Pattinson as Batman

I was concerned that Pattinson is the new Batman but he did a good job.
As Bruce Wayne he is terrible. Whats with the long greasy hair?


He did better than I thought he would as well but I still prefer Michael Keaton or Christian Bale at this point. This is a younger version of Batman. You can tell by his car. A work in-progress. Not flaunting his cash and a bit on the angry side. At some point he will probably clean up and show a more sophisticated side.


I concur.
His Batman was awesome. Might be my favorite interpretation to be honest.
But on the other hand, I didn't Ike his Wayne either.
Maybe this is the intention, but he felt like too much of a brooding teenager.


I love his Bruce Wayne take. New and fresh!


He's implied to be a recluse in this continuity. Supposedly the playboy persona will be developed more in future movies.


I liked his Batman, a human wearing a mask, not a stone faced comic book hero. I'll take him any day over Bale.


I like Keaton better


He was okay as Batman cause he's wearing a mask. Absolutely horrible as Bruce Wayne. This is one of the reasons Marvel/Disney kicks DC/Warner's ass at the box office. They cast extremely well. DC can't seem to get it right.


Too soft spoken as Batman, could barely hear him. I liked the Batman look, but didn't really care for emo Bruce although that's what they were going for.
