MovieChat Forums > Deadpool 2 (2018) Discussion > Box Office Thread: DP2 having Drastic DE...

Box Office Thread: DP2 having Drastic DECLINES -42 M(66% drop)(3 days)-ONLY 57 M overseas

DP2 broke the record for Rated R film last night...

with 18 Million +....

This is big in regards to a 150 Million Opening Weekend.... and Mojo predicted 133 M and 138 Million....that suggests Most were expecting Similar results to DP1, But This Midnight opening is clearly higher, and suggests a 150 Million OW could be coming..


"20th Century Fox’s Deadpool 2 is certainly chipping away at Solo with a $12.5M Friday, $40M-$45M 3-day and $52M-$57M 4-day. On the high end that’s at $221.7M."

^Deadline is reporting A 40 to 45 Million 2nd weekend for DP2(3 day)

thats a Massive 2nd Weekend drop between 60 and 65%+

its still early, numbers could go up, But thats Astonishingly high for a film with DP2s reception....

If these numbers hold, then DP2 is Collapsing...and the cause has to be multiple reasons

1. SOLO is costing DP2 A lot of money(even though Solo is badly disappointing) Still though to have a SOLO coming out 7 days after DP2 that going to suck up between 80 to 110 Million is just not a good position for DP2

2. we got to start considering now maybe DP2 doesnt have great WOM...A film with DP2 reception and reviews should be looking at honestly a 50% hold or Sub 50% hold....DP2 is now looking at potentially one of the worst HOLDS in CBM history....WOM just cant be that great if these numbers hold up

still extremely early though, we'll get a much better idea where its heading in a few hours...

if DP2 does have AWFUL 60 to 65% drops, It Will struggle to even hit 300 Million domestically


I'll be surprised if it does as good as the first one. This just didn't leave the same impression. It seems everyone has moved on already. People were still talking about the original a couple weeks after it came out. I get it that it's a busy time for theaters, but this movie just didn't punch as hard. It needed a better ending and a better villain, but now it also feels like it needed a better story, with the only thing saving it being the end credits. It's weird.


It needed a better ending and a better villain

Strongly disagree with that last one. Despite the fact that Cable turned out to be a non-villain, he was still an excellent “perceived” villain for most of the movie. Judging from the trailers alone, I was certain Cable was gonna be infinitely more menacing and interesting than Deadpool 1’s Francis ever was. And I was right! (In my opinion, of course.) I also thought the uncontrollable and vengeful Firefist - along with Juggernaut - brought so much more to DP2 in the third act than Francis did in the entirety of the first Deadpool.

Truth be told, I think Francis was a solid villain in his own right - being the polar opposite of DP and all - but it’s almost like he is non-existent. He’s just... there. Cable, on the other hand, was intimidating and commanding. He had a much more impactful presence. So with that said, if this sequel didn’t have a good enough villain, well, I say it easily had a better one than the original.

As for the movie itself, I thought it delivered big time. Obviously it couldn’t match the wow factor of its predecessor, but I echo the sentiments of those that said this sequel was better in some aspects. There are several things about the first DP that I do like better, though. For what it’s worth, I find both movies equally satisfying. Oh well.


Juggernaut is an extraordinary villain in the comics, but here they used him to basically repeat Angel Dust's fight against Colossus. As Angel Dust and Colossus were doing their thing, Deadpool and Ajax had some decent fight choreography going on up on the carrier. I felt the stakes were higher with Angel Dust vs Colossus, because in DP2, it really was just a brief CGI battle that was played as a joke. So it's like Ajax was a terribly weak villain who was used appropriately, and Juggernaut was a great villain who was used as CGI humor.

Cable was fine, but he was a no-show in the final act. He just brooded while fire kid and juggernaut took the role as villains where fire kid yells at a guy to repeat words, and Juggernaut reprised the role of Angel Dust.


Fair point on Juggernaut (idk about you but to me he was still a major improvement over The Last Stand’s Juggernaut). The thing is, I saw him the same way I do Colossus in these movies, meaning he is a powerhouse character who looks, sounds, and acts the way he’s supposed to. But thanks to Deadpool, ultimately he couldn’t be taken seriously. I nevertheless enjoyed his screen presence more than good ol’ Ajax.

