Worse than death proof

The ending was funny but the rest of the movie was boring.


i agree so much.


My friend said it dragged for her (also loved the ending and a few other moments) as well. Personally I loved it but if it had been shorter I would’ve been fine with it as well. I’m guessing it will be pretty divisive on opinions. Must be nice to be a film maker on QT’s level that can just make the films he likes and let people argue over their quality lol


Agree. You don't need a glossy review like OP seems to need when you can sum up his rubbish in 1 sentence. Brevity is the soul of wit. And his last few movies have been crap too.


I liked Deathproof.


I absolutely love it! 👍


I didn't think it was neccesarily bad but I do think it was wildly overrated. I wouldn't list it as pne of his better films. There really isn't much of a narrative as simply not much happens & for most of the movie. Unless you're nostalgic about late 60s Hollywood (I am not) or familiar with the historical events that this film toys around with(Not really), I really don't see how you can get that much enjoyment out of this film. I certainly didn't. It had the Tarantino trademarks of being stylishly filmed & made good use of its soundtrack but I feel it was ultimately a meandering late 1960s Hollywood nostalgia tour.

It actually reminded me of Death Proof in terms of long drawn out scenes of people talking without it pushing the narrative. I give it a solid 6 out of 10. A stylish, competently shot film that ultimately didn't have much to say.


I found it to be very engaging from beginning to end, though it did have a couple of dull moments in there. Moreover, I think you'd have to be a real asshole to dislike it or think it was a bad movie. Just my opinion bro.


i did fall asleep during this movie and wake up halfway thru the ending scene when shit was hitting the fan


best way . i was awake for the whole fucking thing waiting for something to happen :(


i did fall asleep during this movie and wake up halfway thru the ending scene when shit was hitting the fan
