Librul Feminazi movie woke SJW" and do this on every movie. It's obnoxious and one reason I come here less often.
