MovieChat Forums > Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023) Discussion > Would people be mad if Indy had a young ...

Would people be mad if Indy had a young Male sidekick? ..

.....would they still be stubborn Fatboy's and refuse to go see it??? Or would they happily squeeze their fat asses in seats....


The 2nd film gave way too much time to sidekicks and because of that it was complete lame. The cheesy subject matter didn’t help.


i think the real issue they had was she kept snapping at him like he was stupid


Woman have done that in films for years. Lol. Including Temple of Doom and Raiders


i guess so, this time it just seemed "mean spirited" to me


They watched Temple of Doom with no issues.


Haha. True....


TOD was never a fav among Indie fans (even skinny people). Part of the reason was the annoying, screaming sidekicks.


I always liked the character of Shortround, but that's probably because I was a child when I first watched and was happy to see a kid, so he never bothered me. Willie on the other hand....


People didn’t like Mutt in Indy 4. Hell, I remember people who weren’t kids not liking Shortround in Indy 2.

It’s not gender that’s the problem, it’s the writing. Indy can have a sidekick as long as he or she isn’t annoying or cringe. If the sidekick is an adult and female, then bonus points if she’s hot.


No the issue with idiots like you relies on what race they are. It's beyond obvious.


Your concession is noted.


Another point for me. Scoreboard me 45 you 0.


45 losses for you and counting, huh? Thank you for your service. Your free wins are the only reason why we talk to you.


Another 5 points to me. Dude come on at least score 1 point please. This is getting boring.


Kid, you’re at -50 now, with a questionable counting method. I’d worry about yourself first.


Correction I'm at 50 you are at 0. Tell me anyone ever tell you you have garbage taste in cinema? I'm just glad idiots like you don't dictate what type of films get made. Idiots like you think you are the sole authority on what others can consider a good film. The only thing you will ever produce is crap in a toilet.


If you wanna continue wasting your money and time on things you don’t actually enjoy just for spite, go ahead, it doesn’t affect me at all.

You’re at -50, slick. You’ll hit the bottom soon, then there’s nowhere else to go but up.


I do enjoy well made movies. You just can't fathom that other people have a different opinion than you. You hating movies I love does not affect me one bit.

Nope I now am at 55 you are at 0. Step your game up simpleton.


You just can't fathom that other people have a different opinion than you.

That's ironic coming from you. You keep calling my taste trash because my opinions are different from yours. I've made it quite clear that I couldn't care less what your opinions or tastes are. Do whatever you want.

You hating movies I love does not affect me one bit.

Then why do you keep bringing it up? Why do you keep stalking me? You're obviously seething over my opinions. I don't care, yet clearly you do. Do you not see your lack of self-awareness?

You're at -55 now, huh? Keep digging, tyke. The bottom's coming.


I simply do not respect someone who doesn't respect other people's view. Respect is earned it is not given. You gave no respect therefore you do not get any in return. Also your taste is trash. You know nothing about cinema. You want a movie to echo back at you your political beliefs which are also misguided as well. I judge a movie based on it's own merits not if I like it's politics.

I am sick of the lack of respect and bigotry. Other people do not need your stamp of approval to have an opinion got it?

Now I am at 60. Once I reach 75 I think I will show you some mercy.


Except you’re the one going around this site being disrespectful of other’s opinions. You’re the one acting like you have the authority to decide whose opinions are trash or not.

Either you’re trolling or you really are that dense.

So -75 is your rock bottom? When you hit it, if you behave, I may feel gracious enough to lend you a hand. Till next time 👋🏻


I'm disrespectful to people like yourself. You gave none so I'm giving you none in return.

Man I'm now at 70 and you are at 0. Step it up or stay quiet and sit down. You are not a good guy. Get off this site.


You can be kind of an asshole... 😂


To people who are rude to me yes.


He didn't say anything about race did he?


So all people that don't like the film are overweight? Can you substantiate this?


Yes....yes I can...


So you're unable to differentiate anger from distaste for a movie. Interesting. Man am I ever thankful to God for the gifts he's given me.


Ah bullshit. 😂's woke anger, female sidekick anger, Kathleen Kennedy anger you name it. You fat nerds have spoken ... 😂


Wow you're angry. Go get some help with that before it eats you up.


Haha. I'm not angry. 😂


You're going way out of your way to make this important and calling people names, judging without any information. You're a fool, and an angry one at that.


No. I'm happy as a clam... 😂


An angry hateful clam that makes other clam's business his own. A very pathetic clam even when compared to other sleazy clams. Agreed.


Have you read your own conspiracy theory, deluded posts lately??? 😂
Dude you are just another fat loser filling up his big belly with carbs all day long. 😂 Have you ever watched YouTube vids of your kind??? Hysterical. And yes most are out of shape pricks... 😂


Wow that's a lot of anger and hatred. Judgmental clams- they're the worst lol


I judge with a smile. Not a frown.... 😂.....


So you love being angry and hateful. OK


Also judging is worse than emotions, especially when based on anger and hatred.


People can find a movie bad without any of those reasons.


Not in his world. The complexity of life is simply too much to take so narrowing it down to motivation by either anger or joy is necessary.


Not only that, but for someone so worried about sexism, he seems to insult "fat boys" an awful lot.


Fatboy? Are you projecting?


Not at 155lbs....lmao....


So you're anorexic and jealous. Easy fix. Go eat some food.


No. I enjoy being thin...


He seems to have an obsession with fat ass. Maybe he likes them.


No I just like to call out pot bellied nerds like you...


They did... Mutt. Stop being a faggot


He doesn't count....


He's male, and a sidekick. So is Short Round, and 80s audiences hated him too.

Take the dilator out of your axewound for a second and note every other person in this thread over and over pointing out how wrong you are.


Everyone loves shortround now..


Your obsession with fatness is noted.
A few key points for you:
- Set a realistic weight loss goal.
- Create a calorie deficit through diet and exercise.
- Eat a balanced and nutritious diet.
- Practice portion control.
- Monitor and track your food intake.
- Stay hydrated.
- Increase physical activity.
- Get enough sleep.
- Manage stress levels.
- Seek support


No that's for you fatties. I'm very thin. No love handles, no belly. Toned. I'm very healthy. All you fatties need to use that list. I don't have to portion control. I get like 90% fruits and veggies. Watermelon and pomegranate seasons are my favs...


- Set a realistic weight loss goal.
- Create a calorie deficit through diet and exercise.
- Eat a balanced and nutritious diet.
- Practice portion control.
- Monitor and track your food intake.
- Stay hydrated.
- Increase physical activity.
- Get enough sleep.
- Manage stress levels.
- Seek support


You should take your own dad bod here. I can assure you....but you??? Lmao...let's not discuss it... 😂
