MovieChat Forums > Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023) Discussion > I'm kinda glad all these movies this yea...

I'm kinda glad all these movies this year are flopping...'s been at least 15 years of NON STOP big budget scifi/fantasy/action films. Star Wars, MCU,Star Trek, Jurassic Park, DCU, BOND, MI ALIEN, Terminator etc etc. Plus any new franchises. 90% of what's at the theater is big budget cgi films. Not to mention all the big budget tv shows. Its oversaturating people. It needs a break. As much as I love Indy and Mission Impossible maybe them failing is a good thing. We will get less big budget films and less content being pumped out of Hollywood. (Which probably makes about twice as much content from just 10 years ago)Also I hope half the streamers go belly up as well with the theaters ... ๐Ÿ˜‚


It's not just oversaturation of big budget CGI franchise movies. It's oversaturation of cynical, hollow, badly written franchise rape cash-ins with a massive overreliance on CGI that are also trying to ram identity politics down our throats.


Well whatever. The fact is Hollywood has been churning out shit so fast and at a quantity I have never seen. Remember when we used to see at most maybe 3 big summer "event" films per year??? And then maybe a couple fall winter event films??? The rest would have been comedies/thriller/suspence/drama. Now those types of films are mostly made for Streamers and rarely see the theater. If they do they are very short runs.


Enough of the endless sequels, remakes and rehashes. We need new creative, fresh original stories. From low budget to mid budget to high budget blockbusters. More originality. Hollywood badly needs it.


It does. I don't mind sequels or remakes if they are done well. The best reboot I have seen in recent years was Mad Max Fury Road. That was an excellent action film.


Mad Max was eight years ago already. A freshman in high school when it was released would be a college grad now.


People don't support original stuff.


Actually, there are a lot of books which are original but are never made into films/tv series. Many of these books are 20-30 years old, but in terms of storytelling, by far better than any of the woke crap being pushed down our throats.


I've noticed no one who says this stuff actually watches any of the original movies in the theaters. After all, no one watched Astroid City, Ruby Gillman, The Boogeyman or Elemental.


Yeah they really don't. Even when it is a big budget movie trying to do something different. I mean, Alita Battle Angel and Pacific Rim barely cracked $400M worldwide despite being far from the typical blockbuster that people online like to complain about.


I was considering seeing Asteroid City but it didnโ€™t play very long in my town.


Whoah there. Mission Impossible is great and is performing well. Indy 5 is woke garbage and has tanked, which is great news.

Big budget films are welcome as long as theyโ€™re good, like most Tom Cruise projects, but you are right about other genres not getting made. Comedies basically arenโ€™t allowed now because of woke, and what was the last adult thriller I saw in the cinema? Gone Girl, 9 years ago?

Hopefully, Sound Of Freedomโ€™s success will give studios a moment of pause to realise that they need to be funding good mid-budget dramas and thrillers, and drop the woke once and for all.


Dial of Destiny has been out-performing Mission Impossible domestically day by day. It's the international box office where Mission Impossible pulls ahead. There is nothing woke in Indiana Jones. Go see the movie. I agree with the gist of your post, though.


Why would I care about the domestic box office exclusively? I naturally only care about total gross, and Mission Impossible is beating the total failure that is Woke Indy.

I havenโ€™t seen it because I refuse to fund woke, but the worthwhile reviewers who scan for woke content have given it multiple thumbs down, citing PWB as an unnecessary empowered female insert who demeans the straight white male hero, is more capable than him, boasts about her โ€˜beautyโ€™ and being โ€˜self-reliantโ€™, makes that disgusting commie comment about โ€˜capitalismโ€™ etc etc

Itโ€™s obviously more woke dreck from that woke overlord bitch Kathleen Kennedy and itโ€™s great that it has made a huge loss.


It's not believe stupid shit... ๐Ÿ˜‚


I believe what Iโ€™ve already seen in the trailers, and I also believe credible reviewers with a track record of sniffing out woke and accurately reporting on it.

Indy V very clearly is woke, for the reasons I outlined in my last post, and itโ€™s tanking because of it.


Look, it's not what you think. I also did not like the capitalism line in the trailer. It put me off from seeing it, but my brother is a huge Indy fan and he dragged me to it. The line did not bother me in the context of the film, because the Waller-Bridge character is a crook. Indy is the driving force of the movie, not Helena Shaw. She does steal the spotlight a couple of times, but it's not egregious. If you are a fan of the original films, I highly suggest you not miss out on seeing the last time Harrison Ford ever plays the character on a big screen. We even get a John Williams score. It also has a beautiful coda that would move anyone without a heart of stone. Give it a shot, Rusty.


No. I will not fund woke. Everyone has a moral duty to destroy woke. When the woke stops and the quality improves then Hollywood is welcome to my cash again.

If Iโ€™m bored one day I might watch the film, but I sure as hell wonโ€™t be paying for it.


I'm totally with you on not funding woke. We just disagree on if this movie qualifies as woke. I don't think it does.


Don't try to convince these guys anymore. It was a decent film. I liked it. Helena Shaw was not a woke character. If anything she made woman look bad. She was a complete asshole for 2/3rds of the film and than eventually started bonding with Indy again....


Haha. Indy and MI are about the same so far lose... ๐Ÿ˜‚


The bad news is almost all of the top 10 movies each year, including this one, are still the big budget scifi/fantasy/action films that we've come to despise. The worldwide market eats these movies up, not nearly as many domestic viewers.

Honestly I think the Western World really doesn't acknowledge this is Asia's century. I've travelled quite a bit it's amazing how much Asia has prospered these last 30 years, all the while the Western World got all their jobs shipped over to...ASIA!

For example, the U.S. used to have a HUGE middle class. And when it did Hollywood made movies for that middle class. Now, that's GONE. You're either rich(10%) or poor(90%) in the U.S. Hollywood isn't going to market a movie to the poor, they're going to market to Asia as that's where the money went.


Yep. Shows how out of touch Hollywierd is.

They think a title and some CG will sell a film.

No one wants their pedo agenda. At some point Elon can buy Disney and take it to the moon.


CGI movies with big budgets are here to stay. The last time such a need for change occurred was in the late 60s. Things will get better, but I don't know when exactly. But though remakes will have to end, CGI, it's something that will have to be tolerated at worst.


CGI has improved a lot over the years. I still think the problem is a gluttony of releases. It's not special anymore. These types of films were big events. Now they are a dime a dozen and can be watched at home a month to 3 months later.
