MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > I don't consider the new movies part of ...

I don't consider the new movies part of the Star Wars universe.

Id just like to say: force awakens was abysmal and I will not torture myself by watching this, I had enough agony sitting through TFA

It was torture to watch that garbage.

And I'd just like to say, I still consider the expanded universe canon, and Jacen Solo, all the books about after RotJ which were written, those to me are the real story.

This shit Disney is doing now, never should have happened. There was too much money to be made on the SW property, and Lucas had to pay off all the lucasfilm employees . So he had to sell it.

But this never should have happened and it's a disgrace to REAL, true star wars fans everywhere.


That's because they're not.

Lucas Film released the official stories years ago and nobody gets to write out a big cheque and go 'whelp, this is all mine now and this imaginary universe is no longer real'. What does that even mean?

Can you imagine what the reaction would have been to the Timothy Zahn books if he'd written the crap that the sequels have come up with? Not that Lucas film would ever have allowed them to be published...

So we know how the story ends, it's just unfortunate that we'll never get to see it filmed.


Mickey Mouse does not consider you part of the SW fan base.

Lucas sold it because of fan's hatred for the prequels. You got what you deserve!


"Lucas sold it because of fan's hatred for the prequels. You got what you deserve!"

Sad to say, but you're right. What's really sad is that Lucas treated the fans well. I know he hired a guy who had a SW podcast to write a SW comic book. Instead of suing SW fan film creators (like Star Trek), he created an official contest for them. When a volunteer game coder wanted to recreate an old SW computer game for the newer computer system and asked for a few sources from Lucasarts, he was given a COMPLETE game engine and all sources - for free. Lucas was treated like dirt by the fans, Disney and Kennedy. The Last Jedi is Karma.


I agree with you on that. Lucas was respectful not only to fans, but he WAS a fan himself and he cared about the universe, he CARED about Star Wars.

As bad as the prequels were, we have now come to a place, where we've gotten something WORSE than the prequels, something that no one could imagine. Where Luke is milking a spacecow as if it could not be any more obvious the studio are telling us, they are milking the franchise.

And where Luke, just isn't Luke. We knew it when we first saw him back in TFA. He hasnt even been in the role since the legendary Return of the Jedi , and THAT is how you treat his character? THAT is how you introduce him? AT the end? And with no lines?

Fuck off.

Luke, as a character, was desecrated by that movie, and no , thank god, I did not see whatever the next one was called. and please, don't even suggest me having to watch the next one because , no one should have to suffer that much.


I watched "Rise of Skywalker". It's even worst than "The Last Jedi". Bad SFX and the script contradicts itself so the story makes no sense. It was obviously a rush job because the editing is so bad and some of the visuals look like a rush job similar to "Justice League". Avoid at all costs.


I lot of this is very much the sentiment I agree with. Funny how toxic prequel/Lucas bashing "fans" didn't realize how all those years were acting as unwitting agents of Di$ney be demoralizing Lucas enough to sell his beloved franchise to the the mega conglomerate, only for them to trash the legacy of the OT which they claimed to love so much and they absolutely deserved it. Too bad the rest of us who supported Lucas had to suffer it as well.


Anyone who thinks they have the market cornered on being a “real” Star Wars fan is an idiot.


Couldn't agree more. These new films are poorly conceived and made by lesser also-ran filmakers that have no talent. JJ Abrams is a joke but a genius compared to that dweeb idiot Rian Johnson (thank you for the at Leia Mary Poppins thing and Luke drinking Sea Cow Milk). Seriously WTF


The sea cow scene is indefensible, but you DO know that the blue milk was in the original Star Wars movie, right? No doubt it's the same species.


Is that why we have green and blue milk bottle lids in the UK? No doubt a white man dyes it all white though ☺


You overestimate them, the cow's utter-testicle milk was green, not blue. Two different kind of milks entirely.

They even missed the opportunity to use Han's idiotic "moof-milker" line, by naming the seacows "moofs" - they are called "sirens" instead.

That being said, I liked these scenes and the fishing, it was well filmed and scored and it was different and weird. Must be the only one on the planet.


I removed the sequel movies from my personal head canon as soon as I saw TFA. Spared me a lot of pain and suffering.

This way they are at least interesting as the unoriginal fanfic train wrecks they are. Never though I would say that, but the Thrawn trilogy looks like Shakespeare compared to that.

But Rogue One and Rebels while flawed are decent, Filoni and Edwards are real fanboys trying to add something to the lore and SWU - that must be respected and thus these are canon for me.



I kinda did that too.


The moment I saw The Force Awakens I knew I wasn't going to accept the sequel trilogy in any fashion. The movies only got worse.


They're just awful, super-expensive, badly-written fanfics to me. Not really Star Wars at all, more like crappy knock-offs.