By the way, the kid’s thirst for revenge felt very genuine, so his scenes in the movie’s climax worked for me. And Cable left a big enough of an impact for me anyway. I would love to see more of him.


Man DP2 DIED Overseas Too......

first we got the astonishing(Dear Historic) 42 M 66% domestic Drop....

but Now It ONLY made 57 Million Overseas....thats down from 175 Million last Weekend...

DP2 is Now Guaranteed to miss 400 Million Overseas and 300 Million domestically

unbelievable Collapse going on


That's a shame, it's an entertaining movie.


Its still a HIt and is going to make Fox money...

but there arecompletely UNEXPECTED declines happening here....

Fox probably expected there was a chance DP2 might struggle to top DP1, But they certainly could not have expected the drastic DECLINE going on here...

the most puzzling part is, Theres not really a concrete reason for it....

Its clear, putting DP2 1 week ahead of Solo was a horrible move, even though SOLO is flopping, Its still taking 100 Million dollars worth box office and audiences away from DP2...

and at this point we got to question just how good WOM can really be for DP2....everything looks likes it a well liked movie...but based on these drops, WOM just cant be great

I dont think WOM is BAD....I just think its almost Non existent, I dont think audiences are recommending it, I dont think theres anything about the movie that stands out that makes audiences really talk about it and recommend it, I think WOM is basically

"you saw DP2 this weekend? how was it"

"It was good, basically just like the first 1"

just yep I saw it and Move right on to talking about something else...

I'm telling you right now....If DP3 or X-Force doesnt do something drastically different, Something beside "raunch" comedy and trying to "One Up" the same jokes and gags....Its going to struggle to make 500 M WW

DP2's gonna top out at 650(probably less)

If X-Force or DP3 is just the same exact thing again....were talking like a 75 to 85 Million OW....Less than 200 Milion domestically and 500 M or less WW....

the good news is, Fox Will obviously Still Make DP movies, FOX has Expertly kept Budgets for the DP2 films Low...

I dont see the budget for DP3 or X-Force being over 120 M(Probably less)....thats means a 500 Million WW gross would still make a profit...

but thats not what FOX wants, they want to Maximize DPs profits....There was real talk of DP2 maybe making 1 Billion...It was a long shot but odds like 20 or 30% it could do that well...

Based of the first films overwhelmingly positive reception in almost every way....The expectations are YOU should have an INCREASE in box office...

the best example is GOTG....BOTH DP and GOTG made almost the same amount, BOth had Universally praise and Both clearly looked like they started a Franchise....

GOTG went from 95 Million GOTG2 making 146 Million...

from 333 Million domestic to 389 Million

from 770 to 870 Million WW

DP2 instead DECREASED in every way....

It was have been a huge disappointment had GOTG 2 Made 85 Million On OW....Made 290 Million domestically and 680 Million WW....Still A hit but major questions would have been asked WHY did this DECLINE in box office despite everything goes overwhelmingly positive with the first one....

The DP franchise is somewhat in trouble, Theres still going to be another one, but These declines are so drastic, There may not be an answer for them...It may seriously just be, DP1 struck Gold and its not possible to have even close to that success again...

If thats the case, Fox has to then just decide to Milk the franchise for whatever they can before Audiences are completely Out....which will mean making 2 or 3 more films With small budgets just hoping to make any profit...


f DP2 does have AWFUL 60 to 65% drops, It Will struggle to even hit 300 Million domestically

Without a fresh burst of air, it isn't going to make it ...terrible drops right now.

Probably end up in the $288M - $292M range from what I can tell.

Also, is this going to open in China?

If not, it probably wont crack $600M WW.

Sure, it will make a tidy profit for FOX, but still a tremendous disappointment for this sequel.


It looks like its gonna have an average drop this weekend(thank God) around 53 to 55%....

