MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Not a single film of worth in this direc...

Not a single film of worth in this director's filmography.

The only film I recognized and which is actually good, is "May", and he was only the editor of that. Why didn't the director of May got Star Wars? In what UNIVERSE does all of this makes sense?


im scratching my head also as to why rian johnson was given free reign on a star wars film


Because he wasn't. KK (2/3rds of the way to 'KKK' - makes you think) has an average of 2.3 director/writer firings PER movie. It's pretty clear whose vision we're seeing on screen.


100% right


Not a single film of worth in this director's filmography.

Okay, that's a bit harsh.
True . . . but harsh nonetheless.


Brick's a neat take on film noir - I liked it a lot. I liked Brothers Bloom, too, although it was flawed. I thought Looper was pretty good. Beyond that, he directed some really great Breaking Bad, as well, although I know that's hardly movie experience.


I remember liking Brick, I havn't seen Brothers Bloom. Looper was just passable for me.


Brick is still his best film, no question.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see and if you have any thoughts or criticisms, i'd love to hear them. Thanks in advance. Review here-


Brothers Bloom was a neat con-artist film. It was maybe a little too clever for its own good at times, but the three leads are engaging and entertaining. One of the gags I still quote, which is great. Rachel Weisz isn't just set dressing. It has a kind of a "false ending", though, and my feeling is that they had two possible endings, loved them both, and tried to fold the one into the other.

It's worth watching, I think.


Because, unlike you, he can direct


Judging by the Last Jedi, neither can he.


Judging By the last Jedi, he did a good job, and you couldn't have done any better. I don't see any directing credits under your belt. Does that mean you're a bad director? Maybe not. Did you make the highest grossing movie of 2017 though? No, he did. So sorry but he made the money.


Anyone that knows anything about film or art knows that price or revenue does not a good movie make. Second, do not brag about achievements that are not your own, it just makes you sound like a way more pathetic fanboy. Third, the script and direction of the last jedi are execrable. Every single plot point geared towards a climax was deferred and extinguished in the cinematic equivalent of jerking off and having your mother come into the room as you are about to climax, which I'm sure, happened to you a lot. So yeah, he is terrible, and I don't give a fuck about how much money he made.


Too bad because the rest of the world liked the movie, and so did I and I will continue to be a fanboy, and also I don't have to resort to jerk-off insults because it's unoriginal, much like this post, your username, and your attack on the movie. But hey we all have our own opinions right? Look, if I've offended you in any way, I apologize, and I don't expect your forgiveness, but I wanted to let you know that sitting around on your phone or computer going rants will not solve anything in Hollywood, but taking action will. Not attacking a snot nosed 19 year old guy who barely comes on here, by making an unoriginal jerk off joke involving his mother


I do take actions, I won't be seeing any more star wars until the quality improves. You are too young to know about good films.


Like how the new beauty and the beat was a shameless cash grab of a film parading as artistic with an overuse of CGI, how the casino scenes in last Jedi were boring and unneeded, or how The Godfather part 2 is pure cinematic brilliance, along with citizen Kane being a powerful film about a man who, despite is wealth, is still human, or how Amadeus is clever in how it's told through the eyes of Salieri going crazy, or how Lawrence of Arabia proves time after time to be the defining movie of Epics, and how West Side Story showed how musical movies can be adapted phenominally from stage to screen, or how La La Land is eh, and how movies are art forms and deserve to be taken seriously as cinematic art? Yeah, you're right, I guess I don't know anything.


well those are established opinions, I personally havent' seen godfather 2 and don't really care for citizen kane.


The Godfather part 2 is my favorite movie, and potentially the greatest movie I've ever seen


well you need to see Vertigo.


Oh I have, and it's brilliant


well, good for you.


And good that Hitchcock is one of the best directors who ever lived


Nope, sorry. The world hated that movie (check the user ratings at Metacritic or Rottentomatoes). There isnt any huge profit you are talking about. And most of this were done by presold tickets. When it became viral that TLJ was the most horrible SW movie ever the ticket sales crashed into the basement and SW as a label is now toxic. This movie got in its thrid week at the omestic market 80 million dollars!!! That never ever happened before to any Star Wars movie. And that week even included 2 holidays! At China the projections were at 120 million minimum earning. They are now lowered it to 50 millions.

This movie made the SW label toxic. Disney owns now a label which last reason of existence to make joke about it in YouTube clips (the Superman Leia clip is viral in the meantime).


A five year old blindfolded would have done a better SW movie then KKs puppy.


"In what UNIVERSE does all of this makes sense? "

In the same universe where midget-sized teddy bears defeat elite imperial storm-troopers, or the same universe where fans spent 15 years demanding more movies after they got teddy bears and then got Jar Jar Binks LOL

What is happening now is no less than what the fanbase deserves : you should have let it die in the '80s.

Every disaster that happened later is exclusively your fault for wanting more than you already had.

You should have been content with 3 movies but your excessive love for Star Wars has been your own demise.

Ironically, it parallels Anakin's fall from grace :

he too wanted more and ended up losing everything because of too much love.


Well. He did two of my favourite episodes of Breaking Bad. I know most people didn't like the Fly episode but to me, that's one of the best episodes of BB.

Also, both Looper and Brick are "decent" at worst.
