MovieChat Forums > Twin Peaks: The Return (2017) Discussion > Why was the eye-less woman naked.

Why was the eye-less woman naked.

My first thought was, "yay, nudity!" All you prudes can STFU but I just like nudity in films. It's fun, and it's not "perverted" to notice human bodies and enjoy them.

But my second thought was: Hold on -- If this chick with the small yet nice boobs is coming from the Black Lodge or the White Lodge or whatever, what happened to her clothes? None of the other people who have crossed over, that we have seen, have needed to be nude like Arnold in Terminator.

Third thing I thought was: Huh, that's the actress that gave the really disturbing monologue in _Inland Empire_, a homeless immigrant on the street in Hollywood who suffered some really gross abuse. Hmm. What's with Lynch and putting this actress in abusive situations?

Your thoughts below.


I loved that actress in Inland Empire!

Yeah I don't know why she had to be naked. No idea. Why didn't we get a naked Cooper, hey? Maybe he has small nice dangly bits we can all admire too. lol


I agree - Coop should have come through the electrical socket naked.

By dangly bits I assume you mean a penis and balls.


Erm, yes siree!


I haven't seen inland empire. My first thought was isabella rossellini in blue velvet.


Yes, interesting comparison.


No, i mean my first thought when i read your thread. I don't think i put much thought into the girls nakedness while watching the episode.


I live in the Inland Empire. It's nothing like Lynch portrays.


I don't know what that means. Just looked up the movie... justin theroux is in it.


I live in the Inland Empire. It means exactly what I said. The Inland Empire is a geographic place and I live within the borders of that place. Used in a sentence: "San Bernardino is a crappy city in the Inland Empire." Sheesh gameesh.

It's nothing like Lynch portrays. If Lynch was trying to represent the Inland Empire's culture, I don't know what he was thinking. He should have just called it _Glendale_ or something. In any case, Lynch's film _Inland Empire_ is basically the link between old Twin Peaks style and new Twin Peaks style, IMO.


Yeah i get it's a geographical place. Since i haven't seen the movie and since i don't live there, i don't know what either is like.
Netflix doesn't have it.


Too weird for Netflix.

Many of the Lynch stories are about some American place and the darkness beneath the surface.

Blue Velvet
Twin Peaks
Lost Highway
Mulholland Drive...

It seemed like _Inland Empire_ was going to get a treatment like Beverly Hills and Hollywood did in those last two. But whereas I think Lynch had a good beat on small northwestern towns (TP) and on L.A./Hollywood, I don't think he was familiar enough with the vibe of the I.E. to do something that resonated.

The I.E. is considered to be the conservative part of California, the desert part, the part that is stuck in the 50s hot rod culture ... grease and hamburgers. It's Route 66 and hobos. It's where McDonald's and other fast food were founded. It's where Mexicans are the predominant Americans, and where all the music is old. It's Latinos who support Trump. It's where Middle Eastern people recreate the date palms of the Levant. Where diners don't have to pretend to be 50s diners-- they're all like that naturally. Drive in movie theaters, with Tapatio sauce for the popcorn. It's hubcaps along the side of the freeway, and heat. Most of all, it's where the people in L.A. -- close to the coast, in the hip city -- fear they might end up.


In other words, it's the America of his youth.


Is it? K. But the movie doesn't capture that. It's more like a whacked out Mulholland.

And why do his films never have Mexicans if, as you say, that's the America of his youth?


He didn't get out much from his own neighbourhood (seriously).


Now you speak my language. Although, i haven't experienced it myself, im an avid reader. One of my favorite authors, edward abbey, does an incredible job explaining the genuine grit in places like these.


Also: im familiar with most all of lynch's flicks, just haven't seen "inland empire".


I thought it was going to be Josie Packard, but it wasn't.


Women in movies have a tendency to lose their clothes, while men seem to stay clothed. It is changing, but for some reason when some men see a naked man in a movie or TV series they freak out. These are the same guys who view porn all day and look at erect penises going into vaginas. I never got that, but I think that men get uncomfortable when they see a penis on screen and their woman is beside them. I think that some men get uncomfortable because they think the woman might start comparing her man's penis with the man on screen. Maybe only guys with tiny willies get upset about it.


Did you just get back from Strawmanapalooza? How were the bands?

Is there some argument you are trying to make here, such as that Lynch chose to make the woman nude and Coop clothed because he conforms to some goofy double-standard?

BTW, news flash: tits are not a dick. And I'm sure if Lynch et al. thought it was important to have Coop etc. be nude, then he'd just do it, and keep the camera off the dick.... which is again not tits... besides we already saw Coop's tits and saw him objectified, so this is one big non sequitur.


It is still nudity and men go crazy over tits. Also, if it is necessary to show tits, then why isn't it ever necessary to show dick. Obviously it is only to give men a reason to spray their shorts, because even if men are nude, there is always a vase to block that area. Either way I really don't care, but their is a double standard, because if tits weren't a big deal, guys wouldn't post pictures of bare breasted women all over the internet.




I know you like




if tits weren't a big deal, guys wouldn't post pictures of bare breasted women all over the internet.

