1 billion?

This movie is similar to Top Gun 2:

1. Long awaited sequel.

2. The protagonist is a beloved old white man .

3. The plot is revolve around the old protagonist with young godson/goddaughter.

4. The protagonist and son/daughter have to work together to save the day.

5. Son/daughter's father's death have something to do with protagonist.(It's my guess, because from the trailer, the father play by Toby Jones is on the same train with Indy, I'm guessing he die on the train.)

6. Enemy is relate to Russia: Space race, Su-57.

So... 1 billion?


Not a chance in hell.


Before Top Gun 2 came out, people said the same thing: No chance 1 billion.



Fans of The Flash were predicting one billion too.
People were saying back in 2008 that IJ4 would be the highest grossing movie of that year. The Dark Knight stole IJ's thunder critically and commercially.
Now Spielberg is not the director. Mangold writes well and is a decent director. But I don't have confidence in him.


Mangold's resume is better than Top Gun 2's Kosinski. If you have no faith in Mangold, there no way you have faith in Kosinski before Top Gun 2 came out.


I don't rate Top Gun 2 and don't have interest in that movie and never brought it up. You did.


Top Gun audience doesn't give a shit who the director is.


What make you think that? I do, because I love Oblivion and Only The Brave. The three reasons I watched TG2 in theater in day 1 are: 1. Director's resume. 2. Trailers are awesome. 3. Fighters.


Top Gun Maverick was PURE AWESOMENESS.

This will just be MEH.


How do you know? Did you see it?


Meh? Ever the optimist.


The trailer doesn't bode well.


If this movie makes more than 500 million worldwide I would be surprised.


This has Nazi`s ! Evil non-Jew loving Nazi`s TG2 did not have that.


Well, it doesn't seem that it will reach 1 billion :(


Not even near to 500 million.


Even 1 billion Vietnamese Dong is unjustified...


unfortuantly Indy will be lucky to 'dial' up the .4 of the 1.4 billion TopGun 2 made :(actually nearer 1.5b)
