MovieChat Forums > No Time to Die (2021) Discussion > Bond just wears a cheap Wal-Mart sweatsh...

Bond just wears a cheap Wal-Mart sweatshirt now

According to the profile poster. So much for the debonair, elegant and classy super spy. He's been reduced to thrift shopping in middle America for his wardrobe.


Craig era posters have been quite bad, with the exception of Casino Royale poster where Daniel sits at the poker table... or I'm not even sure if its a poster, could be just a marketing picture.


That poster is awful too. It looks way too dark and misrepresents the actual tone of the film.


The fashion has been yet another disastrous part of the Craig films. I can't remember where I read it now, but I recall an article from a few months ago where someone from the actual production criticized the wardrobe choices of the previous Craig films and stated that this would be much improved in NTTD. One of the problems indicated was that Craig's suits and tuxedos are way too tight. While some of the outfits look okay in the NTTD trailer, I agree that this poster looks awful and Bond should never under any circumstance be as poorly dressed as that.


Interesting because I just assumed his outfit was paying homage to the awful cheap looking M&S gear that Sir Roger wore in the worst of his films - For Your Eyes Only.


It's ghastly.


Haha, 3 days after it was pointed out of terrible the poster for this was, now it's been changed to Bond in a tuxedo.


And of course the clothing the character wears is a clear indication of the quality of the movie...


There is a saying: "The clothes make the Man"


Clothes maketh the man.

And its bullshit.

So if a serial killer wears a nice suit he is OK?

That one is right up there with cleanliness is next to godliness.

So if you're clean, you are basically a god. Right.

Many of those old sayings are ridiculous and completely meaningless.


With Bond, his clothes are part of his persona, more so than any other super spy. When you take away his tuxedo, you take away a key element of Bond himself, you might as well not even call it a Bond film. Marketing agrees with me, and changed the profile poster accordingly, because the old one was ridiculous.


Even of you look at the older movies, Bond does not wear a tuxedo all the time. And he does wear casual clothes. Even in the Connery movies.

In fact I would argue that throughout the years Bond wears far more casual and functional clothes than he does a tuxedo. That is usually reserved for casinos and hotel bars etc.

I get that in the past its often used in the posters, but in truth the character only wears it on certain occasions. As does Craig when the need arises.


Daniel Craig has looked impeccable as Bond, and the costume design/tailoring in his films has been second to none. In fact, entire websites are devoted to helping men match this particular version of Bond’s style. So, yeah...if you don’t like what Craig has been wearing, then chances are that you’re the sloppy one who’s out of touch.


The first poster had him wearing black cargo pants and a black sweatshirt. That might be fine for Antifa tactical, but it was not good marketing for James Bond.


So you think the notion that in 2020 Bond should always be wearing a tuxedo and be well dressed at all times is fine?

As a spy there are times when he needs to blend in. Dressing impeccably is likely to make him stand out.

That sort of safari suit type outfit may have worked in the Connery and Moore era, but it just won't fly today.


This argument is no longer in my hands. Take it up with marketing, who agree with me, and adjusted Bond's clothes in the poster.


Wrong. Its customary to release multiple posters of a new movie, especially major releases like this.


Sir Roger once found himself dressing up as a clown in Octopussy in order blend in.

Will we ever see Daniel Craig looking like a complete clown? Or perhaps we have already...


They were waiting for the trailer so a woman could pick out Bond's clothes for him.


That’s actually a great point. The new poster does tie into the new trailer. That said, where is all this hate coming from on his first outfit? That “sweatshirt” is obviously just as high-end and tailored to Craig’s body as a tuxedo, and is no different than the poster from Spectre that featured him wearing a turtleneck.


If you think that his “sweatshirt” is from Wal-Mart, then you definitely just tipped your hand.


What does that mean? That I shopped at Walmart before? Oooh you got me.


You got yourself by starting this thread.


Honestly, I don't understand what you are getting at here.




This didn't age well... Bond saw your post and quickly changed his attire to be more gentlemanly.
