Great horror movie.

You will see no monsters here, no clowns, no two-headed creatures from hell... This is a psychological terror movie that messes up your mind. I really enjoyed it and I have watched it a few times. I am currently working on the English subtitles which I will publish on all major subtitles sites soon.


Agreed the terror works well. Watching alone in the dark will definitely scare you:)


It was pretty good.


I fair enjoyed myself!

Beyond the ouija board during an eclipse gimmick used to start the ball rolling this is really a fine example of a proper horror movie with a matching score indicative of 50's-80's horror flicks. The soundtrack is perfectly suited for that time in Spain and the cinematography is intensely well put together.

I hope to see more from the team. Felt like a nostalgic REC movie with more fear spent on the potential than any actual outcome.

For a horror 8/10 from me!


What do you mean "You will see no monsters here"? Based off the poster for this movie, Veronica seems like a vampire. In addition from the trailers it definitely looks like somethings wrong with her & you see a scene much like the poster or is that simply false advertising?

Is this simply a movie about a disturbed teen with no supernatural elements? I'd like to know.


There are definitely supernatural elements but she is just a normal (possibly disturbed) teen. Decent movie.



Def a movie that isn’t that great.there is nothing about it that’s scary or makes it the best horror movie ever.its not a bad movie to me just nothing great


Name a better psychological horror movie than this


"Name a better psychological horror movie than this?"

You don't have the time to read the list of what I'll put up on here.

"Name a better psychological horror movie than this"

Sheesh. You haven't watched a lot of movies I see.


Same. Also thought it was just ok.


Oh please eh,

It was bang average and added nothing new !

If you think this is a great horror movie, boy are you easily pleased !


No monsters, no creatures from hell? Did we watch the same movie? That's exactly what happened in the movie, she inadvertently summoned an evil entity with the ouija board.


That being said, I really liked the movie. Not the scariest movie ever as I've seen it said, but I thought it was creepy and entertaining enough. Solid movie. I also like how there was no happy ending. I mean I felt bad for the girl, but that's part of the point I guess. That there was no escape. It makes it a more effective horror, I think.

Also, I don't understand why people feel the need to be rude to each other over their taste in movies. It seems like horror movie fans do this even more than others. "Oh you thought this was scary? Pfffft, boy are you easily impressed". Like something's wrong with someone because they liked a movie. If you didn't like it, fine for you, but why be rude to someone else because they did like it? I don't get that.
