The best star wars film!

I am amazed at how many hate this film. I think this is the best Star Wars film by far.


It is breathtaking, very stunning!!!


One would even dare say that it was "beautifully made", ROFLMAO.


Love That Alien's Green Tiddy Milk


It's a hugely flawed movie, characters are broken and storylines that provide toys and beautiful landscapes for kids to enjoy but give nothing to the plot, moreover they negatively impact it.

The movie is terrible, it was so bad that I had serious worries about to possibility of TLJ destroying any chance at more SW movies...

The film has 0 connection to TFA, and it does not follow up on anything that we were teased, imagine the rage from people if Thanos turned out to be a Snoke 2.0 villain. They could've played that much better, with the same end, Snoke dying in TLJ but in a way, we would feel the effort and power it would require for a sith to kill his master. Not to wit the first on-screen presence of the big antagonist and with a shitty trick that makes no sense.

Do not get me started on Luke's story arch in which even Mark Hamill said he was not ok with it, because it's total bullsh&t. It destroys what luke skywalker is all about. A guy that spent 3 movies believing that his father could change, yeah Darth Vader could change and was willing to die for that belief, but he could not trust his nephew for a second not even try to speak with him, and try or at least get so close to killing him on his sleep?! come on!!!

A bad Star Wars movie, if it were a unique and stand-alone movie with unknown characters and universe, it would be a good movie. But since it's not, it's undeniable a bad movie so bad it almost (if not) killed any chance at seeing an R-rated Raven movie, which I can only pray and hope it will happen at some point.

You can personally like it for whatever reason you may have, but the movie is objectively a bad SW movie.


well said delac147, couldnt agree more , TLJ is so bad , its a franchise killer , how on earth Rian Johnson got picked for this and given another chance with a new sequel trilogy is just beyond me.


Don't worry you will be in the theater when episode 9 comes out. As well as all the other people who complained about Last Jedi.


Not me. I skipped Solo because of how bad TLJ was and I will not see IX in the theater either.

When I can watch for free, I might check it out.


Good I can at least respect that stance. Thing is though most of the people hate on this will be in the theater for episode 9. If you dislike a direction a franchise is going quit supporting it. Vote with your wallet.


Given that Solo lost $50-100 million, I think a lot of people are voting with their wallets.


That will not be the case with episode 9 you can take that to the bank. Thing is if episode 9 loses money which I highly doubt then the people who truly are displeased with Disney's direction will have accomplished their goal.

The only way a studio is going to change their approach to a franchise is when it stops becoming financially successful. It is why I do not care to listen to people who willingly go in and support a franchise when they dislike the direction. I did not care for the Michael Bay Transformers films so you know what I did I stopped going.

As long as he was at the helm I knew okay nope not supporting that. When people are like Disney Star Wars sucks so bad I simply ask you going to see the next one? They go well yeah... Then I go you have no right to complain then.

There has been 4 Disney Star Wars films, if you did not like TFA chances are you are not going to like episode 9 since it is directed by JJ Abrams who as you know did TFA. Therefore do not see it and wait for it to be out on stream where you can watch it for free. Let those of us who enjoy this franchise watch on in peace.


I don't see why complaining about a bad movie has to be followed by not seeing any other movie of that franchise.

I've seen all SW movie because I love the universe, I've even read a few books about it. I will be seeing SW Episode IX, and if it's bad, I will complain if it's good I will prise it.

I will keep throwing my money into it, and it does not matter if the movie I watch today is terrible, I will gladly pay for a chance of an awesome movie in the future. So I take it as an investment, maybe I will get ROI today maybe not, and like all investments, hopefully, I will get rewarded in the future.

If we didn't throw movie at Marvel, we would not have had Deadpool or Infinity War, even though not all Marvel movies are good.

So I will keep watching SW movies as long as I can afford to pay for the tickets.


I just find it silly because the only way you can invoke real change is to stop supporting the franchise. Vote with your wallet. The Jurassic World movies are awful but you know what they make money. The only thing that ever gets the studios to hear you is that. Both Jurassic World movies grossed over a billion dollars each. So let me ask this is the studio going to change up and make it have substance? Nope because people keep coming to see it.

When a series falls on it's face money wise that is when a correction is made. Batman Begins was made because Batman & Robin bombed therefore they had to rethink the strategy. After seeing Batman v Superman Dawn of justice I said I have no further interest in the DCU. Turns out I dodged several bullets.

I watched Suicide Squad, and Justice League on a stream for free at a friends house and both were terrible. So happy I did not give one dime to that trash. Wonder Woman was the only half decent film among the DCU. Anyway you see now that Justice League under performed financially they are rethinking their approach. Had it made bank nothing would have changed.

Not all Marvel movies are good but a lot of them are. Most people I know on these boards say that no Disney Star Wars film is good. That is why I ask then why do you keep going to see them? You actually make sense okay you liked the others but not this one. Now that JJ is back at the helm you are excited since you enjoyed TFA. The people that hate all need to quit the belly aching and quit going to see it. Half the people who hate the new Star Wars films walk in with their minds made up before even seeing it.


Yeah, I get what you are saying if you hate 5 movies out of 5, then stop watching them...

But I would say I do not know whether a movie is good or bad until I see it, and I like to go see it quickly, for different reasons.

