MovieChat Forums > Richard Jewell (2019) Discussion > Any repercussions for the FBI?

Any repercussions for the FBI?

The Jon Hamm character and his partners etc. I hope they were at least severely reprimanded if not fired. How much money was wasted on building a case against Jewel?



Give Janet Reno credit for acknowledging Jewell's injustice.

""""At a press conference in July 1997, U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno expressed personal regret over the leak that led to intense scrutiny of Jewell. She said, "I'm very sorry it happened. I think we owe him an apology. I regret the leak."[15]"""""""""""


"Give Janet Reno credit for acknowledging Jewell's injustice. "


That's cute.

Give a murderer credit. HELL NO.

Hope she rots in hell.


This movie was really good. I would never have watched it except for the pandemic and running out of things to watch and this kicking up from the bottom of my interest. However, I really liked this movie. I was well written, acted and directed.

As for the FBI guys ... I agree with you.

Here is an interesting excerpt of the Wikipedia page for the movie

The film came under fire for its portrayal of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reporter Kathy Scruggs, who had died of a prescription drug overdose in 2001.[41] Criticism was directed at the film for depicting her as offering to engage in sex with an FBI agent in return for confidential information.[42] The editor-in-chief of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution wrote in an open letter that this depicted incident was "entirely false and malicious".[43] Employees of the newspaper demanded the film have a prominent disclaimer that "some events were imagined for dramatic purposes and artistic license."[44][45] The film was accused of perpetuating a sexist trope of women journalists exchanging sex for information.[46][47] However, it was pointed out that some female journalists did in fact remain employed with The New York Times and CNBC despite the fact they held romantic affairs with convicted government leakers such as James Wolfe and Henry Kyle Frese.[48] Wilde, who plays Scruggs in the film, defended her role and stated there was a sexist double standard, in that Jon Hamm's portrayal of the FBI agent was not held to the same scrutiny.[49] Commentators noted that Wilde's character was based on a real person, whereas the FBI agent was an amalgamation of multiple individuals.[49] They also noted that the purpose of the film was to expose and condemn the character assassination of Jewell. However, in the process, some insisted the film committed the same act against Scruggs.[46][50]
Also Janet Reno FBI head said this:
At a press conference in July 1997, U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno expressed personal regret over the leak that led to intense scrutiny of Jewell. She said, "I'm very sorry it happened. I think we owe him an apology. I regret the leak."[15]
Jewell did sue and win money in a lot of lawsuits. The sad thing is that like police in these shootings, they are just doing their jobs, and you have to admit there was reason to look at Jewell. How many police and FBI cases are done like this? Our system of justice if far from perfect.


"The sad thing is that like police in these shootings, they are just doing their jobs, and you have to admit there was reason to look at Jewell."

There's a reason to look at every individual at Olympics that day. It's called an investigation. But the complete lack of evidence that he had anything to do with it should have ruled him out immediately. But no, they saw a fat single white guy and figured it must be him since he fits some profile.

Leaking his name to the press and getting him branded a murdering terrorist by the public was just awful and they should be embarrassed.


Why they made the movie wiseguy.


Probably they were promoted. The FBI is made up of idiots. The were wrong on the anthrax attacks too: went after another wrong guy. And the only reason they got the Unibomber is because his brother turned him in. Well at least they got Monica; that's something.


Did the FBI investigate themselves and find that they did nothing wrong?
I always love it when this happens.


Lol. Thats like asking your partner to look into if they are cheating on you or not.
