MovieChat Forums > A Quiet Place (2018) Discussion > 3 things that bugged me... (Spoiler Aler...

3 things that bugged me... (Spoiler Alert)

1. Super Market opening scene... So in this world, staying quiet is vital, yet they trust their toddler to run around an abandoned super market, which can be quite messy, chaotic with objects everywhere. You trust your little toddler isn't going to make an accident? When the Dad appears, he even instructs the toddler to go get his mother. And when they leave, the parents walk ahead of the kids! With the toddler being the very last in line! SMH!! So can we really be shocked when this boy is the first victim? They are so careless! BTW, toddler, or 4-6 yrs old, it doesn't matter, the point is he was the youngest.

2. Getting pregnant in this world, really? Okay, maybe this one is explainable. Perhaps, she got pregnant before the "whole thing" happened. Whole thing as in virus outbreak, alien invasion, etc. We don't know what happened.

3. The Nail... although nobody else stepped on it. The nail was never removed, and there wasn't any scene to let us know the mom warned them about it. Even in the end when the three of them went down the same stairs, the camera focused on the nail. Obviously to make the audience nervous and wonder if any of the kids will step on it. You could argue that the family knew about it, and it didn't have to be explained on camera, but due to the continuity of the movie, I didn't see any opportunity for them to have this conversation off screen. If we are to assume that they did have a talk about how she injured her foot, and are aware of the protruding nail, and if the nail is no longer a problem then why zoom in or focus on it? Obviously to scare the audience. But like I said, it's illogical because it would be common sense for this mother to warn her kids. It wouldn't take much to do it also. Since she went down the stairs first, she could point to the nail, do some gesture, etc. But nope, nothing, no warning for her kids. Neither stepped on it, so it was their lucky day, no thanks to the mom. LOL!

Having said that... I enjoyed the movie, it was very tense!



#1. The dumbest part of this movie (a movie I did like btw). Not only is the kid stupid for doing it, but we also get a shot of him standing there defiantly with it held above his head. An entirely idiotic scene from the writing to the directing.

#2. I get it though. Either die out as a species or die out trying to keep the species alive. Death either way. I was expecting them to do something horrible like cut its vocal chord immediately.

#3. It kinda bugged me too. No problem with how it was pried up, leverage being science and all. I excused this part by assuming that by the time the nail was discovered, everything was going to hell. therefore there was no time to address it.

What bothered me was that the Aliens attacked anything that made noise. One of them attacked that video wall. So there they are walking around solid things and not bumping into anything so therefore they "know" what their surroundings are. Thus, a human form is detected but not attacked if silent. So then why were they not attacking the waterfall and stream and all the other natural noise makers? They should be lining every river like ants.

Daughter was dumb too. They had her behave a certain way to force the "it's my fault" and the "you don't love me" tropes. It was obviously her fault to a great degree and her dad obviously loved her. Why was she not allowed in the basement?

While I liked the silo scene, they were sinking at one point but didn't sink when they hid under the door. sigh

I also felt that the dad's suicide move was unnecessary. Another scene that served to deliver drama rather than realism.

Overall I liked the movie. A competent entry to the seldom good horror/suspense genre. The very end was nice. Almost felt like they had that ending in mind and hatched the rest of the story to fit it.


Oh yeah, also: The newspapers showed that society knew the aliens attacked sound. So no one ever used sound as a weapon against them? The feedback from a hearing aid is not unique.


1. Totally agree. It bugged me that they didn't have the kids in the middle, but I guess they let their guard down and were careless.

2. I believe it was an alien invasion. The aliens came from a meteorite and then I guess spread throughout the planet although we don't really know much about them or what happened as all communication throughout the world is cutoff. Anyway, I am assuming she got accidentally pregnant. I don't think any sane person would bring a baby into a world where they had to be completely silent.

3. I know I thought the nail was going to come into play again lol! I'm like the nail is going to be the main villain of this film! Anyway, yes it was used as a simple scare tactic after the mother stepped on it.

Overall, thought this was a great monster movie. I think this is one of those films where you should see it in the theater as it certainly creates a more intense atmosphere unless you have a great setup at your home.


I am not sure all of those things are as much of a movie error, I think they are human errors that anyone could make, which then had consequences that made the film evolve.