If its continues does that path....It should end up somewhere around 295 to 310 Million...

ya but its Guaranteed to crack 600 Million WW

Overseas continues to Decline, but its decent....its currently at 290 overseas and should end its run around 340 to 350 Overseas(A Pretty big decline from DP1's overseas gross though)

DP2 will finish between 640 to 660 Million WW.....

It will result in fox making a good profit, But theres no way around, Fox has to be disappointed...DP2 had everything going for it and did not get close to DP1 in any WAY box office wise....This suggests DP1 PEAKED with its very first film and those kind of results cant be replicated....

whats worse is, given the Path Reynolds and Fox decided to take with this sequel, to basically Just try and Repeat everything that audiences liked in the first one but "One Up" them....franchises that do this dont far well ....Rated R Franchises like The Hangover,The Matrix,Ted,American Pie and The Expendables...

all tried to repeat the exact things that made the first ones liked but "One Up" them.....Their sequels has some success but had Declines and The "Part 3's" fell off the math box office wise...

Everything Points to DP3/X-Force having even worse Drastic Declines....

Fox really need to do some thinking about where to take the next DP movie....they got to come up with a fresh idea, If they again just try to make A "Raunchy" comedy where they repeat and ONE UP the Gags, History says they are looking at MASSIVE declines


I concur with most of that.

They may also want to take out all the sjw/pc garbage...(ex making characters gay or a different race/gender than they were originally written in the comics)'s turning off the majority of fans.

Also, I strongly consider bringing in a new Wolverine ...(not Jackman)... to be the 'enemy-turned-frenemy' of DP3.

Too bad Sam Rockwell isn't 12 years younger, he'd have been perfect for the role imo...and even still, he might be able to pull it off for a one-time appearance just for DP3.


Good ol’ Forbes and a few other websites say the movie is actually thriving

So in spite of it falling short of expectations on its opening weekend and having a big drop off on its second week, the movie appears to be holding up quite well. Solo, a major disappointment (sigh), also didn’t pose much of a threat to the merc with a mouth and instead it appears to be helping Deadpool. DP2 may not end up making as much as the unexpected success that was the first film (its insane marketing truly painted a different picture), but this raunchy Rated R sequel (a very good one at that) already seems to be a success.


This is like the single "Most Positive" Spin you could possibly put on DP2....

It quite funny...Theres literally not one good thing they say yet conclude its doing great...

*DP2 didnt Match Opening weekend expectations or DP1's OW

*Had Near Historic Collapses in Its second Weekend

*3rd Weekend Is Holding Average(Not good or Bad)

*Wont Match DP1 in any way from OW, Total Domestic or WW....Will fall short of DP1s Domestic gross by at least 60 M and DP1's WW gross by 150 Million Ish


lol what they should have said is....

DP2 isnt performing how Fox expected or what expectations were, But Because Fox Made the movie on a Great Budget, Its going to still be A Big Success and Money Maker....

thats the truth...

DP2 isnt Thriving or really coming close to expectations

but it doesnt NEED to because Fox made the movie on a very good Budget.....The Budget is what Makes DP2 a Success....NOT DP2s box office....

DP2 was made for 110 Million.....thats an Incredible budget for a CBM/Blockbuster...

Had DP2 had the usual 180 to 225 Million dollar Budget, DP2 would be considered a HUGE disappointment With these Box office result...

the forbes article is quite funny, Its Titled "Thriving" yet they ONLY list bad and disappointing results for DP2....Hilariously they didnt even get The Drop right...

They are reporting a 46% 3rd Weekend drop...

but DP2 made 43 Million last weekend for its 3 day weekend, and Is on track for a 23.5 Million 4th weekend.....thats a 53%+ drop drop NOT 46%....

The title should have been titled "Avenger IW Thriving(Sub 40% hold) and DP2 somewhat Stabilizing with 53% hold"

Thriving Just in no way describes DP2s box office run.....


Maybe it's just me but reading Scott Mendelson's articles it seems he's anti-Disney. If it's a Fox, DC/WB or any other movie he'll spin its numbers to make it sound positive, but a Disney/Marvel movie has to do incredible record-shuttering numbers just to get a pat on the shoulder.


