
It will demystify the universe and potentially destroy the storyline for good.

The should've just made something extremely deep in the past but not an actual origin.


First off, it's just Kathleen Kennedy bullshitting, trying to save her job, because she's on the outs at Disney/Lucasfilm. Second, the story was already written in the EU and is frequently referenced in the Knights of the Old Republic franchise.


Just "retire" her already.


People have been screaming to get her fired for over 5 years. Trouble is, she has friends in high places, and she "knows where the bodies are buried," in a manner of speaking. She apparently knows some dirty secrets about people high on the foodchain in Disney, and if they try firing her and severing her contract before the alotted time, she'll basically "burn the place down" by revealing their dirty secrets to the world.

However, Iger has come up with a plan that the bitch can't squirm out of. If there's one thing a movie studio hates, it's losing money, and Kathleen Kennedy has been responsible for billions being lost, due to her horrible films and the shitty Star Wars tv shows that have been put on Disney+ in the past few years. It's caused many people to give up Star Wars altogether, all thanks to her. Iger has been carefully building a case where she has been an extremely irresponsible studio head, doesn't know what she's doing, is incompetent, and was not fulfilling her end of the contract by earning Disney/Lucasfilm money. He's going to use that horrible Indy 5 film as evidence of her incompetence, and use it as an excuse to finally get rid of her, as well as making her pay out of pocket for the money lost on a film that's already over budget, so no golden parachute for her upon "retiring."

One way you can tell the "announcements" were BS by KK is because none of those films had been greenlighted, and just about everyone in the studio was caught off-guard, totally unaware such movies were going to be made at all.

Based on the studio's past history, chances are high these monstrosities will be canceled and nothing will come of them. There won't even be concept art made of them, let alone any script rough drafts.


You sure she doesn't have friends in low places?


It's like they just announced 25,000 additional years of endless fill-in-the-timeline Star Wars shows and movies that I have to do faux historical homework for. I don't care if any of it is even good anymore, I just want it to end.


It is necessary in the sense that it is necessary for the rich to get richer, and as long as fucking cretins will pay money for any old shit, they will keep shovelling it into their mouths while they ask for more.


NO origin they cook up can be worth a shit. I'm also highly skeptical the origin of the force involves humans at all. Running around speaking perfect English no less. This can only be terrible. F'n Wolverine still hasn't recovered from his several origin stories. What they should be doing is god damn Darth Bane era stories and the origin of the Sith.


I couldn't agree more about Wolverine. I like his original origin of being born in the 1880s. Then they decided to make it so he's born in the 1700s and just to make it like that crappy Wolverine origins movie. Then again they stupidly changed Eddie Brock's origin to be like Spider-Man 3. I can understand people some people not wanting to watch these Star Wars shows. The only one I have taken interest in recently is Mandalorian. I've only seen the first few episodes so far. But frankly my favorites will always be the OT.


If handled well it could be good.

Chances of them handling it well are 00.00%

Chances of them bungling it 100.01%

Star Wars is just content now. Fast food. It gets thrown out there.


Well, it's probably in jeopardy now that Indiana Jones 5 looks like a bust with critics. I kind of felt like they were tempting fate by announcing this before that movie's release.



Finally. We'll learn about the origins of midicloreans (s.p.?).
