MovieChat Forums > Logan (2017) Discussion > Jackman is great, but he is not represen...

Jackman is great, but he is not representing Wolverine as he should be...

Jackman is great. And great in the Wolverine movies: But I do not think he killed it. The reason is simply because Wolverine is a short, very brute and almost animalistic character. Mean and grumpy with a heart of gold deep deep down... Jackman was just too leading man in my view, too likable., too neat. Sure, during fights he became a brute and in his last movie he was just right in his grumpiness... but overall, he was not right for the part, or at lest for the character.

Who is then??? I do not know. But firstly he can not be hansom, he has to be short (5'3 /160 cm) and buff as fucx. Generally unlikable. That is The Wolverine.

Rousimar Palhares:
or - no actor, but he has got the looks (albeit even he is a little bit too tall).


You can't really blame Jackman for the lack of grumpiness. He's shown in Logan: he can do it. In other words, on previous X-films, he just wasn't asked - either by the script or the director or both - to get really nasty.

The height never really bothered me. I'll take a great performance (which Jackman delivered) over the right "look" any day. Does Michael Keaton look like Bruce Wayne? Nope. Was he a brilliant Batman? Absolutely.

I think an athlete would be a mistake. Have we learned nothing from the '90s? Palhares might look like Wolverine, but that's not a smart way to cast films.


I am not blaming him anything and I agree with everything you write; we need a good actor, always :)

What I am saying is though that next time I would love to see a Wolverine more en pas with the comics. To imagine a shorter fellow of immense brute stature and force (a bit like the guy I link to) going into fights would be a thing of beauty. Jack”s fights were as great as they could ever be, but given his dashing physique and looks they just lacked that Wolverine je ne sais quoi part that makes his fighting very unique amongst the lot.... there is just something to seeing a short brute unattractive fellow hand out a plate of ass kicking like it is no bodies business...


Jackman can't help his height, but he was very feral and animalistic in the first X-Men movie. If his characterization has gotten less so over the years I think that was deliberate. His Wolverine started out angry at the world and with nothing to lose, it's logical to think that living in the Xavier mansion for years and being part of a team would have a civilizing, mellowing effect. And of course by the time of "Logan", he's given up on everything and doesn't have the energy to be angry.

Of course the one film where he would have gone back to being feral and angry was the "Wolverine Origins" movie, where he went back to playing the pre-mellowed Wolverine, and played him in situations where he was angry as hell and didn't care whether he lived or died. He could have been more animalistic there.


Kevin hart


Wolverine was short in the comics. Therefore, he must be short in the movies.

Did it ever occur to you that the comics got it wrong?


How can source material be wrong about itself?


“Wrong” in the sense that it was not the right feature, not “wrong” as in inaccurate. The comics made him short and stocky, but he looks better and cooler when he is tall and slimmer, like in the movies. As opposed to claiming that the movie should have made him short like in the comics, why not claim that the comics should have made him tall like in the movies


I suppose it all comes down to which vision you want to see on the silver screen. My love for the character came from the comics first, and this is the vision I crave, and so when there is an adaption... I pray that adapt this, as it was originally envisioned. I see a certain beauty in a hero so unhero like. Making him tall and handsome, and I’d rather they didn't call him Wolverine at all, at least if the version differs too greatly from the source. So the shorter answer is; yes, it did occur to me. I just don't think so.


[–] redban (460) 6 hours ago
Wolverine was short in the comics. Therefore, he must be short in the movies.

Did it ever occur to you that the comics got it wrong?
So why does it occur to you that the comics got it wrong?

When a product doesn't sell or connect with an audience the writer and or creator will often re-introduce the character or situation to better define that character or situation.

In this case for this character several changes had been made to Wolverine within the comics. His stature just wasn't one of them. They've retconned a LOT about Wolverine's origin, life-span, healing power, costume, relatives, etc.

His overall height has just about stayed the same.


So? He wore yellow spandex consistently in the comics too. That they didn’t retcon this feature doesn’t mean that it wasn’t a bad choice


[–] redban (462) a day ago
So? He wore yellow spandex consistently in the comics too. That they didn’t retcon this feature doesn’t mean that it wasn’t a bad choice.
Aren't you basically saying that because the yellow spandex was lampooned in one of the X-Men films? Some might say it was non-creative writing for the narrative to not support the costumes as in the comics.

The Netflix TV show worked that Tiara and the yellow silk shirt with a chain for a belt into the Luke cage series. It didn't stay but he actually wore that outlandish outfit al least once. 😎


Quite possibly the most asinine post I have read in ages.


I thought Jackman was pretty brute and animalistic, especially when he got mad. He did a great job despite him being too leading man.

Comic book wolverine is a hard role cast. The closest actor I could think of who pops to mind is Scott Caan from Hawaii 50. He's 5'5 (close enough) fairly buff dude with average looks, slick back hair, and a martial arts background. All he needs is a beard and darker hair, and to buff up a bit more.


Same. I see what the OP was saying in the earlier films, Wolverine wasn’t raw enough. But I think Jackman improved into the role in each movie, and IMO Logan was peak performance.


