MovieChat Forums > The Batman (2022) Discussion > Robert Pattinson pushed to breaking poin...

Robert Pattinson pushed to breaking point by ‘control freak’ director Matt Reeves

Insiders say New York-born Matt has forced Twilight star Robert to do upwards of 50 takes inside the bulky Batman suit, leaving him, and the crew, exhausted.

My source said: “Filming has been a gruelling process, especially for Robert, as Matt is such a perfectionist.

"He’ll insist on doing scenes over and over again and get bogged down in the tiny detail. Some­times it’s like he doesn’t know when to stop.”

Matt directed Cloverfield in 2008, 2014’s Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes and its 2017 sequel War For The Planet Of The Apes.

The source continued: “Matt has done block­busters before, but this is another level.

“Batman is arguably the most popular superhero of all and by the time the film is released it will be the Dark Knight’s first solo movie in ten years.

"Warner Bros can’t afford for the fanbase to be disappointed and have thrown £90million at the film. No one is denying that this is a high stakes production and that Matt is feeling the pressure to get it right.

“But Robert has had a tough time on these franchise movies before. He hated Twilight by the time it wrapped, and the last thing anyone wants is for him to become jaded.”

The Batman, with Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman and Colin Farrell as The Penguin, has suffered multiple issues due to the Covid crisis, forcing its release to be pushed back five months to March 4, 2022.

Production was scrapped in March this year after the pandemic took hold and again in September after R-Patz reportedly caught the virus.

The Sun revealed last month that the film’s stunt team had also been forced into self-isolation after another positive test.

An insider said: “All these setbacks have made Matt paranoid about catching Covid.

“It’s got to the point now where he’s been directing scenes while zipped up inside a puffa coat and with ski goggles on.

“As a Covid-secure outfit, it’s questionable. But if it makes him feel more at ease, everyone’s going with it.”

Let’s face it, he’s a cape and cowl away from having the silliest costume on set.


This may be true but we have to remember The Sun is a pretty dubious tabloid.


This movie is probably gonna suck then. I've never seen a good movie that was obsessive over details. They're always very clinical and processed with no passion left in the mix.


Any examples?



You don’t like David Fincher movies?


Not a fan of Stanley Kubrick?


Hey, I like to sit around with a notebook and play spot the secret Illuminati symbolism in every frame of a film as much as anybody.



This foreign born A- list mostly movie actor has taken to having "sick" days on the set of his new movie which could make him an A+ lister. He hates the director. Robert Pattinson/"The Batman"/Matt Reeves (Robert Pattinson Reportedly Being Pushed To The Edge By The Batman Director)



This foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who is setting off on his third movie franchise, says that if you want him for the sequel to a movie that hasn't been released yet, the studio needs to fire the director. They hate each other. Robert Pattinson/"The Batman"/"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"/"Twilight"/Matt Reeves (Robert Pattinson Reportedly Refuses to Work With Matt Reeves Again)


Not if it's a huge hit. A director's terrible ways suddenly become genius if the film succeeds. And if RP's performance gets raves as well, more so.


They really fought during the filming of the Batman. Reeves wanted Pattison but was also heavily considering Nic Hoult for the role of Batman. WB wanted Pattison and did not view Hoult as a contender. Pattison already had a franchise behind him and they did not think that Hoult could lead a franchise.

During the filming Pattison and Reeves got into really heated arguments. The issue was that Pattison wants more of a creative control for Batman. He has a vision for the character and he wants the films to be more dark than they are and he wants way more creative control than an actor normally has. Pattison wants to play Batman for a very long time but this is supposed to be Reeves trilogy. They got into shouting matches on set because Pattison and Reeves disagreed on key scenes during the entire movie shoot. Reeves is a control freak and Pattison is a method actor. They dislike each other now that the movie is finished filming. The sequel is already being discussed but it might be without Reeves or Pattison.

The film is rated R. Penguin owns a strip club and is the right hand of Falcone (one of the villains of the movie). The Riddler is exposing the elite of Gotham and is a serial killer who leaves traps for his victims. The movie has a horror element to it. Its one of the best batman films made but the drama may make it a one off for one of the two people involved.


I'm pretty sure I've read somewhere that Pattinson isn't a method actor.


He's not. I think the phrase is used incorrectly often these days.


I like Hoult but I could honestly see him play any number of Batman villains...before seeing him as Bruce Wayne.


I’ve got a pretty good feeling about this!


These are just rumours and speculation.
