"It's called capitalism."

No, you stupid fleabag, a bunch of idiots taking something from each other that doesn't belong to them is NOT capitalism. Capitalism is earning up money to buy things legally, or making something in a business and selling it to someone else. Stealing plays no part in that unless you're talking about the Black Market, and even then, that's not capitalism.


We know. The character speaking that line is an idiot who believes that. The character is clearly depicted as being mistaken about a great many things. The movie doesn't take that position. It's not a political manifesto of any kind. Also, the scene in which that line is spoken makes perfect scene in the context it appears, in which people are bidding on stolen goods at an auction which she herself is presiding over. Indy and the Nazi are arguing over whom the dial belongs to and she pretends there is a moral equivalency between them when there clearly isn't. That' all.

P.S. All ther rumors about F.W.-B. lecturing Indy about "stealing from indiginous peoples" never occurs in the film and is a total lie.

Having said all that, yes, it was a mistake to put that line in the trailer. Good advertising shouldn't cause political controversy if that isn't what was intended. They should have anticipated this.


Definitely a mistake to put that line in the trailer. It totally put me off seeing the film. Thankfully, my brother is a huge Indy fan and took me to see it. I absolutely loved it.


"The essential feature of capitalism is the motive to make a profit."

- International Monetary Fund, 2015


Gunboat diplomacy and so many wars about oil in recent history (including the one happening right now in Ukraine) are a showcase to that very feature.


This is hardly the "gotcha!" you clearly think it is. In the first place, every system requires you to make a profit (and some systems don't work, precisely because they don't). In producing literally anything you have costs you will have to cover. You have to make a profit over and above that in order to make a living. It's not enough just to cover your costs, and then have nothing left over to cover your basic needs like food, shelter, clothing, and putting by a little extra to cover emergencies.

In the second place, the need to make a profit does not constitute a justification to do anything in pursuit of that goal. Working harder, being innovative, bringing your costs down, providing better goods and/or service than your competitors, etc. all constitute perfectly acceptable, and indeed praiseworthy methods of making a profit. Stealing is criminal behavior, and does not constitute an acceptable way.


sounds like you'll have to take this up with the International Monetary Fund


I don't have to take anything up with the International Monetary Fund. Your implication that the desire to earn a profit is a justification for theft is a non sequitur.

When someone asks you to run down to the store and pick up a pint of milk for them, do you think they are telling you to steal it? ("Well, you didn't say buy, you just told me to get it.") Because that's the exact same leap you're making here.

There are acceptable, and unacceptable ways to achieve certain goals. We pass laws against the egregiously unacceptable ones.

This is not a difficult concept.


you sound triggered

are you okay?


Are you obtuse?


maybe getting your diaper changed would help


Oh, wow. You really got me there. Oscar Wilde had nothing on you for wit.


Whenever someone has no argument, they always resort to one of two things. The first is that they will become a grammar nazi and pick out typos or a lack of "perfect" punctuation. The second is that they will resort to name calling. The above picked the second option.


someone needs a nap


That insult is about as witty as telling someone that they need their diaper changed...


shhhh, grab your teddy bear




Which is why capitalism is the greatest engine of prosperity ever devised by mankind.


Helena was an awful character who was a sociopath with no redeeming qualities. Just a terrible human being.


Amen to that. A lot of people who have seen it said she was the worst part of the film! Even people working on set during filming couldn't stand her. They actually started calling the movie "Indiana Fleabag."


No, they didn't.


Her pleading with Indiana to go back with her at the end was a wonderful moment, superbly acted.


Lol nice troll


She helped Indiana reconcile with Marion. That seemed like a pretty nice thing to do.


I hated that line in the trailer, because I thought Phoebe Waller-Bridge was playing a sensible person. I didn't hate the line after I saw the movie and realized what a flawed, unscrupulous character Phoebe was playing. Exactly the sort of person who would have a very warped view of what capitalism is.


Agreed. Capitalism cannot function without the rule of law and enforcement of contracts. She doesn't know what she's talking about.
