What am I missing?

Let me preface this by saying that I enjoy non-mainstream, art house types of movies. Some of my favorite movies of all time fall into that category. So with all the buzz about "Parasite" and what a masterpiece it is, I was really excited to see it.

I finally watched it, and I'll say I found it mildly entertaining, but nowhere near the masterpiece people say it is. I mean right now, it is number #26 on the IMDB list of the greatest movies of ALL TIME. Are you kidding me? This is the 26th best movie of ALL TIME? I know the IMDB top 250 list is not the best gauge of great movies, but still, for so many people to rate it highly enough to get it to #26, I expected a lot more.


Reviews and ratings don't matter. Art is subjective.



I give it 4/10. I don't think you're missing anything. I think others are seeing something in this film that isn't there.


I agree, came here right after watching it, total mediocre let-down. I was hoping for a Pan’s Labyrinth once in a generation and was severely let down.


I felt the same way. It's entertaining, but no more than that.


It was a good movie, that S. Korean director has made other pretty good movies like The Host and Memories of Murder. But to win Oscar for best picture is pretty ridiculous I guess they have to give it to someone that's not white nowadays. By the way the Oscars lost 6 million viewers compared to last year..it's gone, as they say, DOWN THE TUBES.


It's now #22.

I think people are writing bots to upvote it on IMDb.


The IMDB top movies of all time are a joke. Isn't The Dark Knight in the top 10?
