MovieChat Forums > Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018) Discussion > Could've been so much better...

Could've been so much better...

I was really looking forward to this sequel, and I'm sorry to say that this is the first Marvel film where I thought the writing was really sub par. You have a jumble of story lines with no real cohesion. Scott's trying to avoid getting caught breaking his house arrest whilst helping his buddies with their startup security firm. Dr. Pym and Hope are trying to rescue Janet, who's still in the Quantum Realm. Ghost isn't even really a villain, and is just trying to steal Pym's tech to heal herself, aided by one of Pym's old partners. Also throw in some sleazy redneck mafioso who's also trying to steal Pym's tech (Walt Goggins, woefully miscast in my opinion.) Lang's daughter has some good moments, but his ex-wife and her cop husband are relegated to very minor slapstick characters. The fight sequences didn't wow me, and most of the humor was a bit juvenile--unless you think a large ant playing drums is utterly hilarious (I do not.)

For me, they went for too much of a "family" vibe. There's no edge to the movie; it may as well have been rated G. There is, however, a cool sequence in the Quantum Realm (though no explanation of how Janet survived down there for so long), and the ending itself is a nice cliffhanger which ties in directly with "Infinity War."

Really hoping "Captain Marvel" is a couple steps up from this one...


Disagree. It was a needed palette cleanser after Infinity War. Bring some light back, I say! I’m still not a Rudd fan but I found this very enjoyable


Well, thanks for your shallow response, and your utterly moronic response to my "Code: Green" post. Glad to see that Movie Chat hasn't evolved from the childishness which plagued iMDB. ;-)


I actually thought his response was concise, articulate, and correct. Not every marvel movie needs to be dark and morbid.


I didn't say it needed to be "dark and morbid." I said it was too silly, and not as well-written as the other Marvel films.


That’s right, you didn’t straight up say it had to be dark and morbid. You rather implied it though, given that a film that earned its PG-13 rating deserved a G rating according to you because you disliked its family movie vibe. And how about your reaction to TJLamb? TJ didn’t respond to you in a way that can be considered disrespectful and moronic. AT ALL.

Silly movie? Yeah, like Marvel’s previous well-written comedies that succeeded in being both pretty silly and serious, Ant-Man and The Wasp does a good job balancing silly comedy and drama (and action). But if you thought it had no merit and it’s just silly in a bad way, well at least it is nowhere near as silly as your extremely childish and BS holier-than-thou behavior. Obviously there’s nothing to see here, people.


Actually, TJLamb replied to another post of mine on a different board that was moronic, so you know not of which you speak.

Have to disagree on the balance. It was a jumbled mess, and could've had a much more cohesive story. Not that I didn't like it at all, but I think it's Marvel's worst film to date.

And I'm not being childish because I wrote a negative review of the movie. My review has been way more thorough than any of the "rebuttals" I've received here. I'm a writer, by the way, so, yeah, I judge every movie I see, and every book I read, through that lens. I also grew up reading comics, so the Marvel films--and superhero films, in general--are among my favorite films.


I am a writer as well (three published novels and working on my fourth), and I also grew up reading comics. Through my lens, as you call it, I saw a movie about an immature grown-up who suddenly is thrust into a super-hero role. I took my 11-year old and she absolutely loved it.

Look, I don't mind you having a different opinion from mine. I mean, Hudson Hawk is one of my favorite movies of all time, so i'm used to criticism. However, your comment was rude. Someone disagreed with you and you essentially called them childish, shallow and moronic. You'll never get anyone to respect your work or your opinion when you do that.


Well, compared to my post, his two-sentence reply was shallow. And his response to one of my posts on another board was moronic and unnecessary, so I was reacting to that.

I was a bit angry.

As a writer, though, you gotta admit, Marvel could've come up with a better story here. Look at the highs they've reached with The Avengers, Guardians, Civil War, Ragnarok, Iron Man, Winter Soldier, Homecoming...

I'm hoping I'll like the film better on re-watch. That's been the case with Ant-Man, Doctor Strange, and Black Panther, although they're still not among my favorites.


Well, thanks for your shallow response, and your utterly moronic response to my

With an attitude like that, it's no wonder you can't stand the thought of light entertainment. It must all be dark and gritty, for your dark and gritty attitude.

