MovieChat Forums > Black Panther (2018) Discussion > Passes Titanic to become #3 domestic

Passes Titanic to become #3 domestic

It was just $0.1m short at the end of Friday, so today's matinees brought BP to #3.


That would be about right. Additionally BP continues to have daily amounts over $1 Mill. So far 50 plus days. That basically refutes this whole BP is tremendously Frontloaded, which it is not.

There are some stating that the International numbers are soft and that BP is not doing well outside of the USA. BP has made $631 Million International which is better than average for a solo new character. I'm also starting to think that Avengers:Infinity War won't surpass BP's domestic total either.

Here is the downside to all of this greatness. There is no way a BP sequel will do these types of numbers domestic but it's International numbers will indeed improve. Go figure.


It will pass 1.3 billion Worldwide BO tomorrow, it could even be so that the final actuals for today may actually put it above 1.3 billion already today. I thought it would drop more because of all the new releases, where some of them are in a similar genre, such as Ready Player One. Next goal must be how many days it can stay above 1 million. It may drop below monday, but let's see.
I believe it may not pass TLJ worldwide BO because of the new Avengers movie, which is released on April 28th. It's just too close to BP's release. On the other hand, I've been wrong the last three weeks about how much it would make, so I wouldn't rule it out.


IMHO releasing it in February was a stroke of genius. Usually Marvel films come out with all the other biggies in spring, summer, or the holiday season, but BP was put out at a time when it had absolutely no competition at the box office.

It was meant to generate interest for the insanely expensive "Infinity War", but it may well end up outgrossing it! If so, I shall laugh and laugh...


Why would that make you laugh?


Because Disney dropped much more resources and money into Infinity War than they did Black Panther which is practically an indie film by comparison. They paid all those actors a boat ton of money and hired A list directors. A relativly unknown director is given Black Panther. Robert downy jr was probably paid 4x as much as Chadwick B and it may not even lead to a higher profit.


I think the ones doing the laughing in that scenario should be Marvel. They know Infinity War is going to make more than $1 billion. They only expected Black Panther to earn perhaps $700 million. A combined $2.2 billion for the films was probably their high-end expectation. Even if Infinity War underperforms, they're still going to make at least that much. Which film earns the most is immaterial.

To be honest, it looks even better that they can not only earn massive amounts with a proven franchise involving all their heroes but can top that with a lesser-known property.


Yeah good point.


Because Marvel treated the excellent "Black Panther" like a promo for "Infinity Wars", releasing it in the February dumping ground to generate interest for the IW release in April. I'm still not sure if that was a genius marketing move, or if they were dubious about the box-office appeal of a film with African heroes.

Marvel stalled for a VERY long time before releasing a film with non-white-straight-male heroes, so long that the latecoming DC franchise actually beat them to it (with the terrible "Suicide Squad" and good "Wonder Woman"). So if the film they were afraid of making beats their biggest, most expensive, probably least coherent effort... I shall laugh and laugh!


Yours is a very unusual interpretation of the facts, but who's to say you're wrong?

Personally, I don't think of Suicide Squad as being any more diverse or inclusive than Marvel's films. Casting Will Smith as one of the squad members is more akin to casting Don Cheadle as War Machine or Anthony Mackie as the Falcon, and not something one can really compare with Black Panther.

Generally, you seem to be guessing at a lot of motives and feelings on the part of Marvel for which there is no evidence. I see no signs that Marvel delayed, or was afraid to make, Black Panther, or feared it would fail. Marvel did what DC, and any studio, would do. They went with their most-known properties first, then tried to duplicate the success with lesser-known entities.

February seems like a great time to release a film featuring a relatively unknown character, black or white, and as the natural bridge between Civil War and Infinity War, it makes sense to put it out a few months before the latter.

My sense of things is that Marvel was somewhat hamstrung at the beginning, because their best known heroes-- Spider-Man, Wolverine, the X-Men, Fantastic Four-- belonged to another studio. They had to work with C and D list heroes, and focused on making the best possible films, and did so in a more or less color-blind, open-minded manner.


