Watchmen vs Infinity War?

I say Watchmen. It has aged very, very well.


Watchmen is nihilist garbage


Hmm, this is an odd one but alright.

Infinity War X10.

Watchmen is a neat film with some very admirable qualities (from a visual aspect it’s excellent), but while it’s viewed as a faithful adaptation, it’s pretty underwhelming compared to the source material overall. Even if judged by its own merits, I hesitate to call it very good. It drags on and it is too overstylized. Depth? Maybe more than Snyder’s later work, but, it somehow lacks a soul. I may still appreciate it, but I have a good feeling the upcoming HBO series will be a superior adaptation.

Infinity War, on the other hand, is pure comic book film greatness that does ITS source material justice. The film is amazingly well-constructed and heart-pounding. And considering its size and scale and all the build up to it, IW did hit all the right buttons (some, as is always the case with any movie, might’ve been disappointed but the film is overwhelmingly and rightfully appreciated by most fans).


I was thinking of pitting it against Avengers 1 at first... would that change your view?

It actually changes mine, I put it above Watchmen.

Infinity War may grow on me over time, I've still only seen it in the theater one time.


Doesn’t matter. You do you!

For what it’s worth, I prefer all The Avengers films to Watchmen. And while I of course have a general preference for Marvel’s team, my preference for the films isn’t necessarily because of the Marvel or DC thing. I just find all of them to be significantly better films than Watchmen (including Age of Ultron which I think has fewer problems than Watchmen).

*now expects a certain group of trolls to come and do what they miserably do best*


I think it’s very hard for me to compare them (although you’ve done a fine job of that in your post), because Avengers had so many prior movies to build on. Watchmen had to introduce its entire universe, then tell a story on top of that all in one movie.


100% agreed. I think if you sat Snyder down and asked him what Watchmen is about, his answer would be something like "Ah, dude. It's this totally awesome comic where superheroes kill badguys and shit and there's blood everywhere. Also, the comic shows boobies. It's totally badass." It's telling that Snyder revealed he did not know where Alan Moore was from in an interview. Just because he recreated a few panels onscreen does not mean it was a faithful adaptation.


That’s the exact kind of response I would expect from him.

And you know something... while comparing his skills to someone like Michael Bay prb wouldn’t be fair, to me Snyder has shown that he’s someone who ultimately favors style over substance.


He's a pretentious Michael Bay. Bay at least knows what sort of movies he makes.


both are gay. super hero movies are gay


Watchmen is an almost perfect Graphic Novel (my favourite of all time) and an excellent film.
AIW is an almost perfect cbm and just edges it for me in cinematic terms; a photo finish (pun intended) if you like.


Watchman was a terrible movie. Zack Snyder has obviously read the comic but never understood it. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Snyder believes Rorshach and the Comedian are heroes to aspire to. He apparently thinks it was all about blood and guts with some boobies thrown in for good measure. One of the major themes of the comic was the idea of grounded and realistic superheroes. Instead of that, the movie has them flying through the air, punching through walls. What's more, Zack Snyder does not to seem to know how to utilize music in his movies, which is odd considering he got his start directing music videos.

So yeah, Infinity War because it isn't a shitty movie.


"Infinity Wars" is a good movie with flaws, "Watchmen" is a bad movie with a few good scenes.

Advantage - Marvel! As always. Or at least, when Snyder is in the picture, he really isn't a good director.


I love both of them.

Watchmen shows that if Snyder has a tight script to work to he can produce a good film, not just a good looking film. But given creative freedom he'll lose himself in his usual visual extravaganzas. Even in Watchmen there are a few scenes where he's clearly embellishing on the source material to the detraction of the film. Mostly in fight scenes. Night Owl II and Silk Spectre II were never quite that proficient. Making them that formidable kind of misses the point. I'm not entirely sure Snyder fully appreciated the source material but he still made a 9/10 movie out of it so all is forgiven!

I have only watched Infinity War once, at the movies when it came out, so it's perhaps a little unfair to compare the two. Neither film fully wowed me on first viewing and it took a few screenings (and an Extended Edition) for Watchmen to truly shine for me. Some of my absolute favourite movies have been slightly underwhelming at first viewing, only to grow with repeated exposure. That said, IW was an extremely impressive film that handled its massive cast very well. I can imagine it must be quite a confusing movie if you're not familiar with the MCU though.

With Endgame on the horizon I'd say IW is due a revisit pretty soon. Age of Ultron has grown on me after seeing it a couple more times and the same has happened with Winter Soldier and Ragnarok. I wouldn't be at all surprised if my appreciation of IW grows somewhat. At the moment I'd rate it 8/10 but I fully expect that to go up.

TL,DR: Watchmen edges it right now, with the benefit of repeated viewings.
