Does anybody even really care anymore?

I grew up as a SW fan, I never dressed up or anything but I loved the movies, the characters and the toys and games, and I always saw it as THE quality scifi universe.
Then they made the prequels, I was older and I realized Lucas has never meant to be that cool as the first trilogy, the ewok creator took over with his worse geeky, uncool, heavyhanded, pedant side.
But it was still SW.
Now with the last two pieces of post modern crap, it's not SW anymore, that universe is lost and what's left doesn't even interest me: I immediately automatically reject these new installments as another uninspired tie in for the corporate machine, as insipid and safe and obvious as yet another Lego videogame.
Does anybody even care anymore?


wow a new social justice wars movie?!?! i will be seein this the second it hits piratebay. lol probaby not this shit isnt even worth downloadin for free


I *love* A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back, even today. But even when I was younger I never really liked Return of the Jedi, I sorta thought it was stupid in comparison to the others and every year I got older I sort of hated it a little more and more, so you can probably guess what I thought of the even later installments. Though, I did sort of enjoy Rogue One, and maybe the last 5 minutes of the Solo one but for the most part was pissed off because I thought it ended so prematurely.

Do I necessarily care? Not really, but there are still die hard fans out there .. but I think they need to start getting more technical if they want to actually appeal to their older fans which I sort of don't see them doing since Disney bought the franchise (and in my opinion subsequently got crappier and crappier), none of this ice cream with sprinkles on top crap.


Just like the OP I grew up a SW fan, I was the perfect age for it in the 70's, I had the toys, VHS films, posters on my wall, books etc.

But after the PC crap of the first two Disney films I've not yet seen Last Jedi or Solo, doubt I ever will, I'm not interested anymore. So sick of remakes and reboots!


I'll see the next Star Wars movie. Science fiction is part of my life, and I accept the good (Star Wars) with the not-so-good (Star Trek - The Motion Picture).


To each their own....i still care but as an adult I'm not as excited as I used to be.bSaw a New Hope in 1978 re-release. I was also a fan of the Prequels. Especially 2 and 3. (3 is actually my favorite sw film) But after 4 flims in 3 years and a 5th on its way I am getting a bit of burnout. But I still care just not as excited anymore.


The teaser confirmed my feelings: I don't care about this movie, it doesn't feel like the next, and (hopefully) final, chapter in the most succesfull saga in movie history.
It's just another disney let's-milk-it-even-if-it's-dry-sequel like "alladin 2" or "cinderella 3":
new story, same characters, no heart.


Yes, obviously people care - based on the number of postings made about the movie already.



That's an ovious indicator that people care, number of posts...
Nobody is already calling it the next disaster in a once beloved franchised, they are all positive and excited posts indeed. Like this one...


Bumping the thread, still curious if this crap could be gathering some interest now that it's getting close or it's just the usual buzz about idiots wandering "will it make X amount of dollars"


As I posted on this thread earlier, Star Wars is now dead to me and I don't even recognize Disney's versions of films as Star Wars.

After seeing Endgame and seeing how big it is and how well done and entertaining these films are...with Marvel also being under Disney it just makes me wish they had some of the talented people running Marvel also over Star Wars. Those films were thought out, the characters were well cast and they were developed well and there was a clear vision as to where the overall saga was going.
Kennedy, Johnson and Abrams.....they are just a clusterf**k.

Just letting each director make up the story as they go? That's idiotic.

Idiots are running Star Wars.


"Just letting each director make up the story as they go? That's idiotic.

Idiots are running Star Wars."

As Yoda best said it "Difficult to see. Always in motion the future is..”