"Personally, I don't think of Suicide Squad as being any more diverse or inclusive than Marvel's films."

It actually was, but the finished film was such an incoherent mess that hardly anyone noticed the diversity. And their Justice League was also diverse, compared to the Avengers that started out all white and even now only has sidekicks of color. Which makes diversity the ONLY way that the DCEU has ever one-upped Marvel!

But yeah, I'm not sure if releasing BP in Feb. was a brilliant business decision or demonstrated a lack of faith in a film with African leads. I'll never know, because if there was a lack of faith, Marvel will never admit it.


You realize February is Black History month, don't you? That's why they released it then.

As for Suicide Squad, I don't see how it was more diverse than Marvel movies. Especially since Joker and Harley, two straight white people, were the focal points.


Okay, that makes three reasons to release BP in February! Well, it turned out to be a brilliant business decision, whatever their motives.

As for diversity... let's see, the primary Marvel EU heroes, the ones who get their own movies, are Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Doctor Strange, Ant-Man, etc. All white straight men, and if they're from Earth they're from America. Even the Guardian's of the Galaxy's only human character was a white straight men. DC's godawful suicide squad was led by a black man and a white woman, and included a Japanese woman, a Hispanic guy, an alligator who identified as African-American, and an Australian guy who'd presumably immigrated to the US because he was in our jails. And the movie version of the Justice League had only two white straight men out of five characters. So DC is ahead on diversity, if nothing else.

Now don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against white straight men, I wish them the best in general and like many in real life. But diversity in film characters is like diversity in your diet - just because you like hamburgers, it doesn't mean you insist on eating hamburgers at every fucking meal.


I brought up Black History Month as the reasoning as to why Black Panther was released then. It wasn't a "dumping ground". If Marvel had no faith in the movie, they would have never made it and certainly wouldn't have promoted it as heavily as they did.

While Suicide Squad had a diverse cast, I'm not sure why you think Justice League is more diverse. They have three white men, one white woman, and only two people of color. Also, all of them are straight. In comparison, the last Avengers roster had two African American men, two women, and one non-human entity with Cap being the only white man.

As to your next point, off the top of your head, name three Marvel superheroes who are not straight white men. Of those three characters you just thought of, do you think they are more or less popular or well known than Spider-Man, Hulk, or Captain America?


Marvel stalled for a VERY long time before releasing a film with non-white-straight-male heroes, so long that the latecoming DC franchise actually beat them to it (with the terrible "Suicide Squad" and good "Wonder Woman"). So if the film they were afraid of making beats their biggest, most expensive, probably least coherent effort... I shall laugh and laugh!

could you define "beats"

because I might agree with you....but I also might think you are crazy or trolling..

if when you say "Beats" you are talking about World Wide box office...Then I agree....It would be disappointing if Avengers IW failed to top Black Panthers 1.3 Billion ish total....

A film Like Avengers IW, should be able to top it...

But if you talking about AIW "Beating" Black Panther Domestically, I simply think you must be trolling.....or maybe Just dont understand box office, But probably trolling...

there is zero chance Avengers IW beats Black Panther Domestically......not 1 person at Disney/Marvel is expecting it to, not 1 box office site Will predict it to....

the facts are simply...Domestically Black Panther PLayed to a Large Audience that NO OTHER CBM can get or Will get it....

I get what your trying to do by trolling by saying "haha Avengers couldnt even out gross Black Panther", on the surface its sounds good to troll by saying "Marvels Biggest CBM couldnt even out gross Black Panther"

but the reality is, This isnt about Comic Book Movies...Black Panther did Not PLAY like a CBM...It got an Audience that NO CBM can get or ever will get again....that Portion of the audience that saw Black Panther, ONLY saw this movie because of its Cultural Importance and Impact....There are articles where a company did a study where at least 17 to 20% of the people that saw Black Panther had never seen another CBM before in theaters, and ONLY Saw Black Panther because they felt it was important and because they were proud...This audience was mainly OLDER African American and WAY upper class African Americans....