WTF? What do you mean by "a big deal"? Of course hetero men, lesbo women (and more) like to see boobies. And showing them, in film and in public, ranges from being deemed mildly inappropriate to innocuous. That doesn't make boobs a dick, nor does it make them a gaping vag. You're trying WAY too hard with this double standard thing. Again, what is your actual argument or theory with respect to this aspect of TP?


Wow, you are really heated. I really don't care, and just wanted to see who would take the bait. lol


Interesting post.


Strawmanapalooza??😂😂 You're both idiots.


Aiming to please.


I don't know about Briggs, but I definitely am one.




As long as we're speaking off topic then, I want to know: How was it still possible to tell the woman was Japanese when her slanty eyes were covered up?


I never said she was Japanese.


And yet you and everyone else knows that she was. How?


Never thought about it that much. I am not sure that I knew what she was when I first saw her, then people started saying she was Asian and possibly Josie.


You did not look closely enough.

The answer to how we know she is Japanese is:

The boobs. Those were Japanese boobs.

And the moral of the story is that Lynch had a rhyme and a reason for showing those hooters to us, and it wasn't to titillate. It was so in the absence of eyes we'd know she is Japanese, and make the connection to the atom bomb.


That's deep briggs. Wow that lynch...he thinks of everything.


He doesn't even have to think; it just comes naturally for artists like Lynch to do and for FBI-brained sifu's like me to notice.


but people thought she was Asian before we saw the boobs.


The boobs CONFIRMED it. Plus, we already had some sense of the boobs when we saw her earlier, anyway.

And Lynch doesn't put Asian people in his shows for no reason or just for diversity, etc. He has a reason.

The moment you see a Black person in a Lynch production your head will explode from the symbolism.


We may never see that since Lynch may not ever do any television or feature films again.


Also because Little Jimmy Scott is dead.


I know. He was a treasure.


That's what I thought, it was connected to episode 8 nuclear tests flashback, and she was probably a Hiroshima victim.


I saw something not too long ago about a huge study of what people who view porn websites sites actually viewed when broken down by male/female, selected viewing categories, eye tracking etc . The part of the body males looked at the most in any porn video turned out to be penises!




Maybe She was hot in the Non-Existence place...?

If you take some time you'll see some inconsistencies throughout the show [like that one].


So do you think it's simply an inconsistency?


yeah, pretty much a visual thing only. Lynch sometimes can get inconsistent even with his story telling just for the sake of a visual effect [Twin Peaks is full of inconsistencies in the first 2 seasons].

An example I can give you of inconsistency is the theory that is going around about an event in one of the new episodes in which a guy goes running into the RR searching for Billy and it seems to be made of two different time periods of the same action [you can see different people on the bar in those two shots - one is the guy arriving at the bar and the other one of the guy leaving; the entire sequence only takes a couple of seconds]. The theory going around is that there is a "time effect" going on in Twin Peaks, when I'm pretty sure it's nothing more than an editing problem; which makes the shot look inconsistent and more meaningful than what it is [a guy running into a bar in search of Billy]. Lynch must have shot that sequence a couple of times and just decided which one looks best; but ended with the problem of inconsistency that he probably hoped the viewers wouldn't notice.


Awesome post. I have a gift for you.

Now, the idea of visual effect (consistency be damned) doesn't necessarily rule out my Japanese Boobs Confirmation Theory.


Nice. That's an actual prop photo from the series.

Your theory of the Boobs is safe. Long live the Japanese Boobs


Good question. Bob wasn't naked, the Woodsmen aren't naked, the Fireman isn't naked, Cooper wasn't naked when he came through the electric outlet and the glass box. Even the eyeless woman wasn't naked in the Lodge with Cooper (it seemed she was trying to show him the way out). Not sure about Major Briggs as we just see his body in the morgue. But when he returned from the White Lodge he wasn't naked. Neither was Phillip Jeffries when he returned from the Black Lodge. Annie wasn't naked when she was returned from the Red Room. That's all I can think of. :/


No one above the convenience store was naked either. Andy didn't come back naked after being in the white lodge.


She must have been naked when she went in.
The other characters that came out with clothes, those were the same clothes they went in with.
But if you enter the lodge naked then you come out naked.


Good theory.


Why is she nude? Dude, don't look a gift horse in the mouth.


Material for you to spray your shorts?


Stand back!

No. Farther.




Don't Shoot!!!


Melodica, once you become a mature gentleman you'll understand that a glimpse of boobs is like a cool glass of lemonade. It's no longer about prurient interest, it's more in the mind than in the nether regions. It's walking through a sprinkler on the way home on a hot day.


Oh golly gee. Can't wait until it's no longer about my nether regions tingling with pleasure.


Are you a Mormon? You seem uncomfortable about this topic, and you said you're not 15, so I'm thinking, Mormonism?


No, I just don't have to put out my sexual interest out there like some horny teen would. I enjoy nudity and sex, but I just don't feel the need to get all jacked about it. I am an artist, so I appreciate beauty and don't have to make it an exercise in degradation.
