MovieChat Forums > Black Panther (2018) Discussion > Essentialy this is just Uganda Batman

Essentialy this is just Uganda Batman

Aside from the act he is a King and not just a millionaire playboy, what are the differences between Batman and Black Panther? Few, if any. Maybe Black Panther doesn't wear a cape.

It's like that kids' Uganda Knuckles meme, only with Batman instead of Knuckles.

Kind of a shame the first major African superhero has to be a knockoff.


Batman aint no Kang, nor is Gotham some high tech city hidden from the rest of America. But they both look good in black! :)


Also, none of the daddy issues, as T'Challa wasn't orphaned as a child...


T'Challa has daddy issues, in fact, the whole film is about the loss of his father and struggle to move out from under his father's Shadow and become his own man.

He just isn't emotionally crippled by his issues, unlike Bruce Wayne.


Well put... Non-stunted 👍


And that's why Batman gas never been my favorite hero - I've worked through more of my own issues than Bruce Wayne ever did!

And he's got no sense of humor. Although, neither does T'Challa.


Yeah... At what point will someone tell Batman/Bruce to get over himself?!

I mean, he's in his mid-40s or something, right? Not an 18 year old...



One could say that the world is a better place because Wayne's failed to get over all his crap, and I'm sure his fans do.

It just doesn't make him the kind of person I like to have around.

Edit: And if he had a sense of humor, he wouldn't have become a superhero.


Oh absolutely...

Why not have him get over his parental issues, yet continue to save the day out of a sense of moral conviction?

Why not have him enjoy some form of a private life as Bruce Wayne?

Or is it a commentary on the anti-social aspects of vigilante justice? if it is, hasn't it been drawn out a bit? We already got that with Nolan's Joker/Batman movie...

Or are the fans just masochists? Do they like to see the same miserablism over and over again on the big screen? Perhaps they identify with the stunted emotional state? But if that is the case, wouldn't a change in the scenario, as outlined above, be cathartic to them? Maybe even edifying?

But what do I know... People seem to like these comicbook movies....


Some of Bats's fans clearly identify with his stunted emotional state, they love the idea of one self-righteous, fucked-up, humorless man standing against a world they despise immensely appealing. If Wayne ever developed any sort of work-life balance or learned to laugh things off, they'd turn against him.

Anyway, I don't mean to disparage comic book movies, because I love a good comic book movie! (And ones starting Thor as well.) But the ones with Batman just aren't my faves.


And a crappy one at that.


I don't see this at all.

Batman - loner, millionaire, fights crime to avenge the death of his parents, hides from the world in a cave, has no super powers so instead uses gadgetry to fight crime, vigilante fugitive from the law, keeps his identity secret from the world

Black Panther - charismatic, millionaire, doesn't fight crime, had a long relationship with his father, mom still alive, openly reveals his identity and title to the world, has superpowers, acts within the parameters of the law, doesn't rely on gadgetry much beyond a bulletproof suit and some spy gear as needed, is king of an African nation

So yeah, they're both rich superheroes, but after that... ???


Yeah, there are more than enough differences between the two. Yes, they both have dark costumes and similar athletic abilities, so what?


Batman has a deep psychological motivation. He saw is parents die in front off him. Uses his anger and pain as a force for good to help others and try to prevent what happen to him to happening to other people.

Black Panther is a African King who puts on a Black Panther costume. Because of "Tradition" and i guess to protect Wakanda. But i think a Army with Black Panther suits could do that wwwwaaayyyy better.

No wonder i was so bored at the Theater.


LMAO @ Ugandan Batman.

There's got to be a "Saturday Night Live" sketch in there somewhere


Well, another major difference is that Black Panther has outgrossed all of the white Batman films now. lol!


I was thinking the exact same thing. Batman doesn't have the box office draw that Black Panther does. I think that sums up everything one needs to know about the quality and appeal of Marvel's characters and films.