The point here is...there can ONLY be 1 "First"....Black Panther is consider by many to be The first Black Superhero film(Its not) but thats what the Hype was built on, The Movie Stars and featured A Black Superhero, With A Black Actor, With A almost All Black Cast, that takes place almost all in Africa and A Black Director....No superhero film can ever replicate what this film meant to Black People and No CBM from any studio or any brand is ever going to get "This Audience" again..

Domestically Black Panther got An Audience that AIW cant get...Black Panther Played to The Usual Marvel Audience....PLus an ADDED 20% that ONLY saw Black Panther and Wont see another CBM

and that 20% hads up to about 150 M dollars of Black Panthers domestic gross...

the same exact thing happened with Wonder Woman and Justice League


Wonder Woman(like Black Panther), received A Huge Bump in Hype before its release and after, It had A HUGE Cultural Movement behind it from Women especially Domestically...

Wonder Woman outperformed ever DCEU film before it domestically and had Excellent holds its entire run resulting in a 410 M+ domestic Run(it Drastically Over performed Domestically)....Yet Literally 5 months later Justice League came out and didnt get close to Wonder Womans gross domestically even though the film featured Wonder Woman...

and the reason why is, Justice League didnt play to the same audience that made Wonder Woman over Perform domestically, Wonder Woman featured a Woman Superhero, with a Woman actress in the lead Role and was directed by A female director....this film Made Women proud, Women who didnt care for CBMs came to see this movie because they felt it was important....

you cant replicate that, It only happens ONCE....that portion of the audience that saw Women Woman, didnt show back up for Justice League...

Avengers IW IMO will be Huge....I think It will Open higher than Black Panther with a 215 M dollar opening Weekend, But I think It will then play Normally and gross around 450 to 525 M domestically

If Avengers IW gets a "A+" cinemascore and gets excellent reviews With an RT rating over 90%....It might be possible to Maybe get to 600 M ish domestically....

anyways...Just wanted to put in perspective whats going on here...

I think your probably trolling, I think you probably understand whats going on,why BP made a historic Amount Domestically and why its Impossible for AIW to match it....I think your probably just using Black Panthers Success to Troll AIW....

if not though, I hope you understand what I'm talking about....

If you honestly want to "Laugh" at AIW not beating BP domestically....then I literally Just want to LAUGH at you for being that clueless at box office that you'd be expecting something so impossible...


"There are articles where a company did a study where at least 17 to 20% of the people that saw Black Panther had never seen another CBM before in theaters, and ONLY Saw Black Panther because they felt it was important and because they were proud...This audience was mainly OLDER African American and WAY upper class African Americans...."

My theory is that "BP" was brought out shortly before the monumentally expensive "Infinity Wars" precisely because of its potential to bring new audiences to comic book movies. "IW" cost SO much, that they probably need to get every single human on Earth buying tickets to make it profitable.

And when I refer to one film "beating" another, I mean "making more money than". I'm not one to obsess over box-office results or nitpick over details, but if "Black Panther" makes more money than "Infinity Wars" I will be greatly amused. I will be amused because for a very long time, Hollywood has thought that the only audience that matters is the youngish, white, straight, male audience, and a lot of internet commentators have loudly stated that comic-book movies are a white male thing and there's no way a CBM starring a woman or a person of color would make a profit. Of course they've all been proven wrong, and I hope Hollywood has taken note. There ARE other kinds of viewers out there, and people can make big money by pleasing them!

So I'm not trolling, and it's not for me to say whether I'm crazy.


Official weekend results: $1,300.2m worldwide.


I think Scott Mendelson from Forbes Financial pegged the final tally for BP at $1.315 Billion. He didn't make that prediction early but came to the amount over time by watching BP's performance and the release schedule for other movies. BP will start having fewer theaters available as movie houses make way for A:IW as well as the rest of the summer releases.

What a fantastic financial ride for Wakanda. Don't expect BP-2 to perform the same way domestically.

A Warner/DC Cyborg movie isn't going to be able to catch the BP magic nor ride the BP wave. Unfortunate.
