MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > When Luke disappears why doesn't his met...

When Luke disappears why doesn't his metal hand remain?

When Luke disappears into the force world why doesn't his robotic arm replacement stay with the robe? You would think you would hear it clink as it falls to the floor and hits the ground but it looks like it also disappears with him. Why is that? It's not a part of him. so that confused me.

Yoda and Obi-Wan disappeared completely but there were no robotic parts on them.


The Force binds us.

So it went along with him.


Okay, I'll take it

EDIT: Wait, doesn't the force only bind living things?


Well, he was on that island alone for a looooong time. I suspect that hand is COVERED in organic matter, if you know what I mean.


Green milk?


Only if Luke has an STD.....


No, it doesn't.

From The Empire Strikes Back:

YODA: "You must feel the Force around you. Everywhere. Here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere. Yes, even between the land and the ship."

If it flows through the ship, I'd say "robot hand" is covered.


They take their clothes, too. Obi-Wan left his robe and saber but the clothes under his robe went with him. Yoda took his robe, only his blanket fell when he disappeared.

That hand would have been a cool collectible, though. Kind of like this:

Here's the original hand:


Would be hilarious if they were just naked after death. Dongs swinging her way as they tried to guide Rey.


no, it would not be.


With the blue glow of Force ghosts, they'd look a lot like Dr. Manhattan when nude.


And instead of asking them to put a shirt on she would ask them to put some pants on.


Hah. Someone gets it. :)

I can see some take this too seriously even though these are all just movies at the end of the day. I guess people are just used to apparitions and stuff having 'clothing' on after death. I see it as you were born naked, you die naked or rather after death if there is an afterlife you would be naked.


I guess it operates on a similar principle as the time machine in Terminator, only with dead tissue rather than living.


Because his cloak blowing in the wind is a nice shot.

Where as a clank from the hand dropping to the rock causing the robe to just sit in a pile - not as poetic.


Because the writer of TLJ is incompetent and has no business making a Star Wars movie with classic characters.


Vader left all his parts since they're on the pyre at the end of RotJ. Maybe fixing Anakin up used all the force ghost hospital resources and Luke's on the force ghost hand donor list until he finds a donor and has to keep his robotic hand till then?
