After two movies of this trilogy I honestly can't remember anything Rey has done or said

She is so unremarkable/forgettable. I honestly can't recall a quote, scene or anything of hers from the first two films. This is probably due to her acting and overall looks, it is all very plain and there is nothing stand out and iconic about her.



I remember Luke milking a big boob and drinking the milk. I think that's the iconic image that will represent the new trilogy.


oh, you too ?



Yes, the most memorable image of the Disney Trilogy is Luke's Humiliation(TM).


and when Luke tried to murder Ben, wth? more Luke Humiliation(TM).


agree......and the only scene that stands clearly in my mind is the Luke milk drinking scene.....

folks hate it, but i think it was the only memorable scene from the 2 first movies.

what say you guys?


'I bypassed the compressor!' and 'Lifting rocks'. That's all I can recall offhand. That and a lot of angry yelling. If the lore weren't destroyed I'd say she should already be halfway to a Sith by now.

That aside, totally agree about the Luke imagery, ha! That could well be the whole DT's legacy. Our hero creepily titty milking some space giraffe-seal.

It's the only scene I know of offhand that has a 10 hour version on YT so there's a solid case for it, ha. Though I haven't looked for one of "they fly now!?" yet. Think I'll check that now. :)


Couldn't find "they fly now" but I did find a 10 hour Porg screaming to the tune of 'Duel of the Fates'. Not sure which is worse.


I didn't believe you, I thought it was only a myth, but my god, it's true, all of it:


I really like DR. She is a decent actress and attractive. Rey, on the other hand, is a bit forgettable. I have crisp memory of her intro. She was interesting as the scavenger and I recall all of that. The rest feels like she is bounced through events without being a driving force. heh

This will be the first SW movie I don't go see.


I think the biggest mistake they made was not having a gap of 3 years between timelines like the original trilogy , TLJ is literally seconds after TFA, if it was 3 years it would add more dynamics to the characters, as with luke , we seem him evolve over a period of 6 years , Rey, 1 day , its a bit far fetched


I don't remember any of them. I couldn't tell you a single new line from this sequel trilogy other than "That's not how the force works!" and "Chewie, we're home". Both lines from and old character. That should tell you something.


None of the new characters are very compelling, really. They sure haven't had the same effect on popular culture that Luke, Han, Leia, Vader, etc. did.


Even the prequels, with all their flaws, had a great new character, Qui-Gong (Liam Neeson). The new trilogy, not even that...


Not just Qui-Gong, they also have Maul, Palpatine, Dooku, Mace Windu, McGregor's Kenobi and so on. DT has Holdo and Rose.


She moved rocks


