MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > they whacked luke because of hamill's bi...

they whacked luke because of hamill's bitching

kk was fed up with hamill complaining after tfa, so she killed him off before ep ix.


I'd just like to say that I miss the IMDb forums a little bit less after reading this whole thread. *wipes tear


I was pissed and sad when I heard what happned cuz I'm a dork and read the spoilers. But after I saw it, I thought it was really well done . And i bet he'll be back and kick ass in the next one . I mean , yoda burned a tree so maybe Luke will explode someone's head of something


Kennedy is just a pencil pusher. Her job is to get the product made. Hamill was instrumental in creating Luke, and it is his as much as it is Lucas'.

Who wouldn't be pissed if the character your whole life has centered around was @#$% all over by Abrams, Kasdan and Johnson?


Chances are, he'll return as a Force ghost. I'm surprised more people don't think of that.


I loved the scene when the pink petals started whirling in the air and then he get s up with his walking stick and disappears into the petals


Long before the first one, awakens, I saw him in an interview saying he's going to be in the Disney ones. Hamil said Lucas took him out to lunch and told him he was selling to Disney and asked if he'd like a part. He said Lucas didn't care one way or the other. He just needed to know because it would affect the sales price.

So Disney never wanted them but I think it upted the sales price by pitching that if people knew Carrie, Harrison and Hamil were in the next ones, they'd be more likely to get everyone in the theaters.


Money corrupts everything


Honestly, they've watered down what it means to be a Jedi so much that they had to kill Luke off for there to be any believable tension in IX. Ren was already beaten by Rey who has had NO formal training. If Rey could beat him Luke would take him apart. That's why they killed Luke, imo.
