Snoke being an expendable character

Anyone saying that Snoke being a nobody was a good thing doesn't understand storytelling. Without knowing who he was, what he stood for or what a threat he is it makes his death hold little weight. Also, it undermines everything the rebellion did. Think about how long it took Palpatine to create the empire and how easy it was for Snoke to step in when he died. After everything the rebels accomplished he just rebranded the empire and kept it alive. Then he's killed and nothing changed. Kylo steps in and keeps it going. They even say "The Supreme Leader is dead, long live the Supreme Leader," which means the first order will never be defeated and therefore the entire point of Star Wars is thrown out the window.


Im more concerned about the loss of the only competent villain.
Why exactly am I supposed to look forward to Rey facing off against Ben Solo?


RayLo? :)
I wonder if Disney will brand the final duel as "Lover's quarrel" :D


More like Star Stalemates...could not agree more! The loss of the main villain was maybe the worst part of this film!


Definitely the worst part. And he didn't even die in combat, no, it had to be that lame. Also, why the hell didn't Kylo and Rey use force push when they were struggling against those guardians?


Because without the scene we got...there would have been no lightsaber play with two actual lightsabers in the flick. Bad enough that there was no lightsaber duel!


Yeah, it was cooler this way, but I don't think it would have hurt to show them using the force, in one quick shot maybe, against a couple of enemies.


Shit...I would be down with anything that would improve the flick...force pushes, Snoke with a lightsaber ...hell throw Luke And the Knights of Ren In there and have a fucking free for all!!! The throne room had the perfect optics for a lightsaber battle royal...


As I've said elsewhere here, I think that Johnson just had a "screw it" attitude towards making this movie. So, he thought that it would be fun to kill off Snoke, so he did it. That approach is all through this movie, with Luke just tossing the lightsaber Rey gives him over his shoulder, etc.

Yeah, I don't care terribly about what happens with Kylo/Ben and Rey. Neither of them have been given the gravitas needed to make us care what happens to them. Abrams really will have to pull a master trick to pull off Episode IX. I am a writer, and I've been mulling it over in my head since Thursday, and I have absolutely zero idea how you would pull off anything compelling.


He said he will take it "elsewhere"... so maybe it will involve time travel or even the island from "Lost" :)


Snoke was no Sidious, Snoke was made out to be this powerful entity, but maybe he just filled a void, was an opportunist.

Palpatine always treated Anakin with respect when he was grooming him. He understood how to finess an apprentice, earn his loyalty.

You never seen Palpatine insulting Anakin, and Vader always stayed loyal.

Snoke got cocky, was full of himself, and snuffed out by his apprentice , like many other lesser Sith Lords before him.


Kilo never could have beaten Snoke in a fair fight. He did what he had to do because I think deep down he knew his father was right about Snoke crushing him when he was done. Kilo can cross that deep fear off the list.


Indeed, the fact that Palpatine respected him while the Jedi Council obviously didn't was a major factor in why he turned. The refusal by the Council to promote him to Master (despite him fulfilling the requirements) was probably the ultimate insult you could give a Jedi.


Good point - when it happened, it kind of felt right to me, like the playing field had just been cleared of a major distraction

Comparing his crotchety bullying to Palpatine's finesse really makes it all clear to me


Yeah, he was really one of the characters I was expecting more of a backstory on, especially finding out his relation to the past movies and possible affiliations with the dark side. Them disposing of him like he was nothing really turned him into a pointless character.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see and if you have any thoughts or criticisms, i'd love to hear them. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-


I'm guessing he'll have his story told in the next movie. Otherwise, yeah, it's a total waste.

Some people will point at the OT and say "We never learned Palpatine's backstory". The thing they don't get is that the OT set up the universe and didn't owe an explanation to anyone. We know there's an emperor and he controls Vader. That's all the backstory we needed. When it comes to Snoke, we now have six movies worth of mythos to unpack and try to wedge him in. Where was Snoke during Palaptine's reign? Where was he during the Clone Wars? Was he a Sith? A fallen Jedi? I don't think any real thought was put into his character.


The thing is, he wasn't developed in TFA or TLJ. He was a pointless character in both movies. Killing him had little effect on the plot or story, I'm sad to say.


It could be a ruse.

He could still be Darth Plagueis. If he fooled Darth Sidious into believing he killed him he can very easily fool Kylo.

I mean come on, he took his time trolling Kylo with threatening to kill Rey.
