MovieChat Forums > Fargo (2014) Discussion > Season 5 is... ok.. but the worst season...

Season 5 is... ok.. but the worst season so far

Feel like I need to rant a bit. I feel it's the worst season of Fargo. While still a solid show, it's too predictable, basic, and flat.

One of the things I love about Fargo is the characters are complex and have layers to them. There are jagged lines between the good and bad guys and there should be some quirks to their characters. Even the bad guys have something in them that differentiates them from being just pure evil.

Dot is basically a 90-lb Rambo and as we learn her backstory I realize nothing in it shows how she has become such a badass. Sure she went through hell and is a survivor, but she is taking out bad guys like Captain America. Hamm is just evil, but there is nothing else to his character besides that. Wayne is a simp. The female deputy is enduring, but really she's just a do-gooder who they force-feed a pathetically bad husband at so she has a character arc when she finally leaves him. The other deputy is just the most earnest and dedicated cop in the state. I don't see his growth from point A to B. He could be written out of the story and it wouldn't change a thing.

On the other hand, I love Gator. He brought some comedy with his complete incompetence and false bravado while constantly trying to be a badass in front of his father. Throughout the show we see glints of his caring for her like a sister while trying to steal her back to win his father's approval. Now his father has basically abandoned him and I can't wait to see where he goes next. Now that is a Fargo character.

The story is really simple as well. Usually there are twists and side plots that keep me intrigued, but this one feels really straightforward and, yet, makes no sense. All this for Tillman to kidnap his ex, which cost him so much and evenuatlly brings the FBI to his door, and then he turns to his partner and tells him to just kill her. I mean, after all that build-up to get her back (and what for exactly - was his plan to keep her in the barn forever) and he doesn't even want to go see her one last time or kill her himself? And now he's screwed and going to die in a silly Ruby Ridge standoff... why exactly? This whole season is a build-up for that? Just feels like the writers didn't know where to go so they thought "Mexican standoff at his ranch. At least it will have guns and get everyone at the same place."

Sorry for the rant. I mean, it's still good enough, with great production values and acting, but I just feel this season pales mightily in comparison to others.


I would say that Season 4 was the worst so far. It had nothing that kept my attention, and I got so bored that I never finished it.

Season ranking:



Exactly how I’d rate them


1/2 (I still have a hard time with which one I like better)
3/5 (I think 5 might be slightly better than 3)
4 (I bailed on it after only about 3-4 episodes, so maybe not a fair assessment, but from what I've read it didn't get any better)


Dorothy never did anything unbelievably physical in her battles, she was using her brain and luck.


You can’t ‘use’ luck, and she often physically overpowered large men, take that beefy male nurse who she grabbed by the nostrils, knocked out and hog-tied to a stretcher for example.

And where did all her Steven Seagal fighting and survival tactics come from? It’s never explained. She’s just instantly the world’s greatest Mary Sue.

It’s terrible agenda-driven writing and you’d do well not to embarrass yourself by trying to defend it.


Yeah, she never did any the Segal-ish..not remotely. We know how roy is, how controlling and abusive. The simple fact that she got away indicates she can be aggressive when needed and has the wit to handle herself as she can.


Bullshit. She had extensive knowledge of weaponry and creating lethal traps, she fought off teams of huge male killers like a highly trained Special Forces Green Beret. It was absolutely ridiculous and you know it.

It’s terrible agenda-driven writing and you’d do well not to embarrass yourself by trying to defend it.


If you just informed everyone that you were a moronic douchebag at the beginning of the conversation, we could all save some time.


You’re a dumb woke bitch who’s salty that normal people are calling out your sad, sick, degenerate cult and can clearly see how it has infected Fargo and turned it into a dumpster fire of woke garbage.

Why can’t you just be grateful that Fargo has been ruined and turned into the woke piece of shit that you crave? Why the need to come here and be a dick about it?






That’s about the quality of thought I’d expect from a wokist.

To confirm to everyone that you are indeed a woke bitch who constantly takes it in both ends write ‘douchebagsayswhat?’ in reply to this. Go…




No way is it the worst. The Chris Rock one was unwatchable.

For me it's:



I think most people think Chris rock's season was the worst. The dudes funny, he's just not a dramatic actor.


I don't think that CR was the major problem. Season 4 just has a totally different basic concept, a different pattern than all other seasons and the movie.


That's fair. It definitely didn't feel like Fargo.


I agree with most of your criticisms. I still think 4 is the worst season but at least it was ambitious. I think Hawley maybe thought this season would feel more important because of the subjects it was tackling, but as an overall story it was the most simplistic and least interesting.


The ‘subjects it was tackling’ were ‘women are strong and amazing!’, ‘…and yet women are the perpetual victims of men!’, ‘men are either evil or pathetic!’, ‘Trump voters are evil’

It’s tired woke propaganda, there was no substance or insight whatsoever. Whatever talent Hawley once had has been completely drained now that he’s become yet another woke drone.

Fargo looks like just another woke bait-and-switch show now. Real shame.


I'll fuel some fire on this debate by noting:

I decided to watch Fargo Season 1 all over again. It had been awhile and I really didn't remember any of it going back in so it was almost a new experience.

Yes...Season One is a LOT better than Season Five, more complex in the plotting, less political and with a great central performance by Billy Bob Thornton, who had a real star persona going there for a few years playing deeply amoral characters(Bad Santa, Bad News Bears, Ice Harvest) who see everyone else as dupes. He's so damn FUNNY when he does his evil. His intelligent expressions. His biting deadpan line readings. A great"movie star actor" who never really got to be a movie star.

