S06E02 - Loch Henry

Very good, disturbing.


Imagine finding out your parents torture people for kicks.


use spoiler tags (click on formatting help)


No need for him to put spoiler tags. The twists in this seasons are two kinds: super obvious and dumb.


Why? People who open threads to read - know it will be full of spoilers. This is what this site for. Just dont put spoilers in title.


This episode had good atmosphere to it, and I predicted the mom would be some crazy evil person. Was annoyed when the girlfriend bonked her head in the creek, like cmon.

Always good to see Batiatus (Spartacus) in a show again.


That was actually very realistic. I compliment show that they ended it in very mundane way like it would happen in real life. In Hollywood clishe mom would go full on psycho mode and would hunt girlfriend, cant and murder. With knife and gun.

But in real world she could do nothing. She is an old lady that cant even run. Girlfriend is young and fast and just ran away. So mom had no choice but to kill herself or wait for police to come. And girlfriend dying by bonking her head in the creek was unfortunate but realistic. She was in a hurry.

What funny is that mommy didnt have to kill herself cause girlfriend knida died so mommy could burn all the tapes and be like: "I dont know anything".

Show is famous for being depressing and having dark endings so they killed girlfriend only to have sad end. I really prefer a happy ending. Killed girlfriend was unnecessary.


I really enjoyed this one


So why didn't the Mom object to them making the documentary? At least the pub owner had the sense to - and he only had a hunch.
I bet the kid kept the vids for fappenings.


Good episode, but not really in keeping with the main theme of the BM series (technology, especially emerging technology gone awry).

What technology was misused/abused in this episode? Video cameras which have existed since the 1910's?

Could this have been set in the 90's about events in the 70's, or in the 70's about events in the 50's, etc.? Yes.


That is what I thought. Enjoyable, but not at all Black Mirror-y.


I felt that more than technology, they were criticizing the overflow (and the cult of fandom) of true-crime documentaries. It's fun how there's lot of references between the episodes of this season (Loch Henry is introduced in S06E01), and to things from past seasons (the song "Anyone who knows what love is" from Fifteen Million Merits playing in the background when Joan enters the bar on S06E01, Mike Callow from The National Anthem referenced in a poster in S06E02, Waldo referenced in S06E02 -news tickers-,...).


No, it could not, because the glut of true crime documentaries did not exist. It did not exist until streaming came about (especially Netflix). Loch Henry is a perfect indictment of the people who make these ceaseless documentaries, the platforms that broadcast them, and us - the public - that consumes them.


I kind of felt the same way... good episode but not really a Black Mirror episode... but the other posters made some good points... maybe this is more a commentary on the true crime wave... and how everybody is now a reporter with modern technology... and then making it really Black Mirror(ish)... with him ending up exposing his own family and the girlfriend dying...


Did anyone notice that Iain Adair looks a lot like Davis McCardle? There's a picture of both Kenneth and Iain hanging at the bar where the eyes, nose and ear are extremely similar to Davis. I was wondering if he was his real father (instead of Kenneth), which would have been an extra sick plot twist for this episode.


I was about thinking that too.


Excellent episode, although I could have done without the girlfriend falling. Did anyone else notice him staring at the mask that was hanging up at the end and that maybe he was having very bad thoughts, like continuing what his parents were involved in?


That was just cruel on that poor guy.

There he was coming to visit his mom with his girl and boom - mom is dead, girlfriend is dead, his parents are murderers. For the rest of his life he will be feeling sorry he came and that everything would be fine is his girl would not start her documentary. Daddy was dead anyway. Mommy settled and stopped killing after he died. No one knew and mommy eventually would die from old age and his girl would be alive.


That's the social commentary. If it wasn't for the obsession with true crime documentaries that can be binged on Netflix, HBO Max, etc., the truth would have never been discovered and Mom would have died peacefully of old age. Perhaps the son would discover the footage on the detective series VHS cassettes or the souvenirs in the shoe box when he cleaned out her home after her death, but that would be a long time in the future, and he would likely just destroy the tapes, all evidence, and live out his days with his girlfriend-turned-wife and kids.
