MovieChat Forums > Twin Peaks: The Return (2017) Discussion > MC - In your opinion, who is/was the mos...

MC - In your opinion, who is/was the most attractive Twin Peaks character?

I liked Audrey first... then Annie... hopefully somehow at least one makes it back to the new series. But almost all of the women of Twin Peaks were beautiful... David Lynch has great taste.


Definitely Shelly.




Lynch has an eye for babes.

I was talking on the Better Call Saul board about how that show, overall and relatively speaking, has one of the least attractive cast. Defensive people got butthurt and couldn't help spinning the old horseshit that shows with attractive people are bad or for dummies, and vice versa.
Yet, Lynch's shows are not meant for the basic masses at all, and nearly all the women are totally charming and attractive, and maybe a lot of the men, too.

So far I love the latte girl, and Jade (Duge's prostitute), and a few of the other betties floating around.


Yep it was sad about the latte girl, very pretty... Jade was a cool character... hope she finds her way back into the story.


A "cool character"? OK, yeah, but the topic of your thread is HOTNESS. Jade's naked ass saying she was going to get cleaned up and then taking a shower was a prime David Lynch dirty old man moment.


Jade is/was hot... but my topic was about overall attractiveness. Her character stood out to me because she acted bossy and like she didn't care... but she did... a sweet person under the hard exterior.


Her character stood out to me because of the way her naked ass stood out.


Yeah, and if that sole characteristic crystallizes your definition of attractive then you answered the question correctly.


Agent Dale Cooper.


If I were a woman or gay man... I would've picked him too.


Yeah everyone in the day were going on about James and Bobby, but I thought Cooper was the best looking.....I'm a sucker for lovely sparkling eyes you see! lol


I can see how they are good looking but James was boring and Bobby was an idiot... maybe in the new series they will have become more interesting.




lol Don't worry, I think Bobby is looking better now than 25 years ago. Grey really suits him.


Bobby is one of the few people with true emotions for Laura.


Yeah I can't remember much about him though. Hadn't he been too timing her with her friend?


Bobby was truly fond of Laura, but he started an affair with Shelley when he still was going out with Laura. It was a messed up situation with Laura, Bobby, James, Shelley, different men, and evil BOB lurking in the background the whole time. A much much more interesting and dangerous combination than we are used to see in the typical teenage angst/emo/horror movies.


Yeah, i was barely a teen when the show first aired and i was all about dana ashbrook. I even went to some movie he was in with tony danza, it was really horrible. But ya know bobby had the good hair and bad attitude. The girls were all so pretty but audrey has them all beat i think. I always knew james was a tool.


Oh if I was man or a lesbian I would pick Shelley as the prettiest. Annie was also very pretty, and Heather Graham is still looking great and has aged the least out of all the cast.


<< I thought Cooper was the best looking >>

Over David Duchovny?


I dunno... in Twin Peaks DD looked more like Juliette Lewis than Fox Mulder but normally I'd agree he's a good choice.


<< I dunno... in Twin Peaks DD looked more like Juliette Lewis than Fox Mulder >>

This is true.....however, I would get Duchovny's clothes off so fast, that what they specifically WERE wouldn't be a factor : )

I would then hide them, of DD could never leave!

(EDIT: oh dear, now it's all starting to sound rather creepy...!)


Heh... good answer... but I did say Twin Peaks character not actor.

This is why I picked Audrey and Annie over Shelly and Donna
or would choose Cooper over Bobby and James if I were a woman.


Audrey's divine! You could have an interesting life with her : )


I liked her better in that movie where she had no arms and legs.


OMG! Boxing Helena. That was such an interesting idea, but the movie's just not very good (IMO)



HELL YESSS!!!!! I wouldn't even say DD is attractive, for that matter. But each their own, huh? lol


Oh if I was man or a lesbian I would pick Shelley as the prettiest. Annie was also very pretty, and Heather Graham is still looking great and has aged the least out of all the cast.


I agree. Agent Dale Cooper is the most attractive.


Shelly was always my favorite


Madchen Amick was beautiful... still is... but I didn't like Bobby's character so the fact that Shelly liked him made me like the character less. I didn't hate him either because he was just a dumb kid... but for her to fall for both Leo and Bobby... ugh.


