MovieChat Forums > Black Panther (2018) Discussion > Black Panther DOUBLED Justice League's b...

Black Panther DOUBLED Justice League's box office opening!!! Disney/Marvel taking first place again :D

Black Panther BV $192,023,000
Justice League WB $93,842,239

Yes, the 18th film in the MCU doubled the the entire opening of the trinity in all their glory. Who would've thought that a couple years ago. In fact it opened higher than the DCEU highest opening which belongs to BvS ($166M). The crazy thing is that Disney are estimating the opening week so prepared to see it higher than it is now tomorrow. The sky is the limit and who knows how high Black Panther can really get.

Which studio even has a hope of challenging Disney and their throne because they've snatched it from Sony in one swoop for 2018.


"Which studio even has a hope of challenging Disney and their throne"

Ummmm...there are a couple of little studios out there that you might have heard of. I thiiiiinnnnk their names are Universal and Warner Bros?

I might want to check out their upcoming slate...and the modest budgets to their films as well.


Warner Brothers??? Bwa-ha-ha!!! Are they dusting off that Harry Potter know d? HE’S their success and it would take sorcery to make them not suck.


I believe Disney is the only studio that has an upcoming tentpole(with probably a 300 million budget since most of it was reshot)that almost everyone thinks is going to flop...Solo.'s not looking too good for the $110 million budgeted A Wrinkle in Time.

That's just this Spring. Wait until Universal/Illumination Grinch That Stole Christmas gets his hands on Disney's (200 million budgeted) Wreck-it Ralph.


Solo will do a lot of money. It belongs to Star Wars. No matter how shitty those SW are, they make a ton of money.


Personally, I've loved all three Disney Star Wars movies but the current trajectory is not good at the box office.


I have no hopes for a good SW movie.


I believe Disney is the only studio that has an upcoming tentpole(with probably a 300 million budget since most of it was reshot)that almost everyone thinks is going to flop...Solo.


did you just perfectly describe Justice League on accident?

300 Million + tentpole that was reshot and is set to lose the studio 50 to 100 Million......ummmmmm sounds just like JL?

nice try queen as usual Epic Fail

PS...your crusade against Disney Just isnt Smart....especially considering they have the 4 biggest and most successful franchise going in Hollywood right now....

Marvel Studios and the MCU films
Star Wars
and The Live Action Fair Tale Fantasy remakes

all of which are producing guaranteed 500 Million + to 1 Billion + Earners


Upcoming Disney Films-
Avengers IW----Easily 1 to 1.5 Billion
Ant-Man and The Wasp----Easily 600 to 700 Million+
Avengers IW2----Easily 1 to 1.5 Billion+
Spider-Man HOmecoming 2----Easily 850 to 1 Billion
Doctor Strange 2----Easily 650 to 800 Million
GOTG 3----Easily 850 to 1 Billion +
Black Panther 2----Easily 950 to 1.1 Bilion +

The Incredibles 2----Easily 800 Million +
Toy Story 4----Easily 800 to 1 Billion +

oh and I dont Know Literally countless and an infinate number of Pixar films all guaranteed to gross over 500 Million each

Dumbo----Easily 500 Million +(Probably closer to 650 Million +)
Aladdin----Easily 500 Million +(Probably closer to 650 Million +)
The Lion King----Easily 800 to 1 Billion +
Mulan----Easily 500 Million +(Probably closer to 650 Million +)
Maleificent 2---Easily 650 to 800 Million +
The Jungle Book 2---Easily 900 Million to 1.1 Billion +

Star Wars 9-Easily 1 Billion +
Solo---easily 500 Million + to 700 Million +(IMO depends entirely on reviews, the floor is 500 Million, I imagine it will get decent reviews and make closer to 650 to 700 Million)

at least 1 star wars a year for the next 10 years----easily 8 to 10 Billion dollars

lol ....really want to continue this Disney crusade?

Ok but get ready for yet another DECADE of misery where you Literally have to watch Disney Put out 3 MCU Films a Year, 1 Star Wars, 1 to 2 Pixar and at least 1 Live Action fantasy remake that ALL go on to because massive Box office hits....while your sitting at your computer year after year hoping and preying 1 Disney film might flop so you can at least have a bread crumb to cling to ....

at this point if you choose to continue this ODD Disney crusade, It basically like your intentionally Torturing Yourself....Youre intentionally chosen to the worst Possible subject to Troll....You've chosen A Studio that Literally is, has been and will continue to be the Hottest Studio in Hollywood, with the Hottest and most successful franchises....

Its like you enjoy suffering!

but hey if 1 flop a year gets you by, more power to you, I'm sure even Disney will get a few wrong....unfortunately for you, the few will be greatly out numbers at nearly a 10 to 1 rate....but whatever gets you by

your standards clearly arent very high...WB has shit the bed with 4 out of 5 DCEU films and Yet your clinging for dear life to Wonder Woman and still Praising WB....I'm sure you'll have no problems Clinging to 1 flop a year While Disney is Putting out 10 or so Massive Hits and claiming "A downfall" is coming...or at least I'm sure you'll have no problem doing that on here, at home of course, when your by yourself, the Anger,Jealous and Hate you'll feel watching Disney Succeed year after year movie after movie is gonna BREAK YOU


So of course we saw this coming in recent years, as Marvel consistently produced better films. It would have been staggering had Black Panther not been better than Justice League. BUT...

... imagine someone telling those of us who grew up before superhero movies were a thing that someday a Black Panther movie would so vastly outdo a film that featured Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and the entire Justice League. Even the idea that Black Panther, or Ant-Man, or Dr. Strange, or the Guardians of the Galaxy would all get big budget films that would be critical successes would have made teenage me laugh. And yet, that's the wonderful world in which we today live!


JL total is 228m which BP will reach on Tuesday, 6 days!


For over a month, the estimates for Black Panther somehow kept growing by the day, and now the film has officially shattered those records. Damn. The film is working its magic.

Burying Justice League? Honestly, even with the poor track record the DCEU/Warner has, a year ago I wouldn’t have expected Black Panther to easily overshadow a movie featuring DC’s biggest heroes like this. (Then again, even with poor reviews many expected JL to do well financially.) Consequently, as with every Marvel film it did so for very good reasons.

Big round of applause to Disney and Marvel!


Same here.


Nicely done!
