MovieChat Forums > The Flash (2014) Discussion > And the Flash is finished.

And the Flash is finished.

Just finished watching the last episode. And Season 9 was really poor with some good moments.

I loved Danielle Panabaker throughout the series. I still maintain she should've been Iris West. She and Grant Gustin have great chemistry on-screen. That last hug of theirs in the finale was bittersweet. Her character of Khione was one of my favourites in the entire series.

Season 1 was terrific. Season 2 was good. After Zoom, the series really went off the rails. Despite it being really poor, there were some really good moments here and there, albeit very little.

The Flash is one of my favourite DC characters, and I really enjoyed Grant Gustin in the role. How they solved problems in the series, especially with regards to the speed force, was really fun to watch.

Glad I watched the show. But will only re-watch season 1.


This and Arrow were both HUGE in our lil friends group back in the day.

Can't believe it's been almost a decade already. Those first few seasons were excellent

The little self-contained crossovers with both shows were also pretty fantastic.

Dropped both & the rest of the arrowverse like 5 years ago though. The drop in quality was massive


I agree.


'Dropped both & the rest of the arrowverse like 5 years ago though. The drop in quality was massive'

This, so much.


I do agree that Barry and Caitlin would have been a better couple. I watched the whole series. Season 5 was to me the downhill of the show but it did have X/S so it wasn't all bad. Too many speedster characters and the overuse of the supporting characters killed it for me. I didn't care about Iris' newspaper or the police station. I mean it's called the Flash not Flash an Friends.


I didn't like how the tone of the show went from DC to Marvel.


Gustin was a great Flash, better than Ezra Miller IMO, and i loved the original cast. Ultimately boring newbys and terrible writing destroyed this show. The only newby i liked was Ralph Dibney and they got rid of him. The worst was Joes new wife who they shoehorned into the cast by magically giving her superpowers. Hell by the end except for Joe and Iris everybody had a superpower.

A better final scene IMO would have been Oliver Kicking in the writers room door and in his deep gravelly Arrow voice: " have failed this show." The next shot is a spray of arrows wiping them out.


I honestly hated how HUGE "Team Flash" got as the show went on. There were so many freaking people at Star Labs.

It worked better when it was just 3 or 4 people. Same as Arrow.

Cisco & Caitlin for tech, medical & field support & Wells as the mentor. They kinda wasted Kid Flash.

But they continued on adding so many unnecessary & uninteresting characters


It really did get crowded. It went from being the Flash to the Flash and his super friends. Weird that Cisco didn't come back for the finale.


Carlos Valdes declined. Said he could not fit it into his schedule.


Too bad. That scene between Wells/Thawn and Chester would have worked better with Wells/Thawn and Cisco given the history they have.



I don't get the cw's obsession with giving every single hero his or her own freaking "team"

That shit got old (and annoying) fast! And it took away from the main hero's own abilities to fight crime

Cause they couldn't do anything without an unnecessary team


It was watchable until the last few seasons. Those were just a chore to get through and I ended up fast forwarding through most of Season 9 itself just to get to the finale. Season 1 was so fucking phenomenal but they just totally lost steam after that and never recovered. I don't regret watching (most) of it but goddamn that drop off after S2 was HUGE. As bad as Arrow got it was at least tolerable all the way through. Flash's tertiary characters and shitty writing (which got worse every season) just demolished it. This show just became such a trainwreck and I'm glad it's over honestly.


I checked out after season 5. Just like with Arrow the first couple seasons were outstanding and then it got really sloppy. Glad you watched it all the way, they certainly had a good long run.