Watch what you say about Shelly.


Cooper, no competition. Then the party of four, when, after the death of Leland, these fine men walked side by side on a path in the woods, absolutely shaken by the outcome of this case: Agent Albert Rosenfield, Agent Dale Cooper, Sheriff Harry S. Truman and Deputy Tommy Hawk. THAT was some potent manpower!


Albert was an amazing character... not conventionally good looking but attractive because of his razor sharp wit... an early Dr. House. So sad he's gone.


Albert became my hero after this little speech: Now you listen to me. While I will admit to a certain cynicism, the fact is that I am a naysayer and hatchetman in the fight against violence. I pride myself in taking a punch and I'll gladly take another because I choose to live my life in the company of Gandhi and King. My concerns are global. I reject absolutely revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method... is love. I love you Sheriff Truman.

The strange path of Albert.


I remember when he said that... almost as shocking as if Donald Trump burst out with that at a press conference.
(Albert is way better than Trump... speaking purely of the shock value)


Yep! A truly classic moment on Twin Peaks. Albert delivered many witty lines, and I agree with the comparison with Dr. House, early days. (Let's not talk about Trump now we had such a cozy quality time :-))


Hmm..I'm a straight female but I thought all the females were very attractive in their own way. Except the obvious ones that weren't meant to Log Lady or Nadine..
I remember thinking when it first came out that most men would probably go ga-ga over Audrey...but now I see the appeal of them all.

Like wise with most of the men..My preference with the men was probably Harry S Truman (Micheal Ontkean) but I also liked James, Hawk and Chris Mulkeys character. Agent Cooper (Kyle MacLacklan) was too stuffy and prim as a character to do much for me. Richard Beymer (Audrey's Dad) was really hot as a young man in those 60's movies but he wasn't very hot in this.

I haven't heard too many comments yet on how people take to everyone's aging in the revival. ..and if they still find them hot.
So far I'd say nobody has aged badly but nobody has aged well either. But 25 years is a long time.


I remember thinking even Nadine wasn't bad looking... sure her personality was horrible and she had the eye patch but she was in shape and had a decent figure. She only looked bad in comparison to the others who were stunning.

Richard Beymer had of course aged a lot since his West Side Story days... but I thought he was a lot cooler playing Ben Horne than Tony. Always thought he was miscast for the role of a gang member.

Madchen Amick and Heather Graham still look hot but they were the youngest when the show came out

I think Sherilyn Fenn has aged a lot since her Audrey days but with Botox and a procedure or two maybe she'll surprise us on the show.

Kyle MacLachlan looks better on this show then he did a few years back on Desperate Housewives... maybe because Orson was such a lame character.

James and Bobby still look pretty good, but again they were young when the show came out.


Sherilyn Fenn was on Ray Donavan a season or so ago and I thought she looked pretty good except for the extra pounds. Honestly, I don't want to dog on another female for weight but I'm a size 7 and I'd still be hitting the gym if I heard I was returning for a Twin Peaks revival with 2 years warning..
But sometimes Botox and other fillers can make one look older or too artificial. They haven't done much for Laura Flynn Boyle. Maybe she started it too early.

Richard Beymer was still a hot young guy and he always kind of played the innocent like in The Stripper or The Diary of Anne Frank which also made his snakey Ben a lot more fun.

James and Bobby still do look good to me but I do wish they had a little more hair...Close cropped makes them look older.


Yeah, I'm not a fan of plastic surgery... especially lip fillers... Never saw a lip job that looked good imo... but looking at some of the still photos she looked like she'd lived pretty hard or at least smoked a lot. Judicious use of Botox is usually okay. I'm glad she looked okay on Ray Donovan... maybe she'll end up looking fine. The weight is something one can do something about although if one has a lot of wrinkles, it might be better to be a little plump.


Shelly was beautiful but Audrey had her own theme music. Latte girl is actually the little girl from the Nanny. I don't think she's very pretty. Jade was funny anyway. The only reason there is nudity is because it's on Showtime.


Wow your standards are high! Yeah if you are judging by top model standards I suppose you are right... but the Latte girl seemed way better than average. Didn't know she was from the Nanny... but then I rarely watched that show. Thanks for the trivia info.


I don't mean she's ugly or anything.