Update: it’s already passed 300 million domestically and 700 million worldwide. So much for collapsing and hitting either of those numbers being a lost cause, lol.

Fell short of the original? No argument there. But to reiterate, DP2 is by all means a big success, ‘specially for an R rated comedy sequel. As big as DP1 was, expecting the sequel to have box office increases like MCU movies might’ve been wishful thinking. The first one was an event film, after all. It was relatively groundbreaking and everybody just had to go and see what all the fuzz was about. Therefore, it’s no surprise it didn’t completely left the same impact of its predecessor. Now unless Fox were truly hoping it would make more than the first, then I doubt they were left disappointed.

DP2 had a lot to live up to and it declined big early on. Yet, it attracted audiences and proved to have staying power. And if the first one is generally considered better, imo it isn’t that much better. At any rate, the fact the whole month of May was overpacked had, in my view, a lot to do with how much DP2 declined earlier on. Ultimately, the Merc with a Mouth didn’t let up! So based on your dour posts concerning DP2, it’s safe to say DP2 ended up overperforming. :)


lol nice try but DP2 came in exactly where I predicted..

for the record this was a 2 men argument between queen and I....ultimately the entire fight comes down to, I predicted DP2 to have SLIGHT declines all around...I specifically predicted DP2 would open less than DP1...Decline Domestically and declines World Wide , queen laughed at the idea of DP2 having any decline and went on to predict in would increase in eveey way.

worth noting at the end of Every prediction, every time queen I fought, I would ADD "But DP2 is still going to be a monster hit and a huge success"....

the ONLY prediction here was that DP2 was going to Decline from DP1 in every way....I was 100% right...

My predictions even came in nearly exactly right because I didnt just predict DP2 to decline in every way, I specifically gave the amount...

I predicted DP2 to decline on OW and make between 110 to 125 M(DP2 hit 125 M)

I predicted DP2 to have a Big drop domestically predicting 275 to 300 M

and Predicted DP2 to make between 650 to 700 M WW...

next time go back and check some history before calling someone out...I was actually getting ready to Bump a thread queen replied in and note how incredibly accurate my Predictions ended up being, but hilariously you bumped this thread to try and say I was wrong but did no research to see what the actual prediction was...

again for the record, DP2 is a smash hit...the box office results it posted are Great, I never once tried to say it wasnt, In my countless fights with queen where I predicted it to have declines in every way, I went out of my to note, its still going to be a HUGE hit and even if it has the exact declines I'm predicting it will still be a huge hit...

the entire argument was never about if DP2 was going to be a success or not...queen replied to a post I made where I said I expect DP2 to decline from DP1 in every way because I do not believe Fox can replicate the hype and overwhelmingly positive WOM from DP1

...queen literally laughed like it was the craziest statement ever....

we the argued for 2 weeks and the entire argument came down to "Declines".... not FLOPPING or not being a success, just DECLINES...

queen thought it was impossible for DP2 NOT to increase in Box office....He could not envision a scenario where DP2 Declined on OW...declined Domestically and declined WW....

I on the other EXPECTED it...I knew there would be declines because DP1's hype couldnt be replicated...I expected DP2 to get close...but I expected DP2 to maybe off by 10 to 20%....

I turned out 100% right...

DP2 was a smash success, just like I thought but it declined in every possible way...

also while DP2 is nothing short of a smash hit...saying it over performed is simply not true...

DP2 basically had everything going for it, excellent reviews and reactions, coming off a universally loved first film, and it ended up having declines in every way from the original, most all sites put DP2 at between 130 to 150 on OW and it ultimately never got close to 150 or DP1s OW, It had historically awful drops in week 2....that cant not be "Over performing"...

if you want to note and compliment that DP2 rebounded nicely and ended up having good legs, thats perfectly fine and accurate...but saying it Over Performed is just not factual....Period


Domestic: $317,806,071 43.4%
+ Foreign: $414,579,697 56.6%

= Worldwide: $732,385,768

At least it made more than Solo.
