Loses 1.2m viewers


Latest episode down to 0.674, it premiered with 1.860.
18-49 demo down to 0.10, that is bad, llike really bad.

How for the love of god has this been renewed for a second season, this is only half way through the season.

Some girls make up unboxing video gets more viewers than this lol.

Get woke, Go broke


How nice that you seem to take pleasure in the misfortune of everyone who works hard on this show and relies on it for an income.

All cool, Be a tool


They knew what they were getting into.


Yeah, the fuckers deserve what they get.



Wow the very definition of a white knight.

Did the facts hurt your feelings.

The show is dying because it is bad, what is wrong with posting that.

This show is the absolute epitome of "Get Woke, Go Broke". Everything about it is for pushing narratives and agendas instead of an actual entertaining story.

I'm sure the CW will thank you for your comment, ohh wait no they won't.


Well I doubt that anyone involved in this production entered into it with the intention of NOT entertaining people.

I feel bad when any show tanks, even if I'm not a fan. My point was you seem to be relishing in this bad news and using it to push your anti-woke agenda.

There's like a million posts like this with nasty shit heads taking pleasure in seeing anything progressive fail. Your post is a mere facsimile and certainly nothing special.

And why do you assume I'm white?


Nothing i've said is nasty.

Really, "White Knight" you think has something to do with race, that's funny.

How are facts "Anti Woke Agenda"?

I posted the facts that the show has lost 1.2 million viewers since it premiered and made an exaple that youtube videos get more views, again how is that "Anti Woke Agenda".

There is nothing Anti Woke or any other buzzword you want to use. Let me guess because it has a woman or even a lesbian woman we can't have a go at a crap show which it is, it is real crap, beyond ridiculous.

Facts are facts, the show is terrible and losing viewers every week.

Ohh and no matter how the facts hurt your weak sensibility i can post what i want. Scroll on by if you don't like it.


May I remind you that you used the buzzword woke first "Get woke, Go broke" ring any bells?

I am amused, not hurt in the least, but thank you for your concern.

I appreciate you dislike the show. I hope you feel you have achieved what you wanted with this post. Good day to you.


Not a buzzword, there are actually 4. "Anti Woke" is still a buzzword, i really don't see your point but from what i've read you really don't have one.

You turned this into a stupid argument by defending a show you have absolutely no vested interest in. Why because it has a female lead. I just pointed the numbers.

You called it "anti woke agenda", i was defending myself but you go ahead and play the victim, typical SJW. You turn it into race because i used a term that has the word "white" in it, you actually didn't even know what it was which is funny.

So be a typcal SJW and try to play victim when you went on the offensive first.

I achieved exactly what i set out to do and that was post the falling numbers of Batwoman Season One, for some reason you took it upon yourself to have a go at me for posting those numbers.


Oh you mean white knight in that I rush to the defense of something or someone being maligned? Yes, I'm familiar with the term. Unlike you and the concept of irony, it would appear.

SJW - there's another buzzword (or is it a buzz acronym?) used when anyone questions anything written by conservatives. It means nothing to me, call me an SJW, call me whatever you like, just don't call me baby until you pay for the first date.

"How nice that you seem to take pleasure in the misfortune of everyone who works hard on this show and relies on it for an income." - is not a hostile, derogatory or an insulting comment to my mind. I said exactly what I thought, that you were being unnecessarily catty. Maybe I should have just said "retract the claws bitch". I do apologise.


You don't leave shit floating in your toilet, so why would this "show" deserve to stay afloat?


The plural of agendas is agendae.

Yes, I am making fun of you.


I think he's enjoying the idea that a message will be sent to broadcasting companies that people want good stories, not progressive political PSAs.

Progressive shows can still exist, but it has to be organic storytelling.

I think this is demonstrated by the success or failure of many of these things. Movies like Black Panther told stories with a progressive stance - the Black/African superhero movie - but they put the characters and the story first. As a result, they do gangbusters.

Now, I'm just going off the trailer - I haven't watched Batwoman - but the trailer was forceful in its Progressive commercial-ness. If the show is like the trailer, that might have turned people off.

I doubt the OP is reveling in the hope of the unemployment of workers.

I also doubt most of the crew and team that puts this show together will remain unemployed for long if it goes off the air. I think most of the guys setting up lights and creating costumes will go work for other shows. Keep in mind that if Batwoman goes off the air, CW won't leave slot empty, they'll employ people to make a different show.


All these cable channels are subsidized by cable subscriptions.

The only way to starve the beast, is to cut the cord.


All of the CW shows have really low ratings. Nothing new. Batwoman will probably go at least 5 seasons, even with these ratings.


Still surprised it made it passed the pilot.Terrible writing and the lead actress has 0 appeal.Woke people will settle for anything so long as it fits their agenda.


WOKE people don't watch super hero flicks. You can tell by the rating. LOL.


This is by far the worst of the Arrow-verse shows so its not surprising its doing so poorly what is a surprise is the fact that CW decided to give it another season. Oh yeah and Ruby Rose is a HORRIBLE 'actress'.