It's funny how you mention childishness when you're the one acting like a toddler having a tantrum.

Essentially, you became a troll very quickly. Bye bye.


"Toddlers" having "tantrums" don't generally express themselves as well as I did in my original post.



Yeah....I can see how something fun would not be your cup of tea.....


I like fun movies, as long as they're well-written and have a good flow. Ant-Man & Wasp was all over the place. Let me illustrate my point this way, when I walked out of Infinity War and Deadpool 2, I couldn't wait to see them again, and in fact saw both films multiple times. With AM&W, I have no problem waiting for the blu-ray.

I was hoping for more. Like with Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor: Ragnarok. Both filled with humor, but great from start to finish.

Or, to put it another way, are you really eager to sit through that opening with Scott and his daughter running around in the cardboard maze again? I mean, a scene that long really should have something integral to do with the story, dont'cha think?


You mean like the long scene in Thor Ragnarok with Thor and Loki on Earth? Until they found Odin it was all filler for the sake of a cameo. Which I was fine with.

The scene you talk about set up Scott’s situation since Civil War, his family dynamic, his legal status and that he’s a dad and a person before he’s a hero.


I have to disagree that it was all filler. The scene with Doctor Strange is hilarious and well-written, and moves the story along (Strange helps them find Odin). I really enjoy when the Marvel films overlap. Not to mention that scene shows how Strange has progressed as a sorcerer, and sets up how important he is to the events in Infinity War.

I appreciate that Scott is a dad before he's a superhero, but that scene could've been cut way down. You didn't really answer my question, though. Are you eager to watch Scott and his daughter crawling around that cardboard maze again? I have no problem re-watching the Raganrok scene you mentioned; it's one of my favorite sequences in the film.


I already preordered this movie and yes the relationship between Scott and Cassie is part of the reason why


Alright, fair enough.


I agree, this is a welcome change of pace after infinity war but unlike you I really like Paul Rudd :)


I don't DISlike him. He's just ....vanilla. He engenders no strong feelings from me.

So, in a way, he's the perfect fit to play Ant-Man....


I wasn't sure it could have been better at all cause I don't think it was really aiming for much to begin with other than a silly plot to hang impressive action sequences and jokes on.

Have a short review of this movie if anyone is interested. If you feel there is something I could be doing better, I would definitely love to hear it. Review here -


Not much to add, other than I agree, more or less.

Movie was alright, but as you said, could have been much better with a more streamlined/exciting storyline - instead of all these miniplots banding together to form a messy movie. What's worse, everything could have been solved with a little dialogue...

Also, the humor could have been better - was some good moments/jokes in it, but too many were forced/unfunny, and I'm usually a sucker for the Marvel movie comedy style. ;)


Thank you.

I, too, despite the assertions above, enjoy typical Marvel humor, but most of the jokes in this one fell flat.


I've been avoiding most superhero movies because they tend to be predictable with a formula instead of an actual story therefore I've become bored with them.

Evil villain who menaces the world/human existence/galaxy/universe. Superhero vows to stop him. Superhero and villain have chase scene and then fight. Superhero wins. Yawn!

The multiple storylines without a major "menacing evil villain" is what I found refreshing. This is the first superhero movie in years that I really enjoyed and hadn't become bored watching. I didn't even like the first Antman movie except for two scenes with Luis, but I decided to give this sequel a chance after I saw the trailer and positive ratings from moviegoers and critics.

The fight and chase scenes were unique with the resizing ability and good SFX and humor. And they weren't so long that they ended up becoming a chore to watch like a few other superhero movies have done.

Overall, I found the movie funny and the characters interesting although Luis is still my favorite. The chemistry among the characters was good.

The opening scene with the father and daughter didn't bother me. Probably because it showed a superhero being just a father instead of focusing the entire movie on only heroics and nothing else.

I don't know Walton Goggins' past work so I have no idea how he was miscast.

I did wonder how Janet survived, too, but I'm assuming she ate creatures like those surrounding Hank's vehicle.


Those creatures were tardigrades, many times too big for Janet to eve see much less eat

Seems “quantum energy” gives life of a sort - maybe that’s what sustained her

Harder to believe her lipstick and eyeliner lasted 30 years


It sucks cause of Paul Rudds worthless writing
