Why make Luke a killer?

So Luke thought Kylo was evil so he went to kill him and then he had second thoughts but it was too late cause Kylo sensed it and woke up and then tried to kill Luke. I don't understand the logic of making a beloved hero from the OT a killer in Ep 8. Thoughts?


Why not?


Really? Is that the best you can do?

I'll play your game, it completely contradicts his character from when we last saw him at the end of ROTJ, it removes the character arc he made in the O.T. and he has changed so much from when we saw him last that he might as well be a different character.


Chucky is a terrible fanboi troll, so I don't really care what he has to say.

But your right, it was just out of place for Luke to do something like that. At least Lucas explained why Anakin turned to the dark side. There was no explanation for Luke killing his nephew other than he was a bad kid.


That's what I hate about these Disney movies so much, they don't understand their characters and they just whatever is convenient for the plot. The Original Trilogy and the Prequels didn't have that problem.


It would be like someone trying to make a sequel to Pulp Fiction without Tarantino. Disney is trying to do the same without the advice of Lucas. I like the Prequels because there is a beginning, middle and end and there is exposition that explains everything. The OT also is the same and it shows character growth throughout the 3 movies.



I completely agree the Disney films have absolutely no sense of direction, the characters are complete idiots and just do whatever needs to happen to get the plot moving. I said back in 2012 that this would be a horrible idea and I was completely right.


Ah you again. The dumb fuck that doesn’t know how plot and story works. Or that characters don’t see what we the viewer sees.

But I’ll play, go watch return again and tell me Luke wouldn’t consider killing someone he thinks is evil. I fucking dare you dipshit.


If Luke had tried to kill Vader in his sleep I might be able to get behind that, but he didn't so shut the f-ck up you worthless troll. You know NOTHING about film, you don't know how to write a story, you don't understand these characters, you are not mentally capable and I feel really sorry for you. So did you have a wet dream to The Last Jedi last night? Does your Mom have to change your sheets?



Please do not respond unless you have something intelligent to say. Thank you.


I didn't like this either. It's out of character for Luke. Even when everyone else thought Anakin/Vader was pure evil, Luke never lost hope that there was good left in him and he could be turned back to the light. And he was right. I can't see Luke ever losing that optimism, certianly not to the point of resorting to murder.

A couple of months ago, I read that Mark Hamill had misgivings about the story arc Rian Johnson had written for Luke. I think this is what he might have been talking about. If I'd been Hamill, I'd have refused to play the character unless it was re-written.


Did you not watch return of the Jedi?


Even Mark Hammil hates what they did to his character, I am going to believe him over you, I think he understands Luke Skywalker more than you do.


Who gives a fuck what an actor thinks you dirty neck beard fuck? Doesn’t stop the character being what he is.


Oh so the actor who played him, his opinion is meaningless? Have you gone full blown psycho? Does your Mom need to up your meds.

The Last Jedi absolutely raped his character. LOL stupid fanboy.


Lol yeah, I’m the fanboy. What weirdo you are.


"A couple of months ago, I read that Mark Hamill had misgivings about the story arc Rian Johnson had written for Luke. I think this is what he might have been talking about. If I'd been Hamill, I'd have refused to play the character unless it was re-written."

So thats what that was all about. Hamill should have stepped out but then again you don't cross Disney.


Cause Kathleen Kennedy says white men are bad and stuff


Your trolling is kinda proving her point.


No, it does not, you fucking lib.


Yeah, I didn't see any logic in that, other than to show us all that THEY own this franchise and our video dreams. This whole movie just sucked. There was that stupid scene where he is milking the whatever-that-was animal, and catching fish. How stupid and pointless was that? But then again the whole movie was stupid and pointless.


He thought that if he'll kill kylo,maybe the evil things that he "saw"never become real.If i were in his place,i would've done the same.



While Luke has always been impulsive, it didn't ring true that he would find Kylo so irredeemable. He sensed good in Vader who appeared to be pure evil. Kylo, on the other hand, is very conflicted with what he's doing in such an obvious way, you don't have to be a Jedi to see it.


Luke was looking to history. Look at what happened as a result of not taking action at the right time? Anakin and Palpatine brought down the entire Republic with all the lives lost and worlds burned. It was a moment of weakness followed by a moment of clarity, but it was too late. Ironic that this action is what drive Ben Solo to the dark side.


One of the best things about these movies is their willingness to show the domino effect from actions taken or not taken. Luke is definitely a changed man here, less idealistic and more fearful and harder to trust. I thought it added a lot more drama to the character.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see and if you have any thoughts or criticisms, i'd love to hear them. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-https://youtu.be/nerCnafPUm8
