Why make Luke a killer?

So Luke thought Kylo was evil so he went to kill him and then he had second thoughts but it was too late cause Kylo sensed it and woke up and then tried to kill Luke. I don't understand the logic of making a beloved hero from the OT a killer in Ep 8. Thoughts?


I didn't think there was anything wrong with Luke doing this.

Luke may have been under the influence of Snoke's dark side powers, which explains his sith eyes during the temple scene.

It also wouldn't be the first time a jedi tried to kill an unarmed person in Star Wars.

Mace Windu tried to kill an unarmed Palpatine in ROTS which is totally against the Jedi way.

All jedi are prone to being tempted by the dark side. Luke included.


The only difference being is that Kylo was sleeping. Palps was fighting back until he lost his saber and manipulated Anakin to kill Mace.


Not just a killer. He was going to murder the child of his sister and best friend. Despite moving heaven and earth to redeem his father. And the whole galaxy wanted that guy's head on a platter. That's pretty cold! "Hey Leia, Luke here. Funny thing happened today at the dojo. I kinda... chopped Ben's head off. Yeah, I just had a bad feeling. I don't know. Could have just been the milk..."


I was just saying the same thing but you beat me by an hour!


He wasn't a killer. He was conflicted and wasn't going to kill Ben, I believe. It shows that the Dark side and Light side are two sides of the same coin and that no matter what side you're on, there will always be conflict. That said, the movie is still subpar all together.



Not just considering murder, but considering murdering HIS OWN NEPHEW, the son of his beloved sister Leia!

Did he even discuss his concerns with Leia before deciding her son must die? I know he felt immediate shame, but he considered this murder long enough to plan it, get inside Ben's hut, bring his lightsaber, and light it up.

In the real world, that's something people are sent to prison over.


This is tantamount to pointing a gun at someone. His premeditation and intent to kill also raises the charges because there is no moment of passion that he got swept up in.


He considered doing something bad to remove an evil, then had second thoughts about it, the repercussions of which haunted him until the day he died? If anything, that makes Luke more human (or whatever he is) than any other character so far in the SW universe. His character arc didn't stop after RotJ. That's why it is an arc, not a plateau.
