MovieChat Forums > Black Mirror (2011) Discussion > S06E03 - Beyond the Sea

S06E03 - Beyond the Sea

It was ok, not the best. Quite predictable.
Kate Mara is not aging that well, to be honest.


Josh Hartnett πŸ‘πŸ«ΆπŸ€Œ


I thought the story they told, considering the interesting premise, was weak and the ending was extremely flat. However, all the acting was top notch.


i thought it was ludicrous that it's public knowledge "replicans" on a space mission are walking amongst us ?!
wtf shouldn't that detail be classified.

and everything else was just a basic elevator-pitch that wasn't fully developed into a script


People here are missing the point of the episode; it's about our addiction to technology and how it affects our interactions with others. We didn't see any technology in the real world because it's supposed to represent a time before the internet. The replicas represent us, the ones addicted to technology, deliberately isolating ourselves from society.

In the modern world, we have two identities: the replica and our natural state. Cliff represents the one who is constantly busy on the phone, watching cute animal videos on Facebook, instead of spending time with his family. It's not accidental that his wife scolds him for not being there and calls him a 'shadow.' She describes a very familiar and sad scenario these days, where we all become shadows of ourselves - forgetting to breathe, read books, and enjoy art. It is not our natural state as human beings; the replica is not the real us.

In the ending, I believe the director is trying to told us what we are missing when we are busy with unimportant things. One day, we will come home and find out it's too late.


I think it missed being about a critique of technology - because it was all about rage and selfishness and ownership and all that. This could have had a new updated modern moral, like in a situation where a person is dehumanized and spiraling into depression or worse - why could they not share the woman? If it was two guys on a desert island ... what would they do?
The civilized thing to do would be to share and make the best of it.


I'm not entirely sure I grasp your point regarding the episode's lack of critique of technology. The episode, as I understand, focus on the social and family consequences of technology. Could you be suggesting that the episode places undue emphasis on emotions that may not be directly tied to technology itself? I see the episode as an allegory for an existing reality.

Concerning the notion of sharing, she's not an object to be divided; her consent is required. I'm uncertain if this approach is ethically sound.


Man, this was disappointing, those hippies were just a nonsense plot device and so predictable how the story is gonna go the moment they first change. And of course in old BM style; An ending made for shock value without any substance to it. Like Aaron Paul wouldn't be able to put two and two together faster at the end. Jesus Christ...


I just watched this.
I thought it was in typical self-conscious Black Mirror style, and pretty good.
I don't know why were the Earth scenes from the 1960's?

The thing that annoyed me is the expected and normalcy of the incredible
violence in that episode. It was beyond sickening. I got to thinking about
why they went that way. I was kind of hoping that they would project a
better sort of human. Paul's character was very altruistic, but over time he
sank into zero-sum fear.

Since there are too many things to think about in a scenario like that, they
had to limit the scope of it. I was kind of hoping the would share. I mean,
if you think about it, that is what a civilized person would do, and deal
with the consequence as best as possible.

Of course the whole story line was absurd, and just there to make people
programmed into being zero-sum fear-mongers.


Shut up you dupe.


One thing were i screamed internally 'call the police before you go down to people breaking into your home!!'
The outcome could still be the exact same (the police coming too late)

I did not foresee the murdering in the end.
It is kinda cracy to think about they have to live up there for another 2(?) years - cause if one dies the other one also probably dies (they said for the spaceship they need 2 men to operate.. which already seems like a dangerous setup with no redundancies:) )
