MovieChat Forums > Superman (2025) Discussion > Black Superman project likely dead

Black Superman project likely dead

Hamada was brought on in 2018 to chart a new course for DC after the implosion of the Snyder-verse with plans that were said to have included a “Crisis on Infinite Earths” event. Whilst talk of “Secret Six” were rumors only, films based on “Supergirl,” “Green Lantern Corps” and “Static Shock,” along with the J.J. Abrams-produced Black Superman film, were actually planned, but none have attached directors and so will likely be gone with Hamada.


Expect it will go down the toilet. With Discovery many planned projects are being shelved or reworked.


apparently not

Warners has also been developing a Black superman film written by Ta-Nehisi Coates and produced by J.J. Abrams, and Gunn’s new movie is said to not have an impact on that project, with Coates still working on the script.


Because this makes more sense than making a sequel with Cavill, Gunn.


It's dead. They're not doing a franchise line wide reboot including video games and cartoons and starting with a black Superman. Or multiple Supermen.


Maybe, its not like Gunn would come out and say 'yeah no way black Superman is happening, no one wants a black Superman lol'

It'll probably just be left to fade away..


They should make Black Superman gay as well. That would certainly draw in the fans.


make it trans and biracial - that way you get EVERYONE on board! lol


Yes! But black and Asian, of course, not black and white


Lois should be Native-American. They're almost always omitted from mainstream movies.


a better idea than black superman is to have new hero like superman. like "wonderman" and have him be black.

superman should only be play by chris reeve. no one else compare to him. henry cahill should be working in mcdonald.


Chris Reeve died. They're not going to end the franchise.

A black Superman would be interesting since it would have a different perspective rather than doing the same exact story ad nauseam. Even "Superman: Red Son" was interesting because he landed in the Soviet Union instead of the U.S.. There's nothing wrong with exploring different alternate stories for a new trilogy.

Henry Cahill's Superman was an antihero who created mayhem. His father brought him up to be a sociopath if you remember when he told him to allow the kids on the school bus to die. Batman thought of him as a threat. Interesting idea although I disliked the execution.


"They're not going to end the franchise."

they should keelai. superman should be retire when chris reeve die. he *is* superman. no one compare.

in 2006 film they get man who look like chris reeve's twin. but you need his talent not just look. that film at least try to have spirit of donner superman. henry cahill version is shit film with no spirt of superman.

henry cahill have no talent. he should be cleaning floor of movie set.


2006 Superman Returns grew on me. But, it's true that the actor didn't have Reeve's charisma. And the Lois actress was horrible.

Pretend you owned the Superman franchise. You earn tens of millions each time you license Superman to studios for Superman movies. And that drives sales for merchandise, toys, TV series, etc. which earns you even more millions. Would you end the Superman franchise now?

That is the reason you see movies and TV series repeatedly rebooted for a new generation. It keeps the money flowing. Some of the franchises are very old and dated with racism, sexism, etc. They need to be constantly updated to appeal to today's generation. An all white cast with women doing only housework won't sell in 2023. People who cry "woke" don't understand basic business.


2006 Superman Returns grew on me. But, it's true that the actor didn't have Reeve's charisma.

yes keelai 2006 superman was not bad. brian singer may be a bum tickler but he understand spirit of superman. superman film with henry cahill does not understand spirit. spirit of superman is important.

"Pretend you owned the Superman franchise.. Would you end the Superman franchise now?

yes. in honor of chris reeve i forbid all future shit superman movie to prevent insult to reeves character provided i already have enough monies.

hat is the reason you see movies and TV series repeatedly rebooted for a new generation. It keeps the money flowing

yes this makes sense keelai


No, you wouldn't! You wouldn't give up your mansions, servants, lamborghinis, Italian villa, private island, jet, and life of leisure which new Superman movies would continue to fund by the tens of millions each year for you and your family. George R.R. Martin's networth is $120 million. J.K. Rowling's networth $1 billion. Rich people don't give up their wealth. They try to add to it.

Reeve's Superman movies were already done which is the reason not to do them, again. Do something completely different. I wasn't going to watch the new "Lost In Space" TV series because Jonathan Harris's Dr. Smith was iconic. But, the series went in a completely different direction by not trying to redo Harris' performance and made major changes to the other characters and story. Ditto "Interview with a Vampire" series. That's the way to reboot!

How about a middle-aged Superman and other superheroes in a "Kingdom Come" trilogy?


"No, you wouldn't! You wouldn't give up your mansions, servants, lamborghinis, Italian villa, private island, jet, and life of leisure"

incorrect keelai i be very happy with only several million!! as long as i have one big house with inside home cinemas and swimming pool then that is good. maybe private chef who cook meal then go away.

i do not need dozen servants and other caretaker because i do not like strangers in my home constantly!! i do not need more than one home because that mean it need maintanence and more stranger in it! i do not need private jet because celebritys always die in private jet so i just fly first class all time with my several million in bank.

greed is terrible thing. human being do not need more than 10 million to live!!! jk rowling and every billionair should give money to third world. human being should not be billionair.

"I wasn't going to watch the new "Lost In Space" TV series because Jonathan Harris's Dr. Smith was iconic. But, the series went in a completely different direction by not trying to redo Harris' performance and made major changes to the other characters and story. Ditto "Interview with a Vampire" series. That's the way to reboot!"

i do not like reboots. i just like it if original cast come back. even if old.

"How about a middle-aged Superman and other superheroes in a "Kingdom Come" trilogy?"

if christ reeve was still with us, i would like to see him still do superman today. even as old man i think he better than young new superman.


I don't mind a reboot if it's so radically different to be practically unrecognizable, otherwise I agree with you about reboots.

If poor Chris were alive, he'd be on a respirator and in a wheelchair, therefore he couldn't play the role. A Superman who is POC, Soviet/Nazi Superman, set in the 1500s or other era, married w/kids, or middle-aged are radically different concepts.

Making money is an addictive drug to the rich. Also, Money = power.

If I had billions, I could buy a franchise like Superman or Star Wars and have some creative fun.


keelai if chris was paralyze only from waist and not neck, and could still move upper body, would you accept him as superman? i would. i think chris reeve in wheelchair > henry cahill.

"If I had billions, I could buy a franchise like Superman or Star Wars and have some creative fun."

yes there is many fun thing you can do. but would you give most of your billions away to worthy cause? i would keep 10-15 million and give rest to peoples who need it.


In the development dumpster with the white "Shaft" project.
