MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > Fans of the earlier seasons: who do you ...

Fans of the earlier seasons: who do you miss the most?

In my opinion, the show was never quite as compelling as it was in the first two seasons, and neither are the characters. If you agree, which character do you miss the most? I think I stand in a minority of those who liked Andrea.

It seemed to be a common opinion that most hated her, but you have to examine WHY you hated her, and understand that we were probably supposed to. I didn't like her because of who she was or anything she did, but rather what she brought to the show. Andrea was a rebel, a bitch and a sleaze, but set all that aside for a minute. Andrea made some bad decisions and took some wrong turns, but it was never out of malicious intent. Andrea always did what she thought was right, even when it opposed the majority. She was very "fight or flight". She just got the two mixed up and paid the ultimate price.

I just liked what she brought to the show, and the contrast she played to the cast of survivors. Hate her all you want, but admit it, the show would have been a lot more boring without her. AND she was the show's only link to Woodbury (Michonne was not yet linked to the group).


I find that the show worked better with a relatively small group of survivors and I felt that the early seasons had a more varied, balanced and believable assortment of characters. I basically miss all of the original members. In no particular order:

Shane. He was a crazy mother, but he understood earlier than Rick that they had to go to extremes to stay alive in this new world. As a character he definitely had a short expiring date, but I would've liked to see him around a little more, maybe slowing down his breakdown.

Dale. I couldn't stand him, but I would've liked to see his strong idealistic beliefs put to test with people like the Governor or the Termites, if not Negan.

Merle. My favourite asshat. His dedication to Daryl was his redeeming factor and I feel that they did scratch just the surface.

Hershel. While I don't agree with his religious side, he was nonetheless a great character and well thought. He was a better moral compass than Dale could ever be.

I didn't hate nor love Andrea. She did make a lot of bad decisions, but it was her character's flaw and it worked pretty well. Most of the complaints came from the comics fans anyway, since she was very different from her paper counterpart and, admittedly, less likeable. So there's that.


Yeah, don't get me started on Dale. I never read the graphic novels, and I understand his character was played out differently, but I know this of him on the show: other than being a good look out, he was completely useless. He did his dead level best to recognize a greater strength in everyone around him, so that when that strength was needed, he could sit back and leave the dirty work to everyone else. He sat atop his RV and played the "old man" card. I was glad to see him killed off, and it came as no surprise. He never had what it took to survive because everyone did his surviving for him (the TV Dale I mean).


I agree. He had it very easy on the farm, so he could spew all his idealistic nonsense all day long. But, in a sense, that worked for me. He was believable in his blindness, because a lot of human beings behave like that. As I wrote, it would've been interesting to see him against the real world outside the farm.


crazy eyes and always in everyone's business


Yep, I hated him! He was useless IMO.

I agree that the first three seasons were the best. Small cast, great balance of human predicaments and the "walkers".

Merle was a badass, and should never have been killed off. He was a great addition.

Herschel was a gem! He gave balance to the group. Did what Dale tried to do, but Dale was a dope.


I probably miss all the characters from the earlier seasons..They had a certain chemistry that seems glaringly lacking in the last several..

But who I miss the most?

I would say Glenn..He was this goofy, funny kid that basically grew up on the show and became a good man despite the apocalypse..He was also one of the few that seemed to mostly stay centered and never went to crazy town. That was probably due to the influence of Dale, Hershal and his relationship with Maggie. He was also one of the few that maintained full thoughtful conversations and didn't regress to 2 word sentences and grunts.

Hershal...He started out as a bit rigid and fundamental but he adapted and grew stronger and was the moral center and the voice of reason. He was a strong positive influence on the group.

Shane was a interesting character..although he couldn't last too long. He was able to do whatever it took but I think he was a narcissist from the beginning and couldn't help but look out for #1. Even his feelings for Lori and Carl were more about him. If he had survived longer it would've been at the cost of other survivors.

Merle was such a hateful character that it stands to reason that as we finally saw other layers to him that they would kill him off. It's always a shame that they don't bother to explore these characters until they are ready to kill them. His love for Daryl was always his saving grace.

Andrea..I never hated Andrea although it was trendy to do so. I'm not much for trendiness.. I thought she was spunky and never tried to do things just to please other people. Of course I didn't like all the things she did or her decisions..But unlike others said I thought her blindness to the Governor was more about her wanting to believe a better more normal life was possible. She also wanted to believe that there could be peace between humans and thought she could help negotiate that. In a normal world that might have been possible. But she paid the price for her blind trust.


1. Hershel/Dale (both are pretty similar characters to me)
2. Shane
3. Andrea


Definitely Shane.


Can someone remind me why Shane shot Otis in the leg and left him for the walkers to devour? It was when they went into town to find a respirator for Carl.

Carl was accidentally shot when Otis was aiming for the deer. Hershel suggested that Carl's chances of surviving were better if they had a respirator, so Shane and Otis went into town to find one.


Shane and Otis were hard pressed by walkers behind them and they were out of ammo, so Shane shot Otis in the leg to leave him as bait for the walkers while he got away.


I can't recall, it has been too long, Shane may have been wounded, as if he was limping after twisting his foot or something. If he could run at full speed it didn't seem necessary to make Otis bait. It has been long enough though that I can't recall if Shane was limping and moving at a slower gate or if he was 100% healthy.


Yes, yes, you're right. Shane hurt himself while falling down from the gym's window.


Thanks Red, that makes sense.


You're welcome. Bear in mind that Shane was genuinely trying to save Carl, but he was also a selfish jerk, so he did save himself first and foremost.


I don't think he was selfish about it, more like he made a business decision because the goal was to make it back to Carl ASAP. He saw it as his only choice because if Otis tried to help him it would slow them both down and probably both end up dead. He was never the same after that incident, because he came to believe these are the kind of decisions he will have to make to survive in this new world.




I miss the fact that I could love or even hate a character, it showed, I was at least invested enough to care. Now, I don't care about any of the characters. Pretty much anyone could die now and I would not give a darn toot.


That's my problem too. The writing this season seems like a vast improvement over the last several seasons (where it became mostly unwatchable for me) but I just don't feel invested in the characters they have left anymore.
I will miss Rick (and I guess Maggie) but I just don't have the same investment anymore. I don't know if it would bother me more than mildly if Daryl, Carol or Michonne got the shaft...
And for those others like Tara, Eugene, Rosita and the rest..I'm not even sure if it would even register if they were killed off.

I guess they're trying for a soft reboot but does anyone care about these characters they will have left?


Maybe I'm in minority here but Dale is the character I miss most.


I miss Beth. :(


I miss Beth too. And Noah. I think they would've made a cute couple.
