TerManHater:Woke Fake



Youd like that wouldn't you?
Well, I wont do it!!!

Ok, here I go...
Everything is getting feminized lately.
Even girl stuff (Charlies Angels remake) is getting it!
Get that? They feminized what was already a full female lead!!!

Its all horrible and needless.


Profit loss must be in vogue right now.


Fucking men like you built the hydrogen bomb. Men like you thought it up. You think you're so creative. You don't know what it's like to really create something; to create a life; to feel it growing inside you. All you know how to create is death and destruction...


What... the fuck?


Someone doesn't get the reference. It is a quote from Sarah Conner in Terminator 2.


Yeah, Sarah really went off didn't she? But back then it didn't sound as preachy as it does now.


What the fuck!


Sounds like a male troll.


If they did a reboot of T1 today, Sarah would have an abortion.

To me she was almost that bad in T2 with what they did to her character.

At least there'd be no sequel.


What was done to her character in T2 that you don't like?


In the 80s with T1 she was fucking adorable, and you got to watch her grow in strength as a person.

In T2, they turned her into the 90s version of 'woke', an 'SJW Cave Woman', complete as a man hating single mother with snot-nosed punk kid, and Arnie playing her cucked boyfriend.

She was an entirely different, unrecognizable character - almost like some male fantasy dominatrix.

I understand that her personality would change with the experience of T1, but my feelings (based on seeing the original at the theater, and looking forward for years to T2) was that they turned her into a psycho cartoon caricature of a 90s strong woman.


You are aware that when Linda was asked to come back and do T2 one of her stipulations was "to make her crazy?" I'm not sure how the writers would have pull that off without turning her into what she was. Too bad they didn't include the dream sequence with Kyle in the theatrical cut because I think it showed that despite her outward appearance she was still scared and lonely and physically she looked softer and much more like Sarah from T1.

Dominatrix is a stretch IMO, but she really is hot in that black outfit out in the desert and I'm sure a lot of guys fantasized about her because of that.

I think the only time she got "woke" was when she was at Dyson's house ranting about men being responsible for all of the destruction in the world. Back in 91 it didn't seem that way to me, but today it does.


You are aware that when Linda was asked to come back and do T2 one of her stipulations was "to make her crazy?"

Nope, I wasn't aware of that. Do you have a link? Not questioning you, I'd just like to read the article.

Anyway, my take on the film was just that, my take - the success of the movie speaks for itself.



Scroll down about half way and she talks about how she wanted Sarah to be crazy. This is a current interview, but that particular comment has been bouncing around for years.

It's funny how we all view characters differently and like or dislike them for various reasons.

I'm a woman and I was always just so jealous of her body in T2 and her cool Matsuda sunglasses. LOL.


Good line from T2 but 2019 woke feminists hate women who have life growing inside them as it gets in the way of their career


I gotta give credit where credit is due. Your title is simply perfect.
