MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > Do you want George back, or not?

Do you want George back, or not?

Watch this video and I dare you to tell me you don't want George back...


You gone, is what I want.


That was a Ryan Johnson thing to do.


He sold the company. No matter what people say, he's not coming back.


George is a creative consultant. It's Disney that's not using him.


Disney knows what people have been saying about Lucas for so many years. They wont give him anything to do because of that. And even people who want him back would end up hating what he would do, because Star Wars fans want to hate everything Star Wars related. If The Empire Strikes Back had been released today, it would probably be considered a terrible movie.


I agree with you about the fans, but I also believe Lucas and Disney goals are different.

Lucas wanted to complete the last trilogy by finishing the story of the Skywalker family saga. An elderly Luke reviving the Jedi Order and training a 20 something Skywalker. Strong on story and characters and new visually since decades have passed and ships, cars, clothes, weapons should look different. He said in order to do it right, it would take three years to make one film. Goal: artistic

Disney just wants to make as much money as possible. Pump out 2-3 movies each year like Marvel. Use an OT character to do a standalone for possible trilogy. Turn the sequel trilogy into an open-ended series of movies. Create a new pay service Disney channel featuring a SW TV show. Merchandise and license anything. Increase the fanbase by trying to appeal to females, nonwhites, China and younger people for increased revenue. Quality isn't important - pump it all out like on a conveyor belt. Goal: pure greed.

"If The Empire Strikes Back had been released today, it would probably be considered a terrible movie."

SW wasn't just a movie, though. It completely revolutionized movies in 1977 with an innovative sound system, SFX and quality script and acting. Younger fans take him for granted because they grew up with great SFX thanks to him. I grew up with movies before his influence which is why I'll always be grateful to him.


I don't. I want someone good to employ any good unused Lucas ideas from the vast database Disney is currently ignoring.


Disney is diversitising and sbubvertising, you are a mysogynist and a CIS white male RAPIST for not liking it.

oh and a Trump voter!!!!


Lucas and Star Wars will never work at Disney. Lucas can only make films when he is fully in control or is working with Spielberg.

Lucas would be great to have as a creative consultant and possibly as an early script story writer... that's something he could do and still be retired. However, Lucas already offered his services in this position and he didn't get along because he realized Disney was not going to let him run the show from shadows so he completely parted with them comparing it to a break up.


Lucas is a creative consultant on the new movies.

Many Lucas ideas and concept art he had made for his sequels, have been used for these new movies.

Female Jedi being the lead; Luke as an old Master in exile on a green mountainous island; the old Jedi Temple being present on the same island; Luke training the new female Jedi.

All these things are from Lucas and predated the acquisition.

Other elements of the sequels come from the Extended Universe: Kylo resembles Darth Revan; A child of Leia and Han turns evil; STILL a possibility that Kylo and Rey are related, which would be the Solo twins.

I mean look at this art of Jaina Solo -- Did Lucasfilm SPECIFICALLY PICK an actress that looks almost IDENTICAL to Jaina?

That is just about exactly Daisy Ridley, with her hair down and blowing around.


True story. They took a lot of Lucas's idea and used them even took most of the story structure for TFA that the toy story 3 guy had been working on. However, I was always under the impression that he wanted them to follow his outlines closely and they clearly went in a different direction from the get go.

My point exactly! Lucas and his experience with the Disney deal


I want Marcia Lucas back! She's what made the original great in the first place and why the prequels were lacking.


I don't think that would work well. She was an amazing storyteller, but George was the man with the ideas.

It was about talents combined. Like Paul and John: separately, not that great, join them, and then you'll have the best group in history. It was the perfect team (and not only George and Marcia, though they were the visible ones).


I want Marcia back too. The editing of every prequel and sequel movie has been sorely lacking.