However, one "subplot" as Fargo Season One moves along is that, after a sympathetic police chief -- who had intended to support his female lieutenant for his job upon retirement -- is murdered, ANOTHER cop -- white, male, incompetant, and fatally unwilling to investigate murders to conclusion -- gets the polcie chief job and continues to stymie our female cop in her investigation.

The white male cop blocks the female heroine cop at every turn -- until -- two black FBI agents(comedy team Key and Peele) arrive and annoucne to the white male cop that the female cop is brilliant, put everything together, had it all laid out. In short, two black characters and a female character versus a dumber, jealous white male character(played by the now-a-lot more famous Bob Odenkirk, I might add.)

So...perhaps Fargo the TV show has been woke all the way back to Season One.

And again I say: that's TV today. That's what writers write, that's what writers know(from other writers and they don't want to rebel) and that's what a lot of Hollywood writers think(including white male writers, who are probably very nervous about their job security a lot of the time.)


reply or don't watch. Or watch with a grain of salt. I would say that the performances of Billy Bob Thornton and (to a lesser extent) Jon Hamm made it worth enjoying the show and simply understanding that the plots would be written that way.

But wait: Season One ALSO has a heroic white male "cop turned mailman"(to support his tougher cop wife), played by Colin Hanks, son of Decent Tom.

But wait: He may be a dweeb, but Juno Temple's husband is loving and supportive and never treats her bad.

So we get a few sops to positive white male characters.

And Billy Bob Thornton may be an evil and diabolical white male villain in Fargo Season One, but he's the most entertaining character in the show.

PS. I don't think the original movie of Fargo is very political at all, but female cop Frances McDormand is clearly smarter than her male deputy(on the "DLR" plates) and solves the crimes. Still, nobody in that movie puts her down for being a woman and she really gets nothing but support from the men around her(including from her husband who evidently quit the force when they got married because she was the better cop.)


For a crime drama set in Minnesota it is ridiculous to not have at least one straight white male role model.

Season 1 has, as you say, Colin Hanks. He’s a very decent man and a good cop. He has a moment of cowardice early on but ultimately grows a pair and hunts and kills the big bad.

It’s not much but it’s enough, and lightyears ahead of S5 which is man-hating feminazi woke garbage. Every white male is either evil or, in Dot’s husband’s case, a pathetically weak castrato.


Yes it’s always been there, like it is in 95% of TV and movies. But it’s a matter of degree, how much is worked in to the plot.
And the degree in terms of how it’s presented. Season 4 was obviously a reaction to what was going on at that time with BLM etc. But it just wasn’t subtle about it, they had to whack the audience over their yards and make damned sure we get the enlightened message.

But boy this season is even worse, and each episode got cringier and cringier. I started tapping that FF button more and more! They can’t help themselves, the message has completely taken over and telling an interesting story takes a back seat.
The plot is just an afterthought, (can an entire plot be a McGuffin??), just a vehicle for pounding us over the head with the white bad, male bad, conservative bad, Christian bad lesson. And If you are evil enough to combine any of those traits, whew!

A good storyteller knows the story comes first, and if you want to get some moral or message across you can work it in. These guys now start off with the message they want to deliver then lazily throw some story wrapped around it. No subtlety at all.

All three of the first seasons were good in their own different ways, but these last two became unwatchable dreck as the episodes went on.


Very good analysis.

‘Fargo’ is just a Trojan horse for woke propaganda now. I won’t be fooled again.


But boy this season is even worse, and each episode got cringier and cringier. I started tapping that FF button more and more! They can’t help themselves, the message has completely taken over and telling an interesting story takes a back seat.
The plot is just an afterthought, (can an entire plot be a McGuffin??), just a vehicle for pounding us over the head with the white bad, male bad, conservative bad, Christian bad lesson


Part of what's going on here, is that in America, we are heading into an election year, Trump is a factor again, and -- seriously -- a lot of these Hollywood folks feel that they are "doing their civic duty" by re-inserting right wing villainy into their shows. Maybe it will calm down a bit after the election.

When shows "go political," I always feel like the writers room has been allowed to let dumber people in. Politics(as opposed to government action) is pitched to about an 8th grade education. Campaign ad commercials are written as if to 8th graders. Its the same with our now-political talk shows. So Fargo evidently had to drop its sophistication level accordingly.


One show that wrapped in politics, definitely a liberal bent but at least tried to criticize democrats some along with republicans was called Braindead.
It was a summer series on CBS I think starring Mary Elizabeth Winstead.

It’s pretty darned funny and has a general point that our politics are becoming more extreme on both ends. I enjoyed it and especially because it uses humor to get its point across.
What kinda humor? Well our recent political splits are being controlled by alien ants eating half of people’s brains, of course, duh!

Anyone coming here from either side should try and find it, give it a shot.


S02 I consider one of the greatest seasons of TV I've seen.
S01 was great
S03 was very good
S05 was mostly mediocre, but Dot and Munch were captivating. Plus JJL is always good and it was great to see Dave Foley hopefully making a decent paycheck.
S04 tried, but gave up after E03


I too gave up on season 4 after episode 3. But I loved season 5, propably the best since season 1. But 1,2,3 and 5 are all great to me.
