MovieChat Forums > Avatar: The Way of Water (2022) Discussion > Yet ANOTHER money-loser for Disney?

Yet ANOTHER money-loser for Disney?

This was supposed to make up for the crap-ton they lost on Strange World but alas...this one will end in the red as well.


Yet ANOTHER money-loser for Disney?
posted 6 days ago by QueenFanUSA (3174)
The title says SOOOOO much about your ongoing narrative Queen. Always fixated on at worst, or projecting at best, the financial downfall of Disney or Marvel.

But why? Hobby? Short-selling of Disney Stock? Material for a college course? Creating a mock-u-mentary on the pitfalls of bad verbal prestidigitation?
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This was supposed to make up for the crap-ton
You know you just made that part up. You're suggesting that Disney made a movie deliberately to bolster the financial position of a totally different movie??!!

Does that even make sound business sense Queen?

Let me throw this out there for arguments sake: "This is a bait posting that you created filled with nonsense for "clicks"". But you never return to discuss the topic that is posted. You know you really are a serial drive by Disney Doom-n-Gloom poster? What is your success rate in predicting "Disney's End is Nigh"? 10%, 0%?
they lost on Strange World but alas...this one will end in the red as well.
Buy or sell based on the strength of your position?


No of course Avatar 2 wasn't made to cover the losses of Strange World. I'm referring to the online chatter about the huge losses Disney incurred do to Strange World's failure and how they would quickly be "made up for" with the "profits" from Avatar 2.


[–] QueenFanUSA (3175) 17 hours ago
No of course Avatar 2 wasn't made to cover the losses of Strange World. I'm referring to the online chatter about the huge losses Disney incurred do to Strange World's failure and how they would quickly be "made up for" with the "profits" from Avatar 2.
So just to recap:

You don't really believe that Avatar 2 needs to gross $2Billion in order to JUST breakeven but you are adopting that narrative to take pot-shots at those involved in on-line chatter defending the financial misfortunes of Strange World? But your click-bait title is about Disney?

Do you detest the online chatterers defense of Disney or of Strange World that much??


Why would you say I "don't really believe" Avatar 2 needs 2 billion to break even? None other than James Cameron claims it does.


Queen hates disney , always has, its so amusing to see disney dominate the box office year in year out, keeps queen quiet lol, hows wb doing queen lol


[–] QueenFanUSA (3177) 6 hours ago
Why would you say I "don't really believe" Avatar 2 needs 2 billion to break even?
Colloquially that would mean that as an actual budget you don't believe it. To hedge your bet against Disney and their obscene way (according to you) that they throw around money the budget might be even higher! Would you not concur with that? If it supports your derogatory mindset then you will wait til' the jury is out. Problem is that NEVER happens.

The other reason that I know you don't believe this to be true is the NUMEROUS exchanges you have had with others that have demonstrated that these budget quotes are always ALWAYS wrong. The other reason is the common sense reason. Disney does make money and Disney does take risks. Disney has some expensive failures but never as many as you have tried to portray them having. You then tend to move your discredit goalpost to talk about dollar-to-dollar efficiency and profitability. Disney has a diminished return on their investment, ROI (according to you) as compared to Low Budget high profit movies. Always forgetting that the actual amount that Disney makes tends to be higher than the ROI return for an Illumination film. (Just for example and argument's sake.)
None other than James Cameron claims it does.
None other than James Cameron says a LOT about his movies, the industry, technology, and pregnant women fighting in wars. James Cameron has an opinion and loves to market himself and his movies. he has a HUGE ego. Huge EGO!!

James Cameron was none to happy when Marvel's Endgame eclipsed his passion project, Avatar. Avatar 2,3,4 do have a billion dollar price tag of a budget. Two billion is a bragging right and a way to diminish the Marvel SFX and CGI laden film success in his mind only.

Personally, I can't wait for Marvel to use the SFX work that James Cameron is showcasing but I dread driving up the costs like that for cinemas without a good to great story.


He's amended that.

Will you change your tune now?

Past performance suggests you will not.

The idea that this movie needed to make $2b to be in the black was always absurd.


Like I said, Cameron never said 2 billion. The quote is from a decade ago, and he said top 4-5 grossing film at the time. Which was not close to 2 billion. You are quoting click bait sources. The movie is already very close to turning a profit

You are once again, way off and should probably go hide in your hole again hoping everyone forgets your wrong prediction while you move on to the next one.


Apparently not. Well see.


Lol another queen failed prediction, so predictable, remember when you said ww84 would be the highest grossing cbm of 2021? Lol , after all this time queen your hate for disney has made you look foolish, rent free queen, disney owns you lol.


It just passed $1billion worldwide.


This didn't age well, lol.


Annnnnnnnnnd its another swing and a miss by queen, another huge hit fot disney which should really piss you off.


nope, it's doing great at the box office. Thanks for playing.


This post has aged very poorly.


They normally do when queen tries to post a negative disney prediction, made to look a fool most times.
