How bad is this going to be?



Bad? do you mean great?

it's gonna be great.



Bringing back Palpatine in last ditch effort to spark interest while simultaneously negating the finale of the OT (and after blundering a bunch of crappy open ended mysteries and had no real direction from the beginning)? Yeah it is going to be so bad it is off the scale.

it will be


still wondering if Snoke will be explained...


probably he was a pawn of Palpatine I'll beat. I heard some plot leaks that basically suggest that is all snoke was. What a waste.


He was nobody, Rey's parents sold him to Palpatine's Force Ghost for drinking money.


That's my big issue with this movie.....bringing back Palpatine when he was clearly destroyed at the end of Return of the Jedi. It negates that EPIC moment.....So, what? Rey can defeat Palpatine? Despite her having no connection to him? And by that I mean...the characters have no screen time together or actual build up to their conflict....(I don't care if there is a throw away line that her and Palpatine are somehow connected) This final conflict should have been with Snoke....or even just Kylo Ren. Why kill Snoke, just to bring back a dead character that essential fills the role, the deceased character was already filling.


I know right, it completely undermines the epic moment of Vader's redemption, one of the most powerful moments in the entire series and replaces it with what? Rey showing the boys how to do it right? what a pathetic finale.

That is true too, Rey has no connection to Palpatine going into this one, there is no build up. They are going to reveal she is his granddaughter or something 10 minutes before she kills him? wow, pathetic. Not only that Rey has no real build up or connection with anyone in the series.

"Why kill Snoke, just to bring back a dead character that essential fills the role, the deceased character was already filling."

The blame for this lies directly at the feet of Kathleen Kennedy. She had no care or direction for the story as long as her ambitions (such as marketing the films to female audiences) was met. So she allowed Rian Johnson to throw out JJ Abrams ideas (even if they were bad at least there would be a consistent direction for the story) and do his own thing; which involved undermining fan theories and expectation. So now JJ is trying to do repair work while also trying to bank of an OT character to boost ticket sales. It is all pathetic decisions combined with careless directionless and terrible writing.


It's just absurd. Snoke is the one who should be back, but Disney wasn't confident enough to pin all their hopes on Snoke or Kylo Ren as the antagonist. After the TLJ many fans vowed to boycott ROS. Bringing in Palpatine was an act of desperation to hopefully get back the fans they lost back into the theaters.


It was a bad idea, considering it is the very thing that's putting me off the movie.


I gave JJ Trek a 1/10. Disney Ep.7 2/10. I'd say about 1.5/10.


8.5 , i think it looks fantastic


Movie: 8
Story: 2



I'm sure it will be terrible but it can't be any worse than the force awakens. In fact, in a weird way I'd actually be a little impressed if Jar Jar Abrams managed to make something worse.


It'll be okay, but will seem great compared to the previous installment.
