MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > am i'm the only one that noticed TLJ was...

am i'm the only one that noticed TLJ was a completely different movie?

when i watched TLJ it feels like a completely different movie. they didn't mentioned the Starkiller base or anything in TFA. I know they mention Han solo.

it feels like TLJ completely erased everything in TFA.


They mentioned it in the opening crawl.


they did? I don't remember that.


It didn’t mention Starkiller by name but it mentioned the destruction of the Republic.


Then it didn't mention it.


Considering Starkiller destroyed the Republic, it mentioned it indirectly.


It did. I honestly don't care anymore, it baffles me why so many people think Star Wars is still "special", it lost that a long, long time ago.


It is funny you say that... and still roam around Star Wars message boards;-)


I know I do... I love watching the rot set in.


Rain writes with white out and an eraser...


You're mentioning one of the main reasons why fans hate this movie. Johnson almost completely ignored Force Awakens.




"Almost" because he did answer who Rey's parents were - nobody. Of course, that answer is completely stupid considering her abilities.


that's true. I don't think Rey's parents are nobodies. one of her parents have to be a force sensitive.


This will have to be retconned in part 9. But for now all we know is that Rey was abandoned on Jakku and her parents were nobodies. I feel the answer we will be given for her incredible abilities will be quite lame.


The same thing was true of 5 year old crybaby Anakin


I think Lucas had something in mind re: Midiclorians and Plageius - perhaps Anakin created by him, but the fans hated the midiclorians concept.

Johnson was just being a hack.


There have been plot outlines for Lucas's sequel trilogy leaked online...more midichlorians...really bad stuff!


complaints about the prequel seem kind of insignificant at this point. Now we have a situation where Luke Skywalker and master Yoda's blue-glowey both tell us that the force and all of the knowledge that they have means nothing. Essentially we were told as fans that Jedi is unimportant to star wars and that we like star wars for no reason at all. They could have just as easily stopped mentioning silly scientific reasons to fight tyranny and just kept the epic battles going. What people liked about Star Wars was the way good beats evil in a hyper-technical future. Luke Skywalker was supposed to be "you", or someone similar to you as the viewer, and lets not forget the demographic for sci-fi fantasy:teenage boys.


"hyper-technical future"
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

"and just kept the epic battles going."

No, no and another no. Lucas wanted SW to be about much more than just space battles. The underlying themes of religion, politics, loyalty, good vs evil, redemption and hope helped make SW so popular for generations.

"demographic for sci-fi fantasy:teenage boys"

Lucas also created a very strong (head of her time) female character in Leia and broadened the appeal with Lando (after much backlash). His prequels went further.

Disney SW will never be canon for me.


My point isn't to tell you Lucas's secret goal, or what it became, and in the world of opinion there is no such thing as "no, no , no , oh and no". To the original fans that made Star Wars popular it was all about the futuristic technological sci-fi fantasy. Politics didn't creep in until the prequel, but it was necessary for Padme's poorly conceived role oh and the muppet senate:/. The clear line between good and evil is supposed to be there(unlike in rogue 1). The princess may have been a smart female, but she appealed to teenage boys because she is needs to be rescued by a sword wielding knight. Tension between Han and Luke over the princess simulated the need to win the princess(another teenage boy fantasy), and the same thing is true for Lando's original role. In fact the cherry on top is when it is clear by ROTJ that Lea is Han's girl, while Luke and Lando break the evil emperor and all of his toys.
Are you trying to say it is liberating for females to want to be a maiden in distress like the princess, or choked to death by their much more powerful Skywalker husband? the first 6 star wars were totally cannon in that the ending is the death of the sith and darth Vader(though vader's redemption is un-cannon). The endings of the last steaming piles of crap churned out by Disney are so un-cannon they may as well leave the words "Star Wars" out. So far Yoda and Luke are apathetic and Luke couldn't be bothered to do anything outside of his home. Even if Disney pointed the cannon in the right direction again and made Luke come back as the new sith lord the other 4 movies made by Mickey mouse will still wreak of emotional drivel.


No, no, no is my opinion.

"futuristic technological sci-fi fantasy"
You do know it takes place a long time ago and not the future, right?

I am an original fan. I waited on line for 3 hours to see it when it came out. It was the great SFX that made it so popular. Completely groundbreaking. I became a fan within five minutes when Vader's ship is chasing the rebel's ship.

Politics were there from the beginning. The Empire = Nazis. The officers' uniforms are based on WW2 German uniforms. Ditto Stormtroopers. Also the novel mentioned how a democracy morphed into a tyranny (like Nazi Germany).

Watergate and Vietnam left Americans in a depressed state and many movies had no real heroes - very gray area. SW was the first movie I watched in years that had a clear good guy and bad guy. It was refreshing to watch.

I have to disagree with you about Leia needing to be rescued. Lucas turned that on its head and she ends up rescuing everyone. Again groundbreaking for that time. There were plenty of females who saw SW, too.

BTW, Lando was created as a response to black protest against the lack of black characters in the first movie.

"though vader's redemption is un-cannon"
I'm not sure what you mean by that. Vader saves his son which happened in cannon ROTJ.

We both agree that Disney SW is crap.


He basically ignored all of Star Wars.


I know what you mean, it pretty much picks up from TFA in a matter of minutes, however it feels so different, almost like a standalone movie


you are right. it does feels like a standalone movie.


It felt to me more like a standalone colonoscopy.


This x1000000000000000000


Bingo. That's why it sucks:




They mention Rey and Kylo's duel on SKB

And Finn's treachery is alluded to

Not once in ESB did they refer to the Death Star or Tatooine or Alderann being destroyed.

TLJ is quite clearly very different from what some people imagined for various reasons.

That's why your faces are tripping you.


And ESB didn't mention the Death Star from ANH. Big deal.