1. The toddler was under the surveillance of the older brother, which is later addressed in the film, as the father is trying to teach him to be responsible in case he gets killed. He will need to step up and take care of their family. When the father realises that the toddler is running around he gets called out and sent to go to her mom, which he does. All good and normal behaviour of a family as this trips look that they are quite often. On the other hand, about the toddler walking the last one, yes that is a mistake, which is addressed later in the movie (as I said before, human mistakes make the movie evolve) the mother mentioned that she could've carried the toddler but she didn't and felt guilty, and the father said that was no one's fault - that's called character development, feeling guilty and overcoming that is good for the character. The same happens with the deaf daughter, she also feels guilty for giving the Rocket to the toddler, even though she gives it without batteries, the toddlers takes them. In my opinion, the toddler getting killed is just no one's fault and not a movie flaw but an error made by a family that leads to a child getting killed in a world where the earth has been invaded by killing machines.

2. Getting pregnant is clearly a "compensation" for losing their son at the beginning of the film. or at least that is how I read it. So there is no logical explanation but an emotional one, they lost a son so they will try to replace it. Not the best decision form a practical perspective, but not a wrong decision if what you need is to have a child to cope with the pain of losing one.

3. The nail, yes it was never removed, IMO there was no time. The mother did warn them when she got the change, by alluding it when they went down the stairs, perhaps you missed it...


1. "Where's your mom? Go get her... oh wait, you stay here. Watch your little brother!" That would have been normal behavior in my family. Lol! I just wouldn't trust a little toddler to navigate a messy, abandoned super market to go fetch mom. These people can't even sneeze, and you're putting your lives on the line by trusting the 4 yr old?

3. Yes, I admit I may have missed it if it was subtle. But still very contrived considering the multiple close-ups of the nail to build tension. If a nail went through my foot, and I experienced the unimaginable pain, I think I'd be emphatic about the nail, so my kids don't go through the same pain, not subtle. So subtle some movie goers can miss it. LOL!

Delac147, all 3 of your points make sense. It's believable, but on the borders of stretching, hence, contrived.


The toddler was NOT under the surveillance of the older brother. His brother was ill and the mother was bringing him some medicine she found at the store. He was obviously very weak and was later carried by the father. Supposedly he was supposed to be watched by his sister who was not really "watching him" most of the time. He was in several areas where he was not supervised. Fortunately she DID see him reach onto the high shelf and try to get the toy space shuttle which almost hit the floor but she caught it before it hit.

To ME, he should have been able to keep,the toy but not have the batteries. I would find it hard to believe that they wouldnt have a use for the batteries back at the house but in any event, they shouldnt have been in reach of the toddler one he had the toy. The young boy shouldnt have been left at the rear of the group when returning home. He should have been along side of his sister or his mother or father.

HOWEVER this would have eliminated key plot points in the movie.


God yes, the nail bit was very stupid. First, stairs aren't built in that manner. The steps are installed after the sides have been installed first.

i. Any nails would be pointing down, not up.

ii. For a nail to work itself loose, the structure it is binding would have to come loose as well. The stairs were solid so there was no reason for a nail to work itself loose, and ,damn sure, not INCHES the way this magic nail works.

iii. The flat head of the nail would be another reason for the nail not working itself out of the wood in the way we are shown.

iv. Her laundry bag catches on it with the strength of a fish hook and she doesn't check it out. Exactly how long has this magical three inch nail been sticking out without anyone noticing?

This was the rare movie for me where the lazy script interfered with my enjoyment of the film. Not sure why critics are gushing over this one...


all good points,
i'm surprised more people weren't bugged by this


Personally the nail bothered ME more than other inconsistencies in the movie.
You are correct; there is NO LOGICAL reason that a nail would be in a step pointing upward, even though it was bent over (originally).
Even with some completely unexplained reason, it would seem inconceivable to me that at the first opportunity she would bend it over with a solid object and preferably tape over the thing so it wouldn't snag or gash anything in the future.
Removal would be a problem as pounding it out would make noise perhaps this is why it was bent over, but it doesn't explain its (illogical) existence in the first place.
The only reason the nail would exist is create a plot point.
It makes me wonder if any other matters involving the nail, may have been eliminated in a deleted scene.


The nail thing bothered me the most b/c WHO THE FUCK NAILS THE BOARD with the sharp end coming out on TOP?
Does that make sense to anyone, PEOPLE? I don't care that it the nail was hammered down before the mother accidentally pulled it up.

BTW, the mother did show the kids that protruding nail, she was just using sign language. She literally pointed at it when they were going downstairs.


I commented to a friend about the nail.
I too found it odd that when the laundry bag got snagged on the nail, she didnt attempt to see what the bag was caught on and free the bag.
Once she stepped on the nail, she SHOULD have gotten a board or something and bent the nail over so nobody, including herself, could get injured on it again.
In a panic,it is easy to forget about such things and simply warning people about the nail is a poor substitute for simply bending it over to eliminate the danger


3 things that bugged me...
Your thread title could be an alternate title for this movie.



where did that nail come from?
