MovieChat Forums > No Hard Feelings (2023) Discussion > Imagine if the Sexes Were Reversed

Imagine if the Sexes Were Reversed

'Jennifer Lawrence tries to revive the raunchy, R-rated comedy in NoHardFeelings, in which her character tries to sleep with an "un-f*ckable" 19-year-old.'

Some people have posed my question on social media, and they've been subjected to abuse and snark.

Welcome to the 2020s, where it's seen as *righteous* for thirtysomething + women to exploit and abuse teenage boys/men.

Welcome to the 2020s, where we no longer talk about *equality* and *fairness*, but are all about 'evening the score' by targeting innocent and young men, to 'make up for centuries of male violence.'

Welcome to the 2020s, where we're no longer interested in *equality*. We're only interested in *supremacy* and ignoring double-standards.

Fuck this era. Fuck this world. 😠


Did no one inform you that sex is different for males than females? Are you one of those people that thinks men an women being equal means that we are the same?


Yes, I am a FEMINIST. Yes, I believe in EQUALITY. Yes, I believe that if we truly believe in EQUALITY that means TREATING women and men *EQUALLY*. Yes, I think anyone who argues otherwise is a FUCKING HYPOCRITE, who simply wants to bend the rules and make exceptions that benefit THEMSELVES. Yes, I think women and men are individuals, and that no two men and no two women are exactly alike, and that there are some women who LOVE sex, and some men who LOVE sex, and, likewise, some women who are less keen on it, and some men who are less keen on it.


Would you not agree that as a whole, sex is very different for men than it is for women? Especially in our culture women are shamed for having sex while men are praised for it. As a guy I was more then ready for sex as a teenager, girls aren't. They just aren't, its not only physical with them, it is emotional. Sex was not emotional for me until I was much older, it was purely physical and at 19 having sex as a guy with an older women would not have been anything like an older man having sex with a 19 year old woman. They just aren't even in the same ball park because the power dynamic isn't the same.



"Blah Blah Blah Equality...Blah Blah Blah No, actually, we *don't* believe in equality and equal rights/treatment between men and women"

MAKE YOUR FUCKING MIND UP! I know Cosmo tells women "you can have everything" but that ain't how the real world works for ANYBODY!

Good for you if *you* were 'more ready for sex as a teenager.' Actually, the REALITY, is that women *supposedly* reach their 'maturity' quicker than men...but then we're told the COMPLETELY CONTRADICTORY story that women reach their *sexual* maturity *after* men...

Seems like someone in charge is making the fucking rules up as they go along...I wonder for what end...hmmm... πŸ€”

Clearly, the *BOY* in this film *isn't* ready for sex. And, thus, he's being sexually *exploited*.

But, hey, what does one expect from a society that treats the sexual abuse of underage BOYS as a JOKE?

And don't give me that PC 'power dynamic' CRAP. That's just gaslighting 'woke' BULLSHIT designed to EXCUSE and APOLOGISE for the ABUSE of underage boys.

FWIW, I've been ASSAULTED by a woman. It was NOT a joke.

FUCK THE FEMINISTS and their EVIL defence of female-on-male ABUSE. How dare they defend ABUSE! 😠


Umm You JUST said that you were a feminist.

I'm sorry that you were assaulted by a woman. I think that is what is making you react so strongly to this film.

How can there not be a power dynamic when the man is the penetrator and the woman is the receiver?

Women bear MUCH more effects from sex than men do and can't afford to be as casual about it as men are.

The *BOY* in this film doesn't 'not' want sex does he? If he is 19 and wants it, what is the problem? If a woman is 19 and wants sex from an older man that's okay too.


I have to agree with you this time. Apparently this was based on a real advert on Craigslist, which is just awful.


Was it really? That's hilarious. I can totally see it happening with today's kids though. Video games are destroying our youth.


Yeah, but if it had been an ad from parents looking for a man to date their teenaged daughter to improve her social skills, I doubt anyone involved in the movie would've found that hilarious.


Nineteen is legal adulthood. There would be nothing wrong with the relationship regardless of which one of them was male and which was female. I was introduced to sex when I was a shy nineteen-year-old man by a thirty-two-year-old woman, and it was a completely positive experience. I'll be forever grateful that she got me past the delay in my sex life.


You do make some good points here, but you must realize that this is the way that modern Hyper femnazi's want it...


Don't have to imagine it at all. That are films that depict a handsome boy/man who dates a girl/woman who is not popular or is a nerd.

She's All That is one.


Love is love
(As long as it’s not an older man liking a younger woman because it’s creepy)
-Woke liberal feminists


The parents tell one of these temple stories to prepare their son for Princeton. The world spirit missing. Cars, friends, women and party. That's how I had you, my son! They seem to have a pretty good, rich life and spend more time together than the few hours a month I spend with my wife of almost 50 years...

Percy dies to himself under the sanctity of the leadership elite and he doesn't yet live like her action-packed daddy in her turbulent life.
Percy hasn't explained to his parents yet how he wants to have sex. Maybe he should have given different instructions. Cars, friends, women and party...?


First of all, have a look at the writers and director. Hmm, notice anything? Both men. Hence this film being a male fantasy, not a female one. This isn't going against the norm or feminism, this is literally just a lesser modern re-imagining of The Graduate. Second, no one has to imagine, there are endless films about young women being seduced by older men. So while this topic has validity, it can't be made on the basis of a male fantasy film.
