Trailer's out

I don't know. It doesn't look half bad to me.
Honestly more interested in this than the sequel to the actual Michael Bay movie, Bad Boys for Life.


Well, it has Ryan 'Deadpool' Reynolds so it has to hold some goodness to it. But seeing that it's a Bay movie, going to be a shit tone of explosions with a generic plot.


While I don't think all of Bay's movie's have been good, you can't really accuse them of having generic plots.

The Rock is one of the most original action films of all time. Amazing movie, great plot. Pain & Gain and 13 Hours both draw upon very interesting true stories.

I guess you could say the Bad Boys films have generic plots. That would be fair. But I don't think you could rightfully say it about The Island.


Yeah, as I watched the trailer I was thinking "this looks good so far," and then it said "directed by Michael Bay," and my thinking switched to "this may not be good after all." However, the rest of the trailer looked fun. Ryan Reynolds delivers a hilarious line near the end, I think I saw Dave Franco in there somewhere along with no one else I recognized, and overall, I'm curious. I hardly get out to the cinema anymore (a 1-year-old and a 3-year-old will do that to you), but this seems like something I'll think to myself "I'd like to see that."


I've been waiting for this trailer for a while. It doesn't look as good as I was hoping it would, but I'll definitely watch it.

My prediction is that it won't rank among Bay's best, but it will be a fun enough way to spend a Saturday night.


Very curious what Michael Bay film aside from The Rock you rank as "not awful," much less his "best" work. :)


Well I think The Rock, Pain & Gain and 13 Hours are all legitimately very good movies. Those are his best three and I've seen them all multiple times.

The Island is okay. A little dull but not a bad film.

The Bad Boys films are not very good. Those I do not give a passing grade. They kind of suck.

The Transformers movies I would not call "good," but they are not without their charms. They've provided me with some entertainment and have a reputation that is worse than deserved.


Ok full disclosure I don't think I've seen too many of his films. Saw The Rock when it was in theaters and liked it. Saw Bad Boys during its theatrical run and didn't. Saw the first Transformers in a cinema as well, and hated it. Saw Armageddon when it came out and thought it wasn't very good. I know I saw The Island when it was new, and I remember not liking it but can't remember anything about it. And those are the only films of his I've seen. One good movie and 4 pretty terrible ones kind of put me off his work, plus I'm not a big fan of action films to begin with, so they have to be extra extra good for me to like them. All that said, this new one looks interesting. If it gets decent reviews I may catch a late showing some night when the little ones are abed.


If you don't like action films, Bay may not be the filmmaker for you.

But as I said, beyond The Rock, I think that Pain & Gain and 13 Hours are his best films. Pain & Gain is . . . I guess you could call it a crime comedy? . . . that is based on a true story.

Here's a trailer for you, if you're curious:

And 13 Hours is about the real-life 2012 Benghazi attack on two US government installations in Libya. I thought it was quite well-made.

Trailer for that one:

If either of those look interesting to you, I'd recommend checking them out.


The problem with michael bay films - they always have a ton of eye rolling scenes - where you know the shit makes no sense, and is simply impossible when applying what you've learned in grade 2.


The same can pretty much be said for the vast majority of action films released throughout history, just sayin...


This board is the first time I've heard of this film.


Sounds like Team Remo Williams


Reynolds is a charismatic lead, and it's written by the heroes from Deadpool (and Zombieland).

The Rock is an excellent action movie directed by Michael Bay. However, he had Bruckheimer looking over his shoulder. The super-producer also paid the money for a crackerjack script (with uncredited re-writes from Sorkin, Tarantino, and others).

Given the freedom to do as he pleases, Michael Bay seems to typically make dumb choices. That said, I'm definitely going to watch it. I'll start a Netflix subscription soon just to watch The Irishman.
