MovieChat Forums > The Last of Us (2023) Discussion > Episode 4 what is the cause of the earth...

Episode 4 what is the cause of the earth moving?

A fungal outing?


a boss fight


You mean when that lady (forget her name) & that guy were in the basement where it was caved in but something moved underneath? Probably the infected who were buried under there. Maybe some “new” ones grew but I doubt that. I’m still wondering who this “Henry” is & what did he did that got everyone so on guard. Was this in the game? Because I don’t remember.

Was that just a boy who held the gun on Ellie & Joel?

Regarding them being attacked by Bryan, well in all fairness it was a fair fight, even though that kid was killed by Joel, I agree with his decision. After all his intention was to probably kill both Joel & Ellie, child or not so they were the aggressors. Thems are the breaks. Pretty ballsy of him to crash in & try to fight Joel hand to hand. He got the better of him too, just goes to show Joel’s not the badass we imagine him to be. Sorry that he was that ladies son but again it was his fault so…


Henry was in the game and the boy that held a gun on Ellie and Joel was his little brother Sam. In the game they were ambushed by the hunters and were on the run and then met Joel and Ellie, just like in the show.


That part of the game was sad..


Joel is like 56 years old in tv show. Of course he will be overpowered by 20 years old one.

Zero sympathy for Bryan. All bullies attack, kill, beat up, humiliate people when they are in position of power. Then are all like: "I’m sahhrry, I didnt mean, I’ll be good boy" when they are caught or being outpowered. And start calling their mommy and cry and beg. Then the moment they are free and back in power - they start being bullies again and will beat to death person who showed mercy on them. That Bryan guy got whet he deserved. He attacked strangers and he got killed by them.

What I like about Joel is that he is smart and is not falling for that traps when people stay on the road and beg for help. Because most o the time its a trap and you cant save everyone in apocalypse anyway.


I'd wager most 56 years olds could overpower most 20 year olds, especially in 2023.


Helloooo, thank you Naptown, because reading his answer I thought I was the crazy one. Some kid barely out of his teens against a grown man. But of course the kid can take him.


I am nowhere near 56 and I can't even get out of a sports car without going "EGGGGHHHHH"


We should be able to upvote posts on here, lol



It was another evolution of the fungus that will make its debut next episode. Bloater.


They always have to push it too hard. It looked fake and stupid.


In the previews I saw some reptilian looking things crawling towards the camera. I'm guess that is what is going on underneath the concrete, so kind of maturing and fruiting of the mycelium or the fungus. Just a guess. I didn't like it, it looked fake.

I can buy a fungus that can survive higher temperatures, and maybe even can be transmitted only by bites, but it looks like they are about to jump the shark, if that is the correct term.