The first being I don't want to get spoilers, which nowadays if you do not go watch those kinds of movies on release weekend you are getting nice odds for spoilers.

Another one is that I do not trust critics, they don't seem to share the same thoughts as I do. Therefore I can't just read the critics and decide whether or not the movie in question is good or not.

And the third reason is that I love having that thrill on a release weekend to see a film for the first time that I don't know anything about, is it going to be good(?) bad (?) are they going to address this or that, how is this character going to evolve etc. To be honest I 99% of the time I go watch a movie I like it, at least the Hollywood type movies. I usually enjoy the first watch, when I watch them more times is when I start noticing flaws here and there, that's because I am so excited and willing to love it that I overlook a lot of stuff subconsciously.

But for me, TLJ did not quite hit right for me, not even on the first watch.


Furthermore, I liked TFA, Rogue One and Solo.


Yes I will because I'm a huge star wars fan and have faith in JJ, I still think TLJ is absolutely awful.


Then I do not want to hear about how it was a franchise killer. If that were true you would not be seeing episode 9. Personally the fact that the Star Wars fans hate the Last Jedi and are so disgruntled actually makes me like it even more. In short I think it is hilarious it ruined their childhood. Good I am glad!


I said it might have been a franchise killer not because they would stop movies already in production, but because it might've prevented them from getting more movies on the pipeline.

There were serious talks about stopping or getting on standby Rian Johnson's Trilogy. To be clear I do not hate on Rian Johnson, I just did not like how he followed JJ Abrams set up, he took a risk, and for me, it failed. Perhaps he did not had total decision-making freedom and was forced to include some toy selling scenes and story arcs (Finn and Rose mostly) perhaps with an entirely new storyline made from scratch, we will get a good story.

And Solo suffered the consequences I believe. Solo for me is a good movie, a good heist movie within the SW universe. But underperformed at the box office in part because of the failure of TLJ among other reasons but that most certainly did not help.


You actually are reasonable and raise fair points. Even though I personally enjoy the Last Jedi a lot I get how you would feel that way. Well now JJ is back in the driver's seat. So you have every reason to be stoked for episode 9.

I simply get tired of the whiners of Star Wars man. Literally it is like nothing can please them. When the prequels were being made once episode 2 hit people were like fire George Lucas he is a hack! Now I hear we need George Lucas back he would right the ship. I am like oh spare me your BS. You entitled morons were throwing him under the bus back then and now since he is gone you act like you had no issues with him.

Star Wars became such a cultural craze that it has it's share of toxic fans and it annoys me.


I totally agree with you, some people just hate it because yes.

I honestly do not hate the prequels, they re not perfect movies and Anakin and Padme kind of suck, I don't think that was to blame the actors, the script sucked sometimes. Come on how good of an actor you have to be to make people feel stuff when you say that sand bothers you... at least Daniel Day-Lewis good (I drink your milkshake kind of sentence).

In part, I guess I like them because I grew up with them, I was about 10 years old, so I loved the first movie. The second one was kind of boring and the third one was amazing through my kids' eyes, I've now rewatched them plenty of times and I've grown to love them all. As I am sure many kids that are growing up with SW Ep VII, VIII and Episode IX will do. Perhaps I would feel the same about Episode II If I watch it for the first time at 27.

My hope will never cease when it comes to SW, LOTR, DC, Marvel, and any fantasy, sci-fi or hero themed movie.


I do not enjoy the prequels well episode 3 I like. Honestly though I never joined the giant hate train everyone else was on though. The big reason why people claim the prequels are so bad is because it came after the original trilogy. The original trilogy was the most influential trilogy of all time. Oh boo hoo it did not live up to the hype that does not make them travesties because of that. You release the prequels on their own and they do not have the Star Wars name attached people would say they were silly scifi fantasy films. No one would claim them to be such dreadful pieces of cinema like they do now.

Now I do openly admit they have issues mainly with the character of Anakin and Padme being unbearable. Honestly though there is some enjoyment to be had. I also totally agree I do not blame the actors it is the writing and direction. Case in point Natalie Portman has been great in other movies, watch Black Swan.

So I get having an interest from the way you point it out. I actually love DC thing is man oh man has it been rough being a dc fan. After Nolan's Dark knight trilogy which I loved I have not enjoyed anything out of DC since except for Wonder Woman. The rest has just been so bad and bland.


There's still hope for DC, Aquaman might deliver us a good film.


True I am cautious though.


Anything that comes after episode 9 will probably tank all because of TLJ, I expect episode 9 to struggle to get a billion all because of TLJ, worst star wars film ever .


You can personally like it for whatever reason you may have, but the movie is objectively a bad SW movie.

No I actually would not say so. I like how there is some golden book that determines what a good Star Wars film is. Since it is objective please provide this book so I know what determines an objectively good Star Wars film.


A guy that spent 3 movies believing that his father could change, yeah Darth Vader could change and was willing to die for that belief, but he could not trust his nephew for a second not even try to speak with him, and try or at least get so close to killing him on his sleep?! come on!!!

This scene would have been great if only Luke was being influenced to evil by Snoke, and was defenseless because he didn't even know Snoke existed.

Maybe JJ will bring that around in the next one.
